
Three hundred and sixty fish, fish fish have stunts

author:Ocean Exploration

As the saying goes, "Three hundred and sixty lines, the line out of the yuan". This statement is also reasonable in the sea world. There are many kinds of fish in the sea, and their skills are different. Today, we will introduce several kinds of fish with special skills. Look at what kind of "skill" they have in the complex underwater world.

Oral breeding fish - diāo and hindsmand

Oral breeding of fish, as the name suggests, is the use of the mouth to incubate eggs, breed juvenile fish. Most of the guinea bream are male oral incubators. Male mandoses, in order to protect their eggs from predators, hold them until they hatch.

1 Tianzhu seabream

The lycenotium is smaller, usually less than 10 cm long, with a slightly flattened oblong-oval body with an erect dorsal fin. Many of the snappers also have the structure of light emitters.

It is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical waters, mostly concentrated in shallow sea areas such as coral reefs, a few in deep sea, sandy bottom or estuarine waters, and some species of pure fresh water or access to the lower reaches of rivers in Papua New Guinea and Australia. The snapper is a nocturnal animal that hides alone or in groups during the day in caves or near reefs, and begins to forage outside after sunset.

Three hundred and sixty fish, fish fish have stunts


Almost all of the responsibility for the incubation of the eggs of the mackerel is borne by the male. The male snapper hatches the eggs laid by the female in his mouth and cannot eat them because his mouth is full of eggs, and he basically lives a hunger strike during this time. After a week, the eggs hatch into juveniles in the mouth and are released. This greatly reduces the likelihood of eggs being preyed upon, improves the success rate, and increases the chances of survival for the next generation. After a period of floating with the current, the baby fish metamorphosed into juvenile fish, and then returned to the reef area along the coast to find a suitable habitat, settling down to become a true benthic fish.

1 Hind jawfish

The posterior jawfish are hatched by the male. Male mandibulars hold their eggs in their mouths until they hatch the small fish. This is done to protect the eggs from predators. They tend to keep their eggs in their mouths for 5 to 7 days, occasionally opening their mouths or spitting out fish eggs to allow them to absorb oxygen. During incubation, the "father" is not allowed to eat. This behavior is an instinct for hindgemen.

Three hundred and sixty fish, fish fish have stunts

It is found in the mid-western Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the east and west coasts of the Pacific Ocean, mainly living on the shallow sandstone seabed near coral reefs, and some species can inhabit depths of about 100 meters. When someone approaches the backgammock, they will hide in the hole and wait until they have adapted to the presence of humans before coming out of the hole again.

Three hundred and sixty fish, fish fish have stunts

The poisonous "box" - the box pufferfish

Box puffers are figuratively called "box fish". In addition to the eyes, mouth, fins and tail, their bodies are surrounded by box-like skeletons. Because of this, they can only rely on the slow swing of the dorsal and fins when swimming. Box puffers are small in shape, and the adult body length is generally between 15 and 25 cm. They usually have a bright body color, with mature males having bright blue spots on their backs, while females and juveniles do not.

Three hundred and sixty fish, fish fish have stunts

Box pufferfish are benthic fish that generally operate in shallow coastal reef areas. They do not like to flock, and usually swim slowly in the ocean with their dorsal fins and fins, and use their protruding mouths to nibble on small animals attached to rocks, such as crustaceans, shellfish, etc.

Three hundred and sixty fish, fish fish have stunts

Since the gill lid cannot be moved, the box fish can only open its mouth when breathing, allowing water to flow from the mouth into the gills. They have a high breathing rate, reaching 180 breaths per minute at rest.

Three hundred and sixty fish, fish fish have stunts

Although the box puffer is weak in swimming ability, it can swim freely back and forth, left and right, and can also stay like a helicopter, rotate in place, climb vertically or dive downward.

Three hundred and sixty fish, fish fish have stunts

When encountering an enemy, the box pufferfish secrete a toxin to scare the other party away. If the enemy is bold, the box puffer will accelerate the movement of the tail fin and quickly escape.

The content of this issue is from the book "Colorful Sea Fish" by Qingdao Publishing House.

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Three hundred and sixty fish, fish fish have stunts
Three hundred and sixty fish, fish fish have stunts

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