
General Cai died in Japan at the age of 34, the cause of death is doubtful, was he poisoned by Japan or died of flower willow disease?

author:Hiroshi Bunshi
General Cai died in Japan at the age of 34, the cause of death is doubtful, was he poisoned by Japan or died of flower willow disease?

Andy Lau plays Cai Cheng

On November 8, 106 years ago, General Cai Cheng, a famous revolutionary in modern China, passed away. Cai Wei has great influence in modern China, he was the initiator of the national defense movement, shattered Yuan Shikai's dream of becoming emperor, so Chinese respected Cai Wei. But Cai died in Japan at the age of 34, and his death brought endless regret to people, but also brought people a lot of speculation, whether he died of natural causes, poisoned by the Japanese, or died of flower willow disease?

1. The life of Cai Cheng

Cai Wei was born in 1882, a native of Hunan, and studied under Liang Qichao. In 1899, Cai entered Nanyang College, and later learned that Liang Qichao was in exile in Japan, and he entered the Japanese military academy with the sponsorship of Tang Caichang. In 1903, in Japan, he and Huang Xing formed the Anti-Russian Volunteer Team to protest the Russian invasion of northeast China. In October, he graduated from the Japanese Army Noncommissioned Officer School, and when he returned to China, just in time for the Qing government to organize and train the New Army throughout the country, Cai Cheng came to Guangxi, Yunnan and other places to be responsible for training the New Army, and thus he mastered a powerful armed force in the southwest region.

After the outbreak of the Wuchang Uprising, Cai organized an uprising in Yunnan, and he was elected governor of Yunnan. After that, Yuan Shikai stole state power and suppressed the Second Revolution. Relying on his martial arts, Yuan Shikai forcibly transferred Cai Cheng, the leader of the largest armed forces in the southwest, into Beijing, and Cai Wei entered Beijing to avoid civil war. Yuan Shikai gave him many titles, and Cai Wei also worked hard for Yuan Shikai. However, as Yuan Shikai's ambitions expanded, his autocracy became stronger, and his reaction deepened, Cai Wei finally saw Yuan Shikai's fake republic and true dictatorship, so he planned to flee.

General Cai died in Japan at the age of 34, the cause of death is doubtful, was he poisoned by Japan or died of flower willow disease?

Yuan Shikai government

In 1915, after implementing many white terror methods, Yuan Shikai finally began his important step in restoring the imperial system, encouraging momentum. In August, Yuan Shikai formed a preparatory committee and sent people to monitor the members of the Beijing people. In order to paralyze Yuan Shikai, Cai Wei fought with the prostitute Xiao Fengxian in the eight alleys of the famous red light district, and he sent his family back to his hometown in Hunan under the pretext of lingering in Qinglou. In October, Cai asked Yuan Shikai for a leave of absence saying that he had a laryngeal disease and a speech disorder, and that he had to go to Tianjin for medical treatment. Yuan Shikai is accurate. The treatment was delayed until November, and Cai Cheng said that he had not recovered from his long-term illness and had to go to Japan for treatment, but Yuan Shikai still allowed him to play. On December 2, Cai went to Japan on a Japanese oil tanker. After arriving in Japan, Cai finally got rid of Yuan Shikai's surveillance and took a boat into Hong Kong in Kobe, from Hong Kong to Hanoi, and then from Hanoi to Yunnan.

General Cai died in Japan at the age of 34, the cause of death is doubtful, was he poisoned by Japan or died of flower willow disease?

Cai Zheng and Xiao Fengxian

After a bumpy journey, on December 19, 1915, Cai finally "smuggled" back to Yunnan. After some contact, on the 25th, Yunnan declared its independence, kicking off the prelude to the armed struggle of the Protectorate Army. The Protectorate Army was in full swing, and Yuan Shikai was forced to abolish the imperial system. However, at this moment, Cai's condition was very serious, and it was delayed until August 29, 1916, when Cai returned to Japan for medical treatment and was admitted to the Affiliated Hospital of Fukuoka Medical University in Kyushu. On November 8, Cai's condition deteriorated and he died at the age of 34.

Second, the Japanese secretly harmed Cai?

Cai Wei was a patriotic general and revolutionary whom Chinese greatly respected, and when the Republic of China was awarded the medal in 1915, Cai Wei ranked third, second only to Sun Yat-sen and Huang Xing, and made outstanding contributions and great influence in the history of the modern Chinese revolution. But his sudden death at a young age sparked much speculation about the cause of his death.

The first theory is that Cai was assassinated by the Japanese. Cai Songpo's 1947 recollection of Cai Songpo's "Life and Facts of Mr. Cai Songpo" argues that Cai Cheng "was jealous of the Japanese, and secretly caused doctors to murder those who died." Mixed doubts for a while, several times across the country." Lei Biao Ziyun "followed Cai Wei for more than ten years, tribulations and hardships, especially taste and know deeply." It shows that he is Cai's confidant and can understand a lot of internal affairs.

General Cai died in Japan at the age of 34, the cause of death is doubtful, was he poisoned by Japan or died of flower willow disease?


For this statement, it is entirely possible in modern China, which is poor and weak! What Japan pursues in modern times is China's division and weakness, and Yuan Shikai claimed that the emperor was at the cost of the "Civil Fourth Treaty" (most of the articles in the 21st Article), and if Yuan Shikai could not claim the title of emperor, or Yuan Shikai stepped down, then the "Fourth Treaty of the Civil Nation" could not be fulfilled, which seriously harmed Japan's interests. Therefore, the Japanese hated Cai Cheng, who opposed Yuan Shikai. Thinking of the defeat of Ma Guan and Weihe in the Sino-Japanese War, even Li Zhongtang Li Hongzhang of the Qing Empire could be shot twice on the street, and now the Republic of China is in chaos, a small general, kill and kill.

General Cai died in Japan at the age of 34, the cause of death is doubtful, was he poisoned by Japan or died of flower willow disease?

Yuan Shikai restored

In 1928, when the Jinan Massacre occurred, the Japanese, in disregard of public international law, brazenly gouged out their nose and eyes and shot the minister Cai Gongshi. Cai Gongshi was also surnamed Cai, and suddenly pulled the thoughts of the countrymen back to Cai Zheng. In 1928, the "Guowen Pictorial" published an essay by a person signed "Amitabha Buddha", who said: "I happened to read the "Brahma Lu Conglu", which contains a detailed story of Cai Songpo's death of Japanese rape, and I suspect that Cai Songpo's death in Japan seeking medical treatment is far away. "The "Brahma Lu Conglu" mentioned here is similar to today's "Story Meeting", some people say that there is a story on this, it is Cai Cheng who set up a clever plan to kill Japanese devils, and since then Japan has hated Cai Zheng, which is the far cause of Cai Cheng's death in Japan. Therefore, around 1928, the rumor that the Japanese assassinated General Cai Cheng almost became the consensus of the Chinese.

When the September 18 Incident broke out in 1931 and the three eastern provinces fell, Chinese hatred for Japanese devils deepened. In 1932, Zhao Mianyun, who had served as the secretary of the Senate in the Duan Qirui government (similar to today's secretary general of the National People's Congress), also revealed in his edited book "Celebrity Anecdotes: The Truth of Cai Songpo's Injury to Medicine": "Yu heard of all friends, the words were conclusive, and it was said that on the day of General Cai's death, the slaves were privately happy." Occasionally in the press, it is forbidden by the government, and it is not difficult to measure the secret." This passage is half-white, the key is "Yu heard friends, words are conclusive", that is, I listened to many of my friends say conclusively.

But in the context of actual analysis, these news are a little too wild. Cai still pays attention to personal protection when seeking medical treatment. In 1916, the Shanghai "News" reported: "Cai's every food must be the same food, first test the poison in one and then put it in the other, and its self-defense can be described as strict." "Secondly, Cai Cheng did not enter Japan alone, he went with his trusted escort and concubine Pan Shi, these people took care of Cai Zheng with him, if Cai Zheng's condition turned from good to bad, they could not be indifferent. Therefore, the saying that the Japanese poisoned was only circulated before and after the Anti-Japanese War, and has basically disappeared after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

General Cai died in Japan at the age of 34, the cause of death is doubtful, was he poisoned by Japan or died of flower willow disease?

Japan clinic

Third, died of willow disease?

The people are the most fond of gossip and peachy news, and this is true all over the world. Cai Wei died at the age of 34, in addition to the Japanese poisoning theory circulated for a while, there is a more widely spread saying, that is, Cai Wei died of flower willow disease!

In 1995, a Shanghai publication published "The Death of General Cai Cheng" written by a man named Zhang Aiping. The article says that "Cai ... Into Sichuan... The original laryngeal disease broke out at this time due to excessive fatigue." The old Chinese medicine doctor who treated Cai Cheng was called Liu Yunfeng, and after returning home, he dictated it, and his son recorded it, and recorded Cai Zheng's symptoms into a diagnosis and prescription. In 1959, the diagnosis was passed to Liu Jingan, the 30-year-old brother of Liu Yunfeng, and Liu Jingan published it, and the conclusion of the diagnosis was - "After the diagnosis, I was secretly shocked that this was bayanosyphilis." Myorassago syphilis is a flower willow disease, and those who stay in brothels are often recruited.

It is rumored that the Longqing Emperor of the Ming Dynasty and the Tongzhi Emperor of the Qing Dynasty both died of Hualiu's disease in their prime, and the mortality rate of this disease was extremely high. So why did Cai get this disease? Linked to his love with Xiao Fengxian, a conjecture appeared. Cai Wei was supervised by Yuan Shikai during his stay in Beijing, in order to let Yuan Shikai relax his vigilance, Cai Wei stayed in Qinglou to insult himself, not only with Xiao Fengxian, but also with many women in the eight alleys, some of whom carried the virus, and then Cai Wei was recruited.

General Cai died in Japan at the age of 34, the cause of death is doubtful, was he poisoned by Japan or died of flower willow disease?

Xiao Fengxian and Cai Zheng

This version is covered with a peach-colored veil, and it is the steel bone tenderness of generals and beauties, and there is the national righteousness of General Cai Cheng who insults himself for the country, which perfectly fits people's imagination of "gossip", so this rumor has existed since Cai Cheng's death to the 90s. But today, through scientific historical investigation methods of analysis, first see if there is a person Liu Yunfeng? Did Liu Yunfeng really treat Cai Cheng? The August 1916 edition of the "Declaration" recorded in detail Cai's actions after entering the river: on the 14th, Cai did consult a Chinese medicine doctor. The doctor, Lu Jinting, a Chengdu TCM expert introduced by Yin Xiu Chenghao of Dongchuan Dao, Sichuan, said that Cai "really suffered from overwork." The newspaper on the 31st said: On the day Cai went to the French hospital in Chengdu, there were soldiers standing guard on the road, which was very spectacular, and after the French hospital examined with instruments and equipment, Cai Wei "was extremely ill, his lungs were damaged, and he should rest as soon as possible."

So from any point of view, the theory of Hua Liu's disease is just a wild history rumor.

General Cai died in Japan at the age of 34, the cause of death is doubtful, was he poisoned by Japan or died of flower willow disease?

Today's eight alleys

Wen Shijun said

Why did General Cai Wei die, so far, it is indeed due to lung disease, and there is no problem with Japanese treatment. During General Cai's career, his lungs had problems, so he triggered a laryngeal chain reaction. But because he has been in the army for a long time, there is no sophisticated medical equipment in the army, and there is no complete set of medicines, so the doctor can only treat Cai Wei according to the throat disease, and Cai Cheng himself thought that he had throat disease. After that, in order to get rid of Yuan Shikai's surveillance, Cai entered the eight hutongs to buy drunk, which delayed the treatment time, and eventually his condition deteriorated irreversibly. After meeting with Liang Qichao, Liang Qichao thought that Cai Cheng was infected in the Eight Hutongs, so he found a doctor to show him Hualiu disease, so there were rumors that Cai Wei was suffering from Hualiu disease. In August 1916, French doctors diagnosed Cai with lung disease through precision instruments, but it was too late, and Cai died young.


Zeng Yeying: Why did Cai Wei die prematurely in Japan? Modern History Research, No. 5, 2021.

Zeng Yeying: "Why was Cai Wei unjustly expelled in Guangxi in 1910?" Anti-Japanese War Research, No. 3, 2022.

(Author: Haoran Wenshi Purple Tangerine)

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