
Every day, I get to know a garden plant, the 10 golden-leaved Privets of the foliage plants

author:Thai kingfish

Name: Golden Leaf Virgin

Family: Muxi family

Genus: Privet

Alias: Yellow Leaf Girl

Every day, I get to know a garden plant, the 10 golden-leaved Privets of the foliage plants
Every day, I get to know a garden plant, the 10 golden-leaved Privets of the foliage plants
Every day, I get to know a garden plant, the 10 golden-leaved Privets of the foliage plants
Every day, I get to know a garden plant, the 10 golden-leaved Privets of the foliage plants

- Morphological characteristics:

Golden-leaved Privet evergreen or semi-evergreen deciduous shrub. The height of the plant is 1 to 2 meters, and the crown width is 1.5 to 2 meters. The branches are greyish brown. It is a hybrid of the phrysian ovary leaf Privet and the European Privet, the leaves are larger and the privet is slightly smaller, the single leaf is opposite, leathery, oblong, 3.5 to 6.0 cm long, 2.0 to 2.5 cm wide, the end is gradually pointed, there is a short mango tip, the base is round or broad wedge-shaped, the leaves are golden yellow in April to November, and yellowish brown to reddish brown in winter. It flowers from May to June, with a general inflorescence and white florets. The fruit ripens in late October, purple-black, and the drupe is broad-oval and purple-black. The leaves of the Golden Privet are golden in color, especially in spring and autumn.

——Garden use:

In the growing season, the leaf color of the golden privet is bright golden yellow, which can be composed of shrub-like color blocks with the purple leaf barberry, safflower tree, green leaf cypress, boxwood, etc., forming a strong color contrast, with excellent ornamental effect, and can also be trimmed into a spherical shape. Because its leaf color is golden yellow, it is widely used in landscaping, mainly used to form patterns and build hedges, and is one of the top ten common hedge plants.

- Ecological habits:

Strong adaptability, the soil requirements are not strict, in china south of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River Basin and other places of climatic conditions can adapt, good growth. Light-loving, slightly shade-tolerant, cold-tolerant, not tolerant of high temperature and high humidity, drought-resistant, less pests and diseases. In the Beijing-Tianjin area, the shelter in front of the building with a good microclimate can be kept from falling leaves in winter. It is highly resistant to disease and has few pests and diseases. Strong germination, rapid growth, resistant to pruning, in the case of strong pruning, the entire growth period can continue to sprout new shoots.

——Main production areas:

It is distributed in warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved forests from southern China to northern East China, southern warm-zone deciduous broad-leaved forests, northern subtropical deciduous and evergreen broad-leaved mixed forests, and central subtropical evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forests. It is a new species that is a hybrid of the Phnom Penh Privet, a variant of the ovary privet, and was introduced from Germany in 1983 by the Beijing Institute of Landscape Architecture.

——Management and maintenance:

The propagation and nursery of Jinsen Privet generally adopts cuttings propagation seedlings and high-connection propagation seedlings, the two methods have different uses, cuttings propagation is used for large-scale nursery nursery, high-pitch propagation is mainly to expand the greening function of plants. The following is a detailed description of the implementation steps of the two breeding methods.

First, the insertion and propagation method

Using two-year golden leaf Privet new shoots, it is best to cut the lignified part into about 15 cm cuttings, remove all the lower leaves, leave 2 to 3 leaves in the upper part, cut the upper shear 1 cm from the upper bud flat shear, and the lower shear is cut obliquely on the back of the bud to form a horseshoe shape. The cutting substrate is sterilized with coarse sand soil and 0.5% potassium permanganate solution for cuttings after 1 day. More detailed cuttings and seedlings for golden leaf privets can be referred to by clicking on the link.

It should be noted that the survival rate of cuttings has a lot to do with the substrate of cuttings, the concentration of rooting powder, the degree of lignification of cuttings and the time of cuttings, the specific operation is that the rooting rate of coarse sand soil for cuttings substrate is higher than that of fine sand soil, the rooting rate of one thousandth of the liquid of rooting powder is higher, the rooting rate of cuttings is higher than that of semi-woody, and the rooting rate of summer cuttings is higher than that of autumn.

Second, high grafting and reproduction

In order to improve the ornamentality of the golden leaf Privet, you can try to use the large leaf Privet as a rootstock, and cultivate it into a ball, cloud-like, layered distribution by grafting, and the dotted planting effect on the sides of the green flower bed or road is very good.

Grafting time is the best season in spring and autumn.

Specific grafting methods may refer to the article: Steps and Management Methods of Grafting of Golden Leaf Privets to Large Leaf Privets