
The Russian Black Sea Fleet was attacked, Biden was angry with Zelensky, and Ukraine was about to usher in three huge challenges

author:Power Observation Room
The Russian Black Sea Fleet was attacked, Biden was angry with Zelensky, and Ukraine was about to usher in three huge challenges

Since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, various crises have inevitably emerged in the world, in addition to the energy crisis and the economic crisis, the food crisis has gradually emerged. Some developed countries can still obtain enough food through high prices for the time being, but the world is not only developed countries, developing countries still account for the majority, food as a national strategic security material, once the premium is serious, the unlucky will eventually be those poor countries. At present, the world's two major grain exporting countries are fighting "difficult to share", and grain has become one of the things to compete for for a while. In order to alleviate the negative impact of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict on world food, Russia signed the Istanbul Food Agreement framework. I thought that in this way, the food problem would be solved soon, but who knows, a kick at the door went wrong.

According to comprehensive reports, the Ukrainian side launched the largest drone attack on the Sevastopol base where the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet is located. To this end, the Russian side said that because it could not guarantee the safety of civilian ships, it decided to suspend its participation in the transportation of grain from Ukrainian ports indefinitely from the day of the Ukrainian attack, and also discussed the Ukrainian attack at the United Nations Security Council meeting.

The Russian Black Sea Fleet was attacked, Biden was angry with Zelensky, and Ukraine was about to usher in three huge challenges

As early as before, Russia has repeatedly said that these shipped grain has not been shipped to countries in need in accordance with the relevant provisions of the food agreement, but all to the hands of developed countries in Europe, and so far no European country has come forward to deny this matter, and even the United States has remained silent.

However, a pause would mean a further increase in the risk of a food crisis. But a plan announced by Russia has given the world a sense of security. Russia said that because of its bumper harvest this year, it can provide 500,000 tons of grain to poor countries free of charge, which is not a small amount. However, Ukraine said that Russia stopped the agreement "without talking about martial virtue" and wanted to continue the previous agreement. But to the bottom of this, Ukraine itself is to blame. Ukraine is so insatiable that even US President Biden can't help but get angry.

According to US media disclosures, as early as June this year, the United States had approved a $1 billion military aid to Ukraine, and then when the Biden administration informed Zelensky of the good news by phone, who knew that instead of thanking the United States, the other party began to list the additional help that Ukraine needed but the United States did not provide. At this time, Biden did not hold back and was angry with Zelensky on the phone. It can be seen that the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant. Then, after Russia announced an indefinite food cessation agreement, Ukraine is also about to face three major challenges.

The Russian Black Sea Fleet was attacked, Biden was angry with Zelensky, and Ukraine was about to usher in three huge challenges

First of all, Ukraine's grain is facing the problem of not being able to export.

Although the Ukrainian side said that it is ready to continue deliveries of agricultural products. But it is clear that there is a huge disparity in the naval and air forces of Russia and Ukraine in the Black Sea. The Russian army is fully capable of intercepting ships delivering grain in Ukraine. As a result, the Ukrainian state will lose a large amount of income this year.

Secondly, Ukraine's economy will make things worse.

The Russian Black Sea Fleet was attacked, Biden was angry with Zelensky, and Ukraine was about to usher in three huge challenges

According to the Ukrainian government, with the entry into force of this Black Sea grain, Ukraine has successfully shipped 9 million tons of grain outward, and this export income is a blessing for Ukraine at war. At present, the Ukrainian government's financial situation is extremely difficult, relying on the financial assistance of the United States and the West every day and month, and this grain export can relieve the financial pressure, and now this channel is also about to be cut off.

Finally, the path of negotiations on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict will be blocked.

Since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, in addition to the exchange of prisoners, the real value of the two sides is this grain export agreement. Now that this agreement has also been interrupted due to unexpected events, dialogue and negotiation between Russia and Ukraine have become more difficult. Such concessions by Russia would have been aimed at easing tensions and increasing the likelihood of peace talks. This is good, Ukraine itself blocked the road.

The Russian Black Sea Fleet was attacked, Biden was angry with Zelensky, and Ukraine was about to usher in three huge challenges

Now, Ukraine has sounded the air defense siren throughout the territory, and it is Russia's retaliation. I believe that it will not be long before Ukraine will be in big trouble. (Qiyue)