
A girl group member who was once too fat to watch! Why is Ye Shuhua so popular that it explodes in South Korea now?

author:Shingo Aesthetics Club

Recently, the girl music group (G)I-DLE under Cube Entertainment in South Korea returned to the music scene with a new song "Nxde", in addition to the brainwashing melody of the new song instantly set off a global craze, the MV exceeded 100 million views in just 17 days, in order to pay tribute to the generation of sexy goddess Marilyn Monroe, all members changed into blonde hair styles, and their beautiful appearance was even more popular, especially Ye Shuhua, a Taiwanese member of the team who served as the chorus, façade, and busy, with a beautiful appearance and a sexy and sultry singing voice, setting off a lot of topic discussions!

A girl group member who was once too fat to watch! Why is Ye Shuhua so popular that it explodes in South Korea now?

Ye Shuhua

22-year-old Taiwanese member Ye Shuhua, debuted with (G)I-DLE in 2018, and served as a backing singer, façade, and busy in the team, but in the past, due to the situation of big voice and poor stage strength, he was once known by netizens as "Is there a dispensable existence in (G)I-DLE?" "Set off the topic, this time with the return of the members with the new song (G)I-DLE "Nxde", she stood in the C position, perfectly showing the stage strength and shame, not only captured the hearts of a large number of fans, but also made Koreans with xenophobic culture love her to the point of explosion! This time, Sister Yan searched for 6 things about Ye Shuhua, so let's take a look at what charm she has!

A girl group member who was once too fat to watch! Why is Ye Shuhua so popular that it explodes in South Korea now?

(G) I-DLE member Ye Shuhua's sexy style has set off a topic!


Ye Shuhua, born in 2000, is a real treasure girl in Taiwan Province of China, her father is a Hakka and her mother is an aborigine, and after successfully participating in the Cube selection in April 2016, she completed the drama department of Huagang Art School for one year and completed, and took a break from school in the second grade and flew to South Korea as a trainee, it is reported that Shuhua was secretive from her parents at the beginning, and did not tell her parents until the day before she was going to fly to South Korea.

A girl group member who was once too fat to watch! Why is Ye Shuhua so popular that it explodes in South Korea now?

Ye Shuhua is a real treasure girl in Taiwan Province!

Ye Shuhua, who served as a trainee in 2016, debuted with the (G)I-DLE girl group in 2018, and served as a trainee for only 2 years, I don't know if the stage strength is not solid enough, or the song part that was assigned in the past is not much to show, whether it is singing or dance performance, it is often controversial, and even because of the tight and stiff expression during the performance, he was acid debuted by netizens for three years and could not reach the idol level, but Shuhua did not give up because of external criticism, relying on hard work, successfully performed with songs〈 TOMBOY" snow shame, Shu Hua's stage direct shooting clip has set off the topic, recently returned with the new song "Nxde", sexy costumes and charming magnetic voice, once again impressed everyone, and netizens left messages saying: "Every time I come back, my appearance, singing skills, and expressions are upgraded, which is really great!" ”

A girl group member who was once too fat to watch! Why is Ye Shuhua so popular that it explodes in South Korea now?

Ye Shuhua's stage strength is controversial.

Ye Shuhua in South Korea but a large number of fans pursued, in the past there have been netizens to say Korean and Chinese video comparison editing, with the title "Shu Hua said Chinese hour 180 degree change" uploaded, the video can be seen that Shu Hua speaks Chinese tone is cold and bites clearly, but when speaking Korean, but instantly become silly white sweet, although Korean is not spoken very well, but the pronunciation is very cute, the film has caused 3 million views, the following has attracted many netizens to comment: "I hope Shuhua Korean will not learn too fast!" "Super like a baby learning Korean." ”。

A girl group member who was once too fat to watch! Why is Ye Shuhua so popular that it explodes in South Korea now?

Shu Hua said that the tone of Korean and Chinese is very contrasting!

Shuhua was not only criticized for stage strength, but in the past because of his relatively rounded appearance, he was criticized by netizens as a "fat idol who can't stand it", because his strength is already bad, and he is very undedicated to not doing a good job in appearance management. However, from "TOMBOY" to the return of this "Nxde", it can be clearly seen that Shuhua has become much thinner, the entire facial features are more three-dimensional than in the past, and her beauty has instantly upgraded a lot, in fact, in the past, she has revealed her slimming secret in the live broadcast, in addition to relying on Pilates to exercise and sculpt the body, diet control is to refuse to eat fried food, stewed soup, and do not eat after six o'clock, nor eat supper, if you are really hungry to stand it, you will rely on nuts and sweet potatoes to relieve hunger, In addition, Shuhua occasionally implements a one-day slimming menu, 1 apple in the morning with low-fat yoghurt; Chinese food eats brown rice and multigrain rice, with pickles and side dishes, and dinner only eats steamed sweet potatoes, and chicken breast, interested readers can refer to it!

A girl group member who was once too fat to watch! Why is Ye Shuhua so popular that it explodes in South Korea now?

I was criticized for being chubby!

A girl group member who was once too fat to watch! Why is Ye Shuhua so popular that it explodes in South Korea now?

Shu Hua, who has become thinner and more beautiful

As a girl group idol, Ye Shuhua, in order to show the charm of the stage, often needs to rely on makeup, hair dyeing, nail art and exquisite clothing to decorate, but in fact, in private Shuhua is very advocating nature, whether it is live broadcast or private selfies, she likes to present it to fans in a state without makeup, she once revealed on social software: "Love your natural state, this is the beauty in my mind, although I don't know what everyone will think of me, but I will love my true appearance." ”

A girl group member who was once too fat to watch! Why is Ye Shuhua so popular that it explodes in South Korea now?

Ye Shuhua likes his true appearance.

A girl group member who was once too fat to watch! Why is Ye Shuhua so popular that it explodes in South Korea now?

Image source: Shuhua @IG

Ye Shuhua has a very straightforward personality, has a straightforward personality, and often replies to fans in a spicy tone, so he is named a "golden sentence making machine" by fans, like when netizens question Is this the Ye Shuhua I know? She replied: "We don't know each other!" ", was ridiculed by netizens because of wearing a short skirt: "Do you wear pants?" Shu Hua responded domineeringly: "Can't you see that it's a skirt?" ”

A girl group member who was once too fat to watch! Why is Ye Shuhua so popular that it explodes in South Korea now?

Ye Shuhua's personality is spicy and straightforward!

A girl group member who was once too fat to watch! Why is Ye Shuhua so popular that it explodes in South Korea now?

Recently, are you also attracted by the charm of (G)I-DLE Ye Shuhua, from the strength of the controversial to standing in the C position, let everyone be impressed, let everyone look forward to her stage performance in the future, in addition, you can also learn her slimming secrets and improve your appearance charm!

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