
Japan's most ruthless gangster boss Nomura Goku, 68 years old failed to have lower body surgery, sent someone to assassinate a female nurse

author:Interesting Literary History

In June 2014, the Japanese media broke the news that a nurse in a plastic surgery hospital was killed on the way home, and was stabbed dozens of times in the neck, head and body. After the police investigated and collected evidence, it was concluded that the incident was carried out by Kudo, Japan's largest gangster, and the news was in an international uproar.

Japan is the only country that has legalized gangs, which has led to violent bloodshed. However, this incident was only because of a joke from the nurse. As the president of the Kudo Association, Nomura went to the hospital for plastic surgery, but he did not blame the doctor for the failure of the operation, but he sprinkled all his anger on the nurse.

Japan's most ruthless gangster boss Nomura Goku, 68 years old failed to have lower body surgery, sent someone to assassinate a female nurse

So, why did Nomura send someone to assassinate the little nurse? Did you laugh or say something that angered Nomura?

Gangster boss Nomura Goku

Nomura was born in the Kitakyushu region of Japan and came from a very wealthy family. His father was a large local landowner who used his money to buy a lot of land during Japan's economic recovery. Then lease these lands to factories and enterprises, and you can collect rent while sitting.

Nomura has a total of six siblings, he is the eldest member of the family, and the Nomura family is extremely fond of this child. This also cultivated Nomura's character of being domineering and arrogant, and no one in his eyes.

In order to make him have an income, his father used contacts and money to send him to an aristocratic school, but Nomura was never a material for study, and his life at school was nothing but good food and lazy work, but also fighting. Nomura likes the feeling of others following him and listening to him. So he took a group of classmates out of the school to steal, was arrested by the police, and Nomura was directly thrown into the juvenile detention center at the school's graduation ceremony.

Japan's most ruthless gangster boss Nomura Goku, 68 years old failed to have lower body surgery, sent someone to assassinate a female nurse

In desperation, the school leaders found him, hoping that he could suspend school, after all, with the power of the family, the leaders did not dare to expel. Nomura did not hesitate and went straight home, he didn't want to go to school at all, but now he was free.

Fu is idle at home, Nomura is not idle, and gathers a group of fox friends to eat, drink and gamble everywhere. A few friends saw that he was so good at playing, so they encouraged him to go to the casino to try his luck, and Nomura, who was tired of gambling and playing small, came to the casino with great interest. This casino is an industry controlled by Japanese gangsters, and there are naturally many gang leaders in it.

Nomura is "extremely talented" in gambling and can earn a lot of money every time, and it is rumored that one night, Nomura came to the mood and directly earned 200 million yen. This also broke the monopoly of the gangster for a long time. His behavior naturally attracted the attention of many people, including Kimura Kiyojun.

Japan's most ruthless gangster boss Nomura Goku, 68 years old failed to have lower body surgery, sent someone to assassinate a female nurse

This person is different from other gang members, with a super high IQ, he has mixed in the gang to the status of "military division". He won him directly by gambling with Nomura Goku, and also made Nomura Goku a huge debt.

Unwillingly, Nomura asked his family to fill in the hole for him, and found Kimura Kimura to gamble again. Kimura Kiyojun thinks that he is definitely a "good seedling" of the gangster and draws him into the gangster. Nomura did not hesitate, he has long known the power of the gangster, if he can sit in the position of the boss, then there will be tens of millions of younger brothers chasing him.

Tempted by Kimura Kiyochun, Nomura took tens of millions of dollars into the largest branch of the Kudo Society, the "Tanaka Group". At the beginning, Nomura was just a small boss, and in order to be able to level up, he not only used money to do everything, but also actively attracted contacts.

Japan's most ruthless gangster boss Nomura Goku, 68 years old failed to have lower body surgery, sent someone to assassinate a female nurse

In addition to money and connections, there must be convincing ruthlessness and achievements in gangs. His superior, Shintaro, was able to achieve this position by being ruthless. In order to surpass the team leader, Nomura led his younger brother to take advantage of the hostile gang's unpreparedness and directly destroyed their leader. At this time, he established himself in the "Tanaka Group", and the entire Kudo Association knew about Nomura Goku.

At the end of the same year, Nomura realized that his mother died of illness, leaving him a fortune of 700 million yen. Nomura took this property to the gang and led his younger brother to do everything evil. In the Kyushu area, the construction company has become the target of Nomura's "key attention", and for each transaction of performance, it must pay Kudo a 5% protection fee. Otherwise, what awaits them is definitely a "bad result", and no one dares not hand over the "power" of Nomura Goku.

This also made Nomura more and more prestigious in the Tanaka group, and the younger brothers below shouted one big brother after another, making Nomura directly lost in power. With a fierce and fierce hand, Nomura Goku is known as the "Living Hades" by everyone in the Kyushu region.

Japan's most ruthless gangster boss Nomura Goku, 68 years old failed to have lower body surgery, sent someone to assassinate a female nurse

In 1980, Shintaro, the leader of the Tenchu group, was killed during a gang fight, giving Nomura a chance to take the throne. In order to be able to compete successfully, he not only sent people to suppress competitors, but also bought people's hearts and minds, transforming the gang casino into a private casino, allowing the younger brothers to play. Everyone made money and was very grateful to the "de facto boss". In this way, the voting election was over before it was held.

Nomura became the second person in the Kudo Association and served as the leader of the Tanaka group. He is not satisfied with this position, and the power must be in place in one step. Therefore, in order to be able to sit as president, Nomura used means to formulate new rules for new companies doing business in both Kyushu and Fukuoka, and in addition to the protection fee, the transaction amount must also be calculated. Especially when the fishing giant enterprise settled in, Nomura directly took his little brother to ask for money.

Japan's most ruthless gangster boss Nomura Goku, 68 years old failed to have lower body surgery, sent someone to assassinate a female nurse

In desperation, the president of the fisheries association approached Nomura to negotiate and asked him not to cause panic among the fishermen. Nomura felt very uncomfortable when he saw that the fishery president was "bullying" himself like this. A grenade was thrown directly at the local fishing market, destroying hundreds of fish stalls, killing 12 people, and sending people to kill the president of the fisheries association. At this time, no one dared to provoke Nomura again, so he could only pay the fee obediently.

In order to arrest him, the local police ambushed him for a long time and could not find him. And in order to retaliate against the police, Nomura sent his men to give two shots to one of the policemen in front of the others, and the policeman fell directly in a pool of blood and never woke up. Violent incidents like this are not uncommon, and Nomura treats killing people as a game, and whoever dares to resist him will take anyone's life.

During a dental visit, the doctor just asked him to open his mouth, and he thought that the doctor had violated his reputation and sent his younger brother to kill the doctor directly. However, dramatically, the doctor turned out to be the grandson of the fishery president, and when he learned the truth, Nomura only sneered twice, thinking that this was all a trivial matter.

Japan's most ruthless gangster boss Nomura Goku, 68 years old failed to have lower body surgery, sent someone to assassinate a female nurse

His actions attracted the attention of the Metropolitan Police Department, and the police made great efforts to arrest him, but they never succeeded.

Assassination of the little nurse

In 2011, Nomura became the president of the Kudo Association and became the leader of the largest yakuza in the Kyushu region. After becoming the president, Nomura realized that his behavior was more unscrupulous, and in addition to killing and fighting, he was very unrestrained towards women. Although he is 64 years old, his physical needs are no different from those of young lads. He joined forces with local casinos and pubs to start a "skin and meat business".

Most of the girls have joined him. At this time, Nomura became a veritable "big guy". But as she grew older, her body's aging and strength were revealed, and in order to maintain her youthful vitality and have more strength in intercourse, she decided to go to the hospital for lower body plastic surgery in order to revitalize her man's strength.

Japan's most ruthless gangster boss Nomura Goku, 68 years old failed to have lower body surgery, sent someone to assassinate a female nurse

This is considered personal privacy, and it must not be said to outsiders, so Nomura came to the hospital under a pseudonym. During the operation, the nurse helped him prepare for the operation and accidentally saw his tattoo. So he casually said: "Compared to surgery, tattoos are not so painful." As soon as these words came out, Nomura Goku was directly furious, knowing that the tattoo of the gangster is a symbol of their honor, and the nurse's words obviously look down on him.

In the operating room, Nomura was furious and directly overturned the surgical equipment. The little nurse, who was frightened by this scene, could only kneel on the ground to apologize, saying that she had said the wrong thing, and Nomura retracted his temper when he saw this. Although he forgave the nurse at that time, he remembered this hatred in his heart. Seeing this, the doctor had to re-prepare the surgical equipment for him and replaced the accompanying nurse with someone else.

After anesthesia, Nomura was pushed into the operating room for several hours. Nomura woke up, and as soon as he woke up, he wanted to see the effect, but the result was another tantrum, and this time he was very dissatisfied with the operation and did not achieve the actual effect. The doctor explained that this was the best result due to the body and age. Nomura had no choice but to lie in bed to recuperate.

Japan's most ruthless gangster boss Nomura Goku, 68 years old failed to have lower body surgery, sent someone to assassinate a female nurse

After being discharged from the hospital, when he returned home, Nomura did not listen to the doctor's advice, not only failed to change the medicine properly, but also constantly ate some forbidden food. This caused the wound in his lower body to fester, and the painful Nomura blamed the nurse for the failure of the operation, and he felt that if it were not for the nurse, he would not have become like this.

Unable to suppress this breath, Nomura found his subordinates and asked him to kill the little nurse. The little brother who received the order did not dare to delay for a moment, and on the dark and windy night, he kidnapped the nurse who had just left work, and took advantage of his unpreparedness to continuously stab the dagger into the nurse's head, chest, and abdomen. The little nurse was in unbearable pain, but fortunately, soon after the assailant left, she was found by passers-by and taken to the hospital in time, and saved her life after rescue.

When the nurse woke up, he directly accused Nomura of murder, and Nomura, who got the news, directly pushed his little brother out of the top bag, not only giving him enough funds but also properly arranging his family. The younger brother bore the accusation, but Nomura went unpunished, and from time to time ran to the beauty salon and swaggered and asked: "Have you been stabbed to the nurse?" I asked her to serve me by name." Such an arrogant and domineering character aroused everyone's indignation.

Japan's most ruthless gangster boss Nomura Goku, 68 years old failed to have lower body surgery, sent someone to assassinate a female nurse

But for the forces behind him, everyone is jealous. Nomura's behavior went too far, and for this reason he continued to walk on the road to death, in addition to power and financial resources, he also tried to get involved in politics. In the Diet election, because he was dissatisfied with Shinzo Abe, he threw a Molotov cocktail directly into his home, and his good life came to an end.

A gangster boss sentenced to death

Nomura's behavior directly led the Japanese government to list him as a key concern. But the umbrella behind Nomura is not so easy to move, and he and Matsumoto Ryu, the minister of reconstruction measures of the former Japanese prime minister's cabinet group, are "brothers-in-law" and married a pair of sister flowers. With this relationship, Nomura is not afraid of anyone.

Moreover, the crimes he committed were all done by his younger brother, and Nomura pushed the blame to the point of being wiped out, without a drop of blood on his hands. But social order in the Kyushu area had been put on the agenda and Nomura had to be rectified, because Japan was preparing for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics at that time.

Japan's most ruthless gangster boss Nomura Goku, 68 years old failed to have lower body surgery, sent someone to assassinate a female nurse

In order to show the Japanese style, such a dangerous figure will definitely be the first example of the government. The Japanese claimed that Nomura's forces had affected international relations and had to be sanctioned.

After all, most of the Kyushu area is the territory of US troops stationed in Japan, and Nomura has harmed the interests of the United States, so how can the United States stand idly by. The U.S. government froze all of Nomura's fund accounts and restricted his departure.

Japan itself cooperated with the US operation and sent 3,800 police officers to arrest him. Nomura looked at this posture and thought that Matsumoto Ryu would definitely not leave him alone, so he wore a sportswear and walked out of the private house without scruples. The police rushed to take him down. Nomura did not resist, but honestly put on handcuffs and went to the police station.

Japan's most ruthless gangster boss Nomura Goku, 68 years old failed to have lower body surgery, sent someone to assassinate a female nurse

The arrest of Nomura Goku made the long-time gang boss "Kudokai" shake, and the members fled in pieces, and the territory was occupied and divided by other gangsters. Nomura was interrogated 62 times in prison, a humiliation he had never seen in his life. From the initial lack of cooperation to the final despair, Nomura finally realized that no one would come to save him. Soon after, news came that the "Kudo Kai" had announced its disbandment.

At this time, Nomura no longer has any threat, and Nomura does not admit the cases he has committed in the past, he believes that the police have no direct evidence to prove that he did it, not to mention that the little brother who really killed people has long been arrested. If the police go to Kudo's association to investigate, they should not detain him.

The police listened to Nomura's words and dismissed it, and directly told him that the police had evidence of his crimes in many cases such as homicide, gambling, opening prostitution establishments, and reselling arms. If Nomura doesn't tell the truth, the consequences will be serious.

Japan's most ruthless gangster boss Nomura Goku, 68 years old failed to have lower body surgery, sent someone to assassinate a female nurse

Nomura still refused to speak after hearing this, and did not change the situation of no one in his daily eyes when he arrived in court. In the face of such a diehard, the famous Japanese judge Yoko Kamikawa directly sentenced Nomura to death. Hearing this trial, Nomura expressed his disapproval and threatened Yoko Kamikawa in court that she would regret it for the rest of her life. Yoko Kamikawa upheld the sentence and said he would be shot in September 2021.

Nomura realized that the death penalty shocked Japan's gangster circles, after all, no gang boss had been sentenced to death before. However, the legalization of gangsters will not improve Japan's public security, and the future road still needs to be maintained by the government, and how to ensure the safety of ordinary people is an act that the Japanese government needs to think about.

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