
In 02, CCTV Hua Dan Shen Xuhua fell from the building, died 19 days after rescue, and the result of her husband's claim of 2.46 million

author:Nangong Qin

The little girl walked through the gate, turned back and beckoned to her parents on the side of the road, saying, "Goodbye!" ”

That was many years ago, and that morning was her first day of elementary school. Later, there were many, many such "goodbyes" - when she was a little younger, she finally heard her mother's voice on the radio saying "goodbye", and her mother who was a broadcaster was about to come home from work;

Growing up, she began to practice tirelessly with the "News Network" announcer every night, until she said "goodbye", she was sure that she should be one step closer to her dream of becoming an announcer;

When she was about to become an adult, she stood in front of the admissions instructions of the Beijing Broadcasting Institute, looked at the information that Zhejiang Province only recruited one male student, and said "goodbye" to the ideal university;

In 02, CCTV Hua Dan Shen Xuhua fell from the building, died 19 days after rescue, and the result of her husband's claim of 2.46 million

Later, she really grew up, and although people were still standing on the platform in Hangzhou saying "goodbye" to relatives and friends, her heart and dreams had arrived safely at Beijing Station; Until the end the TV show was still playing, the music was playing, she smiled and nodded to say "goodbye" to the audience and friends...

Because of work, she said "goodbye" more times than usual, and after today's program she agreed to continue to see the audience tomorrow, hundreds of times she completed it conscientiously, but the last time, she broke her word, it was August 1, 2002.

At 8:00 p.m. on August 1, 2002, Shen Xuhua, the hostess of CCTV's "Sunset Red" program, mistakenly entered the construction area while eating at Zhang Shengji's restaurant, stumbled and fell from the building, and at 19:10 p.m. on August 20, 2002, Shen Xuhua died of ineffective rescue, and her flourishing life was frozen in eternal 33 years old.

In 02, CCTV Hua Dan Shen Xuhua fell from the building, died 19 days after rescue, and the result of her husband's claim of 2.46 million

Shen Xuhua, goodbye

Shen Xuhua lay quietly among the flowers, she was wearing a hat, she was put on light makeup, she was still as elegant and calm as usual, those unaided struggles, those pain treated by instruments, there was no sign of existence.

At 10:00 a.m. on Friday, August 30, 2002, Shen Xuhua's funeral meeting was held in the auditorium of Babaoshan Funeral Home in Beijing.

Shen Xuhua's photo was hung on the wall at the front of the hall, and she was still so elegant and beautiful in the photo, and every time she smiled and said "goodbye", she gently looked at the crying crowd, but Shen Xuhua, who was lying in the center, could no longer show the gentle gaze as in the photo.

In 02, CCTV Hua Dan Shen Xuhua fell from the building, died 19 days after rescue, and the result of her husband's claim of 2.46 million

Wreaths and ties were piled up, lilies and chrysanthemums were piled up, and gradually the hall was filled with the crowd surrounding her who had come to see her off.

Among the crowd, there are Shen Xuhua's parents who want to send the black-haired person, the younger brother who has regarded him as a role model since childhood, the husband who holds the hand of his son but can no longer grow old with his son, and the 3-year-old son who does not know where his mother has gone.

More than twenty relatives who came from Hangzhou, they watched Shen Xuhua grow from a little girl to a glamorous CCTV host, how proud they were and how sad they are now.

In 02, CCTV Hua Dan Shen Xuhua fell from the building, died 19 days after rescue, and the result of her husband's claim of 2.46 million

Dong Qing, who stood with her colleagues, couldn't stop crying, they were all female hosts who came out of Zhejiang and worked all the way to Beijing, and similar experiences made them see the same thing, and the picture of the two getting together to say the township voice is still vivid, but now it is separated by heaven and man;

There are also some unfamiliar faces of relatives and colleagues, most of them are gray-haired and faltering, and the elderly viewers of "Sunset Red" also rushed to the funeral home to see Shen Xuhua for the last time, and every time she said goodbye to the audience and friends on the TV, this time, it was necessary to become an audience to say "Shen Xuhua, goodbye".

Shen Xuhua's son Banyang has the same beautiful big eyes as his mother, he still doesn't know what happened, but his mother doesn't come back, he can only stare at the beautiful big eyes in the photo with those beautiful big eyes.

Then tell the people who asked him where his mother had gone: "Grandma said that my mother went to Guanyin, and I can ask Monkey King to take me." ”

In 02, CCTV Hua Dan Shen Xuhua fell from the building, died 19 days after rescue, and the result of her husband's claim of 2.46 million

Childish and naïve, but adults have no chance to be naïve anymore.

Shen Xuhua's husband looked quite emaciated, and the already thin man seemed to be more than ten years old overnight, his eyes were red, not only dealing with funeral-related affairs, looking for lawyers everywhere to negotiate litigation compensation, but also having to take care of the overly sad parents and the son who had lost his mother's protection.

If, Shen Xuhua didn't answer the phone that day, if, there was a warning on the door she opened, if she didn't come to Beijing from Hangzhou...

Everyone present had a if in their hearts, but no amount of ifs could wake Shen Xuhua up from the flowers, and purple and white flowers covered her, just as if she was asleep, but she didn't wake up.

In 02, CCTV Hua Dan Shen Xuhua fell from the building, died 19 days after rescue, and the result of her husband's claim of 2.46 million

Dangerous doors

At about 8 p.m. on August 1, 2002, CCTV host Shen Xuhua invited a group of friends to go out for dinner, she is a very open-minded person, although she has only come to Beijing to work for two years, but she has already made a lot of friends, and a lone shadow only came to Beijing, of course, she likes to get together with friends when she has free time.

Shen Xuhua is a native of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, her husband and children are in her hometown, and they love her very much, so she can come to Beijing to chase her dreams with confidence, but she is alone.

No matter how many friends there are, they can't offset the feelings of longing, and Shen Xuhua, who cannot return to Hangzhou, has become a frequent visitor to Zhang Shengji Restaurant in Zhejiang Mansion next to Beijing's Anzhen Bridge, soothing homesickness with hometown dishes.

The owner of the building and the person in charge of the restaurant and Shen Xuhua are old acquaintances, she often helps the hometown enterprises to host activities, and takes care of the business of the same villagers, and they get along very happily.

In 02, CCTV Hua Dan Shen Xuhua fell from the building, died 19 days after rescue, and the result of her husband's claim of 2.46 million

On August 1st, she still set the venue for the familiar Zhang Shengji restaurant, and specially chose the No. 12 private room named after Jiulisong, a famous attraction in Hangzhou, ready for friends in Beijing to taste the hometown cuisine she still loves after 30 years.

After carefully dressing up, he went out, and after a while, Shen Xuhua and his friends and a group of ten people had already taken their seats in private room No. 12 on the second floor of Zhang Shengji Restaurant.

Everyone gathered, everyone recommended Shen Xuhua, an authentic Hangzhou person, to order, the menu just picked up, by coincidence, Shen Xuhua's phone rang, ten people in the private room you and I discussed the menu one by one, I couldn't hear clearly, Shen Xuhua took the phone and walked out of the private room.

In 02, CCTV Hua Dan Shen Xuhua fell from the building, died 19 days after rescue, and the result of her husband's claim of 2.46 million

More than half an hour passed, Shen Xuhua had not finished calling back to the private room, everyone was hungry, so someone called to urge her to come back and order food. The phone used to be unanswered, and it was transferred to the global call, and everyone thought that maybe Shen Xuhua was still listening to the phone, so he stopped bothering and began to order and eat.

An hour later, just when everyone felt that Shen Xuhua should almost come back to eat after making a call, the call did come back, a male voice, the friend's face changed greatly when he heard the phone, and the friends stopped yelling and quieting down. It was a call from the police, and something happened to Shen Xuhua.

At that time, they didn't know that Shen Xuhua's accident location was less than two meters away from their private room, which was the fire escape next to the private room.

From the call from the police, it was learned that Shen Xuhua had been sent to the hospital, but the specific details could not be disclosed too much, but the police were also very surprised that Shen Xuhua was gathering here with friends that day.

In 02, CCTV Hua Dan Shen Xuhua fell from the building, died 19 days after rescue, and the result of her husband's claim of 2.46 million

Anxious, Shen Xuhua's relatives and friends hurried to the hospital, and the doctor told them that Shen Xuhua's chances of surviving were slim, and her life could not be guaranteed, and only drugs could maintain weak signs of life.

Without time for a meal, Shen Xuhua, who was still fresh and beautiful just now, lay in the operating room bloodily, and his friends were confused.

When Shen Xuhua was found, it was more than 40 minutes after the accident, she was lying on a construction site on the first floor of Zhang Shengji Restaurant in Zhejiang Building, blood flowing, there was no light there, it was pitch black, and few people usually passed by.

If it were not for a migrant worker who had taken the wrong road to find out and call the police, it might have been difficult to detect after an hour. Just over two meters away from their dining place Jiuli Song's private room, there was a fire escape with a wooden door closed, and all kinds of messy items were piled up in the passage, including ladders and controlled iron tools, which looked like they were decorating.

In 02, CCTV Hua Dan Shen Xuhua fell from the building, died 19 days after rescue, and the result of her husband's claim of 2.46 million

Push open the wooden door to enter, 40 cm directly suspended without any lighting equipment, the police after preliminary investigation speculated that Shen Xuhua answered the phone and pushed the door into the fire escape, from the suspension to the first floor construction site.

Of course, many of Shen Xuhua's friends don't want to believe it, they think that Shen Xuhua didn't drink at all that day, and she is quite familiar with this restaurant, could it be, but impossible, she was killed after receiving a call?

Although this statement was later confirmed to be not true by investigation, it is very marketable, and a TV series broadcast two years after the incident was adapted to it, which put various suspense and ethical elements in the plot of the heroine answering the phone and falling downstairs.

Learned of the news that his wife fell from the building, Shen Xuhua's husband hurriedly came from Hangzhou, they have been married for 5 years, their son is only 3 years old, the two are very affectionate, Shen Xuhua as a mother and wife have made her husband and in-laws praised.

In 02, CCTV Hua Dan Shen Xuhua fell from the building, died 19 days after rescue, and the result of her husband's claim of 2.46 million

One year after giving birth to his son, Shen Xuhua was admitted to CCTV's "Sunset Red" column as a host through the "Rongshida" host competition held by CCTV, so he came to Beijing from his hometown Hangzhou, and the couple lived apart, and it was difficult to say goodbye when they met.

Shen Xuhua's husband, Mr. Yu, is doing construction-related work and is also familiar with the person in charge of Zhejiang Mansion and Zhang Shengji, and he went to the scene of the incident three days after the accident, and his wife's blood was still on the stairs on the first floor of the fire escape.

And the person is lying unconscious on the hospital bed, he does not want to pursue too much, as long as his wife wakes up, even if the medical expenses are willing to pay himself.

In 02, CCTV Hua Dan Shen Xuhua fell from the building, died 19 days after rescue, and the result of her husband's claim of 2.46 million

One tube after another was inserted into it, Shen Xuhua's work unit also specially invited experts to perform four operations, but the doctor's face was still more and more solemn day by day, and Shen Xuhua's relatives who came from Hangzhou spent nineteen days and nineteen nights like hell.

They tried everything to preserve Shen Xuhua's hope for life, and when they heard that a seriously injured person woke up in a certain hospital, they hurriedly contacted the hospital to see if they could be transferred for treatment, and even ran to the Lama Temple to pray religiously, even on August 19, her parents were still crying and praying for their daughter.

Until 19:00 on September 20, a head nurse said to Shen Xuhua's husband and son: "Kiss your mother one last time." ”

In 02, CCTV Hua Dan Shen Xuhua fell from the building, died 19 days after rescue, and the result of her husband's claim of 2.46 million

People who miss her

That dangerous door blocked the family's otherwise happy life.

After Shen Xuhua's death, her husband sued the fire station to the court, believing that the fire department had issued a fire protection certificate in violation of regulations, which caused the unfinished fire escape of Zhang Shengji Restaurant to be put into use, which caused a tragedy, but the court ruled that Shen Xuhua's death had no legal causal relationship with the fire inspection and acceptance, and lost the case at first instance.

Later, Shen Xuhua's husband filed a lawsuit with Zhejiang Mansion and Zhang Shengji Restaurant, demanding compensation for transportation and lodging expenses, forensic evaluation expenses, burial expenses, lost work expenses, alimony expenses, maintenance expenses, death compensation, and mental damage expenses, totaling 2.46 million yuan.

In 02, CCTV Hua Dan Shen Xuhua fell from the building, died 19 days after rescue, and the result of her husband's claim of 2.46 million

Shen Xuhua's relatives and friends were very angry when they heard this, filing lawsuits again and again, losing again and again, her husband became a crazy person entangled everywhere in the eyes of outsiders, but he knew what he was doing.

He said: "Now that Xuhua is gone, it doesn't matter who wants to shirk responsibility, I can understand it, but Xuhua's tragedy cannot be repeated!" We must now ask: Why did such an accident occur? ”

In the end, the court ordered Zhang Shengji and Zhejiang Hotel to compensate Shen Xuhua's family 387639 yuan.

The wife has been gone for more than a year, Shen Xuhua's husband finally left the sad place after the lawsuit, returned to Hangzhou with his children and parents to continue living, he did not remarry, and has been raising the lost mother of Banyang by himself.

The child grows up day by day, and one day Sun Wukong and Guanyin will leave his world, and he will know where his mother goes.

In 02, CCTV Hua Dan Shen Xuhua fell from the building, died 19 days after rescue, and the result of her husband's claim of 2.46 million

In order to create a good environment for the children, Shen Xuhua's husband stopped showing up after the lawsuit in 2013, and only information about the first prize won by Banyang in the mathematics competition in 2012 remained on the Internet.

That year, Boyang was in the eighth grade, and after that, he went abroad to study.

In 2022, some foreign netizens shared a photo of themselves with Chinese classmates online, saying that the classmate's mother was once a famous host in China, and after verification by netizens, the male classmate was Shen Xuhua's son Banyang, who studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has now returned to China.

Perhaps because of his father's job, or maybe it is related to the reason for his mother's death, Bo Yang studied architecture at MIT, and no matter what the reason, he must be able to use his professional knowledge to do his best to make the tragedy that happened to his mother not repeat.

In 02, CCTV Hua Dan Shen Xuhua fell from the building, died 19 days after rescue, and the result of her husband's claim of 2.46 million

Shen Xuhua has been gone for twenty years, and many of the old audiences who watched her host "Sunset Red" have also passed away, although her name is rarely mentioned now, but in the hearts of her husband, son and parents, in the memories of her friends, Shen Xuhua is still so vivid.

An old friend of Shen Xuhua once wrote: "I often miss the friendly time full of girlish fragrance with You, when we sang the song "The Story of Time" countless times as background music sounded in our minds, many slightly yellowed pictures would flash frame by frame, and her voice really remembered 'You are here, little fish.'" Then she asked, 'Are you happy?' ’”

The flowing water takes away the story of time and changes a person, just in that sentimental and first recalled youth. Youth is gone, and the beauty pushes the door without looking back.

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