
The appearance of the deep sea is like a very plant animal - beautiful coral

author:Pamper those things
The appearance of the deep sea is like a very plant animal - beautiful coral

People who do not understand living things can easily think that corals are plants, but in fact they are inferior animals, belonging to the category of coelenterates.

In terms of beauty, the status of corals is very high. Their beauty is like a smile in a sleep, turning the whole seabed into a dream paradise. Corals have lost the ability of animals to move, and the animals that are stationed always seem to have contradictions in conditions, which seem to be somewhat incompatible with the vast fauna. Stationing is tantamount to letting go of the innate right to move, but being stationary does not hinder their beauty. Even many of them are very beautiful for making stone or needle bones for building materials. When they live, they are brightly colored, and some of them live in clusters, divided into branches, and have a sense of beauty that words cannot describe.

The appearance of the deep sea is like a very plant animal - beautiful coral

The unique structure of the bones on the outside

"Coral" does not matter the class or group, the name is just a convenient name, to refer to this beautiful marine life, including those stingers or coelenterates that can only make strong and full bones from calcium carbonate are sometimes called corals. Among coelenterates, the anemone is a representative species. Everyone knows that anemones are soft cylindrical animals. Some of the thorny tentacles wrap around the mouth, and there is a chassis that is often attached to the stone. Lonely cup corals and they are close relatives. The skins of these cup corals form layers of calcareous shells.

When the rim of the cup gradually receives the substance and becomes taller, the skin of the cup coral may grow from the outside across the edge of the cup to the inside of the cup, forming an inner square calcareous septum, from the wall of the cup to the center of the cup, as a radial shape to the center, sometimes connected to a pillar. When the compartment rises and squeezes into the body of the coral hydra, the fleshy tissue is overwhelmed and can only retreat. Therefore, the coral skeleton is always outside the living coral, only the appearance is not the same. Human bones are inside the muscles and alive, but the bones of the cup coral are outside and inanimate, although perhaps not like outside the body. It can grow, but it does not grow, and those cells die after feeding the stone and ash to the main shelf. Of course, lime comes from seawater, but calcium carbonate is very rarely dissolved in seawater, far less than calcium carbonate. This theory is that marine animals first form carbonic acid, which becomes a waste. This carbonate and calcium carbonate in the seawater play a double decomposition role, giving birth to sulfuric acid, dissolved in the water and giving birth to calcium carbonate, to create a coral "lazy palace", we see a huge coral reef is actually formed in this way.

The appearance of the deep sea is like a very plant animal - beautiful coral

Coral cemetery

From the lonely cup coral to the reef's constellation coral, the stony coral, there has been a gradual transformation. Stony corals live together in large groups, multiplying by the buds and divisions of the hydra, crowding up and even joining individuals into one. There is the so-called brain coral, named after the striped mammalian brain. There is an individual on it that meets other individuals, and when the bones are washed clean, they cannot compete. When corals are alive, just look at the mouths and tentacles outside, and you can count how many individuals there are. Such a coral group sometimes divides into many branches, and the trees are like branches, which is extremely beautiful. There are many different generations of individuals on each branch who can prosper at the same time. But in most cases, the descendants grow on the shoulders of the predecessors and crush them to death, so most of the corals are graves. Many people think that the charming coral reef is a living coral, and they never dream that this is actually a coral cemetery. These reef-building stony corals steal lime from the sea to build a reef, which can add a lot of land to the earth, like Australia's Great Barrier Reef, which is more than 1600 kilometers long, and the scene is very spectacular.

The appearance of the deep sea is like a very plant animal - beautiful coral

Great variety of corals

In addition to these common species of stony corals, there are also black corals, also known as horn corals, which are completely different from stony corals. They are mostly found in warmer waters, but British fishermen have also found some of their colonies from the northerly seas outside the Faroe Islands. Many fishermen insist that the corals caught are plants, and naturalists are very helpless. Because some of these corals really resemble Japanese bonsai dwarf trees, and some resemble the stems of climbing plants such as honeysuckle. But if you look closely, it is crowded with small water, and there are six simple tentacles. These small hydra flies are covered with spines around a black spindle, like a long thorn. In the old coral group, this axis will be more ancestral than the human thumb, and hard, just like Uben. After polishing, the luster is beautiful. Unfortunately not easy to carve.

Red corals and tube corals are collectively known as eight corals, and sea fans, namely stone sails, sea pens, rotten finger corals, and rare flies, are close relatives. The family corals are very old, but now only this one is left. There are also ancient four-dimensional corals, which are very many fossils, and now they are all dead. One race rises, the other race declines. Heraclitus said that everything is on the move, even corals.

The appearance of the deep sea is like a very plant animal - beautiful coral

Corals and crafts

If women are said to be "coral", then they immediately think of coral beads and baby accessories carved from coral, while men think of coral islands or the Balantan doctrine or Darwinism. Coral beads and coral accessories are carved from the axis of the treasure coral in the Mediterranean Sea and the adjacent sea of Japan, the Akatsuki. This coral hydra is white and buried in red flesh. In the center of the coral group is the coral red axis, which is supported by external objects and becomes thicker and larger. It is very wonderful, about the rapid dissolution of calcareous matter, and then rapid hardening and formation. The red meat has a fine transport pipe to transport these hydra, and the reason why the meat is red is because there are a lot of tiny and gorgeous red needle bones in it. These needle bones were originally separated, and they did not know how to combine together, and they became the central axis of fulfillment. As for the formation of tube corals, it also undergoes this inexplicable process. Its thin tubes are brightly colored, and we often string up the collars for children to bring. The hydra are mostly white, each living in a red calcareous tube. Many pipes are lined up like a set of organ pipes. At the outset of the hydra probe, we saw separate red bone needles, arranged in small rings. It wasn't long before a group of bone needles were added to the upper edge of the tube. But what the reason for this is still unknown. When I think about it, I should first go through rapid dissolution, and then after rapid precipitation, I have a shape.

The appearance of the deep sea is like a very plant animal - beautiful coral

The word "coral" is just a physiological term, a habit of life. Because we already know that the terms are commonly used in living animals such as stony corals, horned corals, and eight corals, and these relatives are not close to each other. "Coral" refers to a coelenterate animal that is accustomed to making hard bones, often using lime as a raw material. Coral is a generic term that cannot be applied to animal standards.

They are the most plant-like animals and one of the oldest and most inferior animals.

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