
Successive slips of the tongue! Biden's speech not only failed to call the right name, but also mistimed

Source: Global Network

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Biden made another slip of the tongue. According to the Russian Satellite News Agency, US President Biden delivered a speech in Carlsbad, California, on November 4, local time, and made two slips of the tongue when talking about General Motors.

Successive slips of the tongue! Biden's speech not only failed to call the right name, but also mistimed

According to the transcript released on the official website of the White House, Biden first called the name of the chairman of General Motors in a paragraph on the same day: "Amy Barrett... Belch... Barra is the chairman of General Motors, and she sued California. Biden then said, "She called me and said GM will be fully electric by 3035." ”

According to the Russian satellite news agency, Biden's first slip of the tongue confused US Supreme Court Justice Amy Barrett with General Motors Chairman Mary Barra. As for the second slip of the tongue, the report said that in 2021, GM said it would phase out cars with internal combustion engines by 2035.

According to the official website of the White House, Biden's two slips of the tongue have been crossed out with horizontal lines, and then the correct content is marked at the back.

Successive slips of the tongue! Biden's speech not only failed to call the right name, but also mistimed

For Biden's successive slips of the tongue, some netizens said that the country is in big trouble. ↓

Successive slips of the tongue! Biden's speech not only failed to call the right name, but also mistimed

"The country is in big trouble"

Successive slips of the tongue! Biden's speech not only failed to call the right name, but also mistimed

"Oh my God, there's a reason no one wants him to run"

Biden made several slips of the tongue during speeches. US media previously reported that on September 28, Biden suddenly called and looked for Indiana Republican Representative Jackie Vorowsky during his speech, however, the latter had been killed in a car accident in early August, and Biden had mourned the congressman. Biden misread Rishi Sunak's name as Rashee Sanook when welcoming the incoming British prime minister on October 24 local time.