
Jumping Fish: I've been jumping for 300 million years to get ashore, but I still jumped into your human kitchen

author:Brother Ye Xingtao

Hello everyone, it is time for "Tao Ge Blind White Life", it has not been updated for a long time in the history of marine life evolution series, and today I nag you about the inspirational star in the history of species evolution, and the natural enemy has stubbornly fought for more than 300 million years, one step away from landing, but helplessly encountered human jumping fish.

Jumping Fish: I've been jumping for 300 million years to get ashore, but I still jumped into your human kitchen

Jumping fish, scientific name is mudskipper, belongs to the order of ray-finned fish. Speaking of rayfin fish, the origin is quite ok, the earliest can be traced back to the middle Of the Devonian Period, their brother is the famous meat fin fish, more than 300 million years ago, the meat fin fish came ashore gradually evolved into tetrapods, and then became amphibians again, and then there are the arch and lizards, that is, the beasts and dragons, interested friends can look at my previous evolutionary history series to understand a little.

Why did the flesh fin fish, which also belonged to the teleost fish, land on land, but the spoke fin fish remained in the water?

I don't know, but I don't think that's very accurate, because the jumping fish in the spokefin fish also try to jump out of the water and land on the shore, and this jump is hundreds of millions of years.

In these hundreds of millions of years, the battle of dragons and beasts on land has been filled with smoke, the overlords in the ocean have changed from time to time, and the jumping fish, as a small, small appetite, and not very ambitious, have always been under the claws and teeth of countless predators. But what is surprising and even admirable is that as a fish, they have developed many skills that should not belong to fish, which is not inspiring!

First of all, they can live away from the water, in order to achieve this goal, jumping fish to develop their own respiratory system to the extreme, please pay attention to their cheeks:

Jumping Fish: I've been jumping for 300 million years to get ashore, but I still jumped into your human kitchen

Isn't it a drum? This is a rare feature of animals. I once read an article that said that one of the factors why humans can evolve to be more "advanced" is that primates can puff up their cheeks to ensure that they do not extinguish, while other mammals cannot do this action, and will not use fire to pull the rest in vain.

Of course, the jumping fish drumming up its cheeks is certainly not to blow fire, but to contain water, and the oxygen carried by this saliva can greatly extend the time of the jumping fish on the shore - carrying an oxygen tank with you belongs to yes.

In addition, the jumping fish has also developed a second respiratory organ, the skin, which is an ingenious way of ingesting air, which determines that as long as the humidity is enough, even on the shore, the jumping fish does not have to worry about lack of oxygen.

In addition, jumping fish, a small thing of less than 10 centimeters, has no claws and teeth, no armor, and the large predators are just a bird or even a crab prawn of comparable size, which is enough for them to drink a pot. Therefore, the jumping fish has become almost exactly the same color as its surroundings:

Jumping Fish: I've been jumping for 300 million years to get ashore, but I still jumped into your human kitchen

With the tidal flats integrated with the gray-brown protective color is not enough, the jumping fish adhering to the survival strategy of "thinking of danger in peace, looking at the six roads", the vast majority of fish on both sides of the eyes, hard to move to the top of the head, and to the maximum extent to expand it outward, driven by the eyeball muscles, the eyes of the jumping fish can be rotated 200 degrees, the visual range is almost no dead angles and blind spots:

Jumping Fish: I've been jumping for 300 million years to get ashore, but I still jumped into your human kitchen

The best thing is its fins. In previous evolutionary histories, I mentioned that finfish evolved into tetrapods because they had muscles and bones in their fins that helped them support their bodies. But jumping fish, as a ray-finned fish, is it a bit too much to have the skill of a meat-finned fish?

Jumping Fish: I've been jumping for 300 million years to get ashore, but I still jumped into your human kitchen

Look at this shifting gait? It's a dream back in the Devonians, and I even suspect that this was the pose when the first finned fish came ashore!

And the fins of the jumping fish are extremely powerful, and the distance of 5 to 10 centimeters may not be nothing, but according to the proportion of the body, it is not high:

Jumping Fish: I've been jumping for 300 million years to get ashore, but I still jumped into your human kitchen

Even the abdominal fin of the jumping fish can be opened and closed into suction cups, which can not only be staggered on land, but also adsorbed on the trunk when necessary, which is confusing - not only can walk and jump, but now it is also on the tree, the next step is to want to go to heaven?

Jumping Fish: I've been jumping for 300 million years to get ashore, but I still jumped into your human kitchen

Stop, let's take a look:

The ancestors of human beings were great ape mammals, mammals were a branch of the homotophea, the hygropods were born from the tetrapods, and the tetrapods were changed by the flesh-finned fish ashore.

Teleost fish are two masters, the meat fin fish ashore gave birth to our only high-level civilization on the planet, and although the rayfin fish is now the largest subclass of vertebrates, containing more than 30,000 species, but in the water to watch their brothers on the shore in the longitudinal and horizontal clouds, will they finally be a little unwilling, but also want to follow the old path of meat fin fish, after a gap of 300 million years to counterattack? - Maybe the seemingly weak jumping fish is the pioneer of the radiation fin fish on the evolutionary path?

If that's the case, then the ray-finned fish may have miscalculated, because they have jumped for more than 300 million years and finally jumped to the human table.

Jumping fish tofu soup, delicious:

Jumping Fish: I've been jumping for 300 million years to get ashore, but I still jumped into your human kitchen

In some parts of Japan and China, oil bomb coated fish is also a mouth-watering snack:

Jumping Fish: I've been jumping for 300 million years to get ashore, but I still jumped into your human kitchen

Frenzied humans have even developed a very insulting way to eat mudskipper dumplings:

Jumping Fish: I've been jumping for 300 million years to get ashore, but I still jumped into your human kitchen

Braised to one shot:

Jumping Fish: I've been jumping for 300 million years to get ashore, but I still jumped into your human kitchen

Take a walk in salt and pepper:

Jumping Fish: I've been jumping for 300 million years to get ashore, but I still jumped into your human kitchen

Sauce stew up:

Jumping Fish: I've been jumping for 300 million years to get ashore, but I still jumped into your human kitchen

It's not impossible to get drunk:

Jumping Fish: I've been jumping for 300 million years to get ashore, but I still jumped into your human kitchen

Rayfin Fish: How did you get ashore?

Finfish: It's not fun in the water.

Rayfin Fish: Okay, remember to go home and check it out.

Finfish: Gotta.

300 million years later.

Finfish: Come on up, it's fun.

Spokefin Fish: Got it.

Finfish: It is impossible to release it, put onions, ginger and garlic.

Rayfin Fish: Meat Fin Fish I %¥............*@#¥

Well, I am Tao Brother, love fishing can talk, today I will live blindly here, like to pay attention to me.