
Do you know how many species of undersea corals there are? Come and explore with your baby! Commentary in Both Chinese and English

1) Are corals plants or animals?

Coral: Plant or Animal?

Coral is a generic term for a colony of polyps.

Corals typically live in compact colonies of many identical individual polyps.

Do you know how many species of undersea corals there are? Come and explore with your baby! Commentary in Both Chinese and English

Polyps belong to: Animal kingdom Animalia

Phylum Echinostris Cnidaria

Corals Anthozoa

Do you know how many species of undersea corals there are? Come and explore with your baby! Commentary in Both Chinese and English

Soft corals

Soft coral: sway back and forth in the water

Do you know how many species of undersea corals there are? Come and explore with your baby! Commentary in Both Chinese and English

Hard coral

Hard coral (stony coral): rigid

Hard coral polyps can retract into their hard shells to protect themselves.

Coral is made of polyps and live in shells.

The coral uses the shells to protect themselves from predators and other danger

Do you know how many species of undersea corals there are? Come and explore with your baby! Commentary in Both Chinese and English

(3) How do corals protect themselves?

How do corals defend themselves?

Most polyps have more than eight tentacles,

These tentacles have prickly cells that secrete venom.

Corals have a set of tentacles with stinging nematocysts.

When plankton is detected, they lash out, spear it and inject the poison into them.

Do you know how many species of undersea corals there are? Come and explore with your baby! Commentary in Both Chinese and English

6) The world's largest coral reef

- The Great Barrier Reef of Belize

Belize barrier reef

More than 180 miles long

It's over 180 miles long

Do you know how many species of undersea corals there are? Come and explore with your baby! Commentary in Both Chinese and English

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