
is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

author:Talk about entertainment with cold eyes

Yin Guoju, born in 1955, and Zhou Zhuohua, born in 1974,

Both are prominent figures, both were once the best in Macau's gaming industry, and both of them also let themselves go to jail because they couldn't grasp themselves after becoming famous.

There are many similarities between two people, and there are many differences in two people.

In fact, the age difference between Yin Guoju and Zhou Zhuohua is nearly 20 years,

Two people with huge age differences and completely different personalities were eventually connected by the job of "Stacking Horse Boy".

01: The similarities between Yin Guoju and Zhou Zhuohua

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

Yin Guoju, born in 1955, has a nickname - Broken Tooth Ju.

He was born in a ghetto, his family is ordinary, his father is just an ordinary water worker,

Due to family poverty, it is difficult to solve the problem of food and clothing from childhood to adulthood, let alone being able to study and go to college like other people's children.

The family is poor, so he created the ambition of the broken tooth colt from childhood to adulthood,

When his family was poor, he chose not to study and chose to go out to work.

As long as it is a lucrative job, no matter how hard it is, he is willing to do it.

Later, he discovered that the hard work could not make money, and slowly he came into contact with scalpers and the Macau gaming industry.

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

Zhou Zhuohua, born in 1974, has a nickname - Ximihua.

Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth have a lot in common, such as their family background and their ambitions.

Zhou Zhuohua was also born in an ordinary family, and his family was poor, so he didn't study much since he was a child.

There is no money, so I can only come out early to work to earn money to subsidize my family.

At that time, he was also like Broken Tooth, because he couldn't make too much money by working hard, so he put his ambition into the Macau gaming industry.

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

In fact, in that era, it was not only Broken Tooth Ju and Zhou Zhuohua who wanted to get ahead in Macau's gaming industry.

There were many ambitious dreamers like them in those days.

In those days, there were actually many ambitious people who dared to chase their dreams and got a piece of the Macau gaming industry.

It's just that the two people, Broken Tooth Ju and Zhou Zhuohua, are relatively excellent and typical.

02: The fortune of Broken Tooth Ju and Zhou Zhuohua

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

After Broken Tooth entered the Macau gaming industry, he started from a young age.

Because he was affectionate and righteous, many people admired him when he was mixed with rivers and lakes.

Because of his courage, he quickly mastered the business of "stacking boys" in the Macau gaming industry.

But in Macau's gaming industry, when the tooth is at its most brilliant, the stacker boy's career is in charge, and even the gambling king Stanley Ho has no way to interfere in his career.

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

The job of stackers in Macau's gaming industry is particularly quick to make money, because when they serve customers, they have to take a commission regardless of whether the customer wins or loses.

In other words, as long as someone enters the gaming industry in Macau, they can make money from it.

In this way, Broken Tooth's career grew rapidly.

After making his fortune, he also became a 14k jianghu boss in Hong Kong at that time.

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

There is too much oil and water, and naturally someone will focus on the career of the stacking boy.

At that time, two people were eyeing this career, one was Xiang Huaqiang and the other was Zhou Zhuohua.

Xiang Huaqiang is also a big man in the rivers and lakes, and he was thinking of getting a piece of the pie through his own tough way.

But Broken Tooth is not a vegetarian person, he is affectionate in the rivers and lakes, and there are many people who support him and recognize him.

So when Xiang Huaqiang wanted to come over and get a piece of the pie, he was directly tough with Xiang Hua.

In the end, the real winner is the broken tooth.

Once again, he admired Huaqiang's loss, and since then he has never thought of continuing to take a share of the Macau gaming industry.

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

Zhou Zhuohua, who entered the Macau gaming industry to get ahead, knows how fat the oil and water of this job really is.

Many people like him who work silently just wonder if customers can give a little more tips and then make a little more money to go home.

But he is different, his ambition is the same as that of Broken Tooth, he wants to become the controller of the stacking boy, and he also wants to become the gambling king.

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

At that time, Broken Tooth Ju successfully became the controller of Folding Horse Boy, and there were rumors in the rivers and lakes that the power behind him was the same in Macao at that time.

It is also because he is rich, famous and powerful, so he also wanted to make himself a real gambling king.

Broken Tooth knows that no matter how his stacking boy business makes money, Stanley Ho does not make money.

But just when he wanted to become a gambling king, someone stood up to stop him, and this person was the famous - Fok Yingdong.

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

At that time, almost everyone in Macao was afraid of broken teeth, but Fok Yingdong was not afraid.

Back then, Fok Yingdong warned Broken Tooth Ju not to be too high-profile, and at the same time to know how to restrain himself.

After Fok Yingdong came forward, the broken tooth horse of the year did converge a lot, but his high-profile style was still undiminished.

If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer a loss in front of you, and in the end, the broken tooth colt is still liquidated.

In 1998, the broken tooth colt, who was in the middle of a brilliant career, was arrested in 1999, and he was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

After Broken Tooth was sentenced to prison, Zhou Zhuohua, who also had the ambition to be the master of the stacking boy and the gambling king, had a chance.

It was also at this time that two people who should not have been connected ended up being connected.

In the two years when the broken tooth was just liquidated, many people did not dare to approach, because those people were afraid that they would be implicated because of it.

But the poor and white Zhou Zhuohua was not afraid, he was directly close, and he also won the trust of the broken tooth.

The broken tooth foal made its fortune through his own hands.

Zhou Zhuohua is different, Zhou Zhuohua jumped up with the help of the fame and status of the broken tooth horse.

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

Ambitious, scheming, and planning Zhou Zhuohua.

In the end, I really realized my dream, and at the same time I got what I wanted.

Zhou Zhuohua not only controlled all the stacking boy business, he also became a new generation of gambling kings.

Unfortunately, his ambition is even greater than that of Broken Tooth, and he must do what he can't do.

In the end, because his ambition was too great, because he developed as many as 80,000 illegal customers, because the amount involved was trillions, he was also caught.

03: The ending of the two people is very different

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

The broken tooth horse was arrested back then, and now Zhou Zhuohua is also arrested.

But the two people who are also stacking horses have absolutely different endings.

If anyone who really knows about the broken tooth should know that when he was caught and imprisoned, he entered with a smile,

When he was released from prison more than ten years later, he also came out laughing.

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

The final ending of the broken tooth is that although he has been squatting in prison for more than ten years, he still has status, reputation, wealth, etc. after he comes out.

Zhou Zhuohua is different, after he was caught, he denied any charges,

And he is currently involved in a lot of crimes, and more importantly, he was caught on the front foot, and those behind the back foot began to settle with him.

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

We can see Zhou Zhuohua's ending, maybe except for his family, when he is released from prison, he should have no one to rely on behind him.

Obviously they are all ambitious, obviously they are all people who have done the work of stacking horses, why are the endings of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Horse completely different?

04: The lifestyle of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

In fact, from the life style and work style of the two people after making a fortune, it can be seen why their endings are completely different.

After making his fortune, he has become a fish in water in the gambling industry and is also admirable.

At that time, he had a successful career, but he was very affectionate towards his family and the brothers behind him.

Some girls want to get close to him, want to mix some oil and water from his body, and the broken teeth are very gentlemanly euphemistic refusals.

When a girl wants to get close to herself and take pictures of her body, he will also try his best to test her body.

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

For the family behind and for the brothers behind, even Zhou Zhuohua, who was fake and pretended back then, Broken Tooth Ju was treated with the deepest affection.

If he wasn't a big man back then and had not done a lot of shady things, perhaps he was even more famous than Stanley Ho back then.

The broken tooth of the affectionate, the life style and work style are not chaotic, so he has the current ending.

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

Zhou Zhuohua is different, although he is not a big man in the rivers and lakes, but the life style and work style behind him are particularly high-profile.

On the emotional side, he changed woman after woman,

Although he always expresses his admiration for the wife of the chaff in the family in front of the camera, he still falls on himself when some women of national color and fragrance approach.

That's it, there were more headlines in his life than his work.

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

In terms of work, the broken tooth horse of the year was to accept it when it was good, which was different from Zhou Zhuohua.

In fact, Zhou Zhuohua's career is even more brilliant than that of Broken Tooth Ju back then, and he made more money than Broken Tooth Ju back then.

When I broke up with my little lover, I didn't blink my eyes and threw three hundred million directly.

But after making so much money, he is still not satisfied, and still wants to illegally develop his gambling business.

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

Woe to the madness of man, and rain to the madness of heaven.

At that time, the broken tooth colt was too crazy, so he was imprisoned for more than ten years,

Now Zhou Zhuohua was also arrested because he was too crazy.

When the broken tooth was caught, he went in and came out laughing.

But Zhou Zhuohua was arrested this time, he did not go in with a smile, and whether he could come out with a smile is another matter.

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different

After watching the experience of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth, I know why the two people who have also done the work of stacking yards have completely different endings.

In fact, from the bodies of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth, we can all see that when a person is too crazy, he must pay for his madness.

We can also see that no matter how high our status is, as long as we touch the bottom line of the law, we will eventually be punished by the relevant law.

is also a "stacking boy", why the ending of Zhou Zhuohua and Broken Tooth Ju is completely different


Zhou Zhuohua once said: I thought I was the gambling king.

Broken Tooth once said: I am not a heinous person, but I am a quack, and good and evil also wield swords.

In fact, from these two sentences, it is already doomed that the two people have completely different endings.

From these two sentences, if you taste carefully, you also know why these two people have very different endings.

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