
Three times I watched "The Pretender" to know: recognizing his adoptive mother is Ah Cheng's most ruthless calculation for Aunt Gui


After Yoko Nanda died, there was no record of the lone wolf (Aunt Gui) in the Japanese archives.

At this time, Aunt Gui can completely become a person again and live a different life than before.

However, Aunt Gui did not give up.

In order to repay Nantian for her reconstruction, Aunt Gui took the initiative to contact Wang Manchun many times to provide her with the identity of the Ming family pretender.

As a result, Wang Manchun also died soon after.

There was really no way, Aunt Gui could only go to Fujita Yoshimasa, and with the last stubbornness, finally pulled the Ming family into the abyss.

Because of her disruption, Spiegel died.

Three times I watched "The Pretender" to know: recognizing his adoptive mother is Ah Cheng's most ruthless calculation for Aunt Gui

In order to deal with the Ming family, Aunt Gui tried her best and finally took her own life.

However, learning her anti-water reasons was both sad and ridiculous.

After taking a closer look, I found that in fact, Aunt Gui's fate was doomed from the moment she went to the orphanage to adopt Acheng.

Three times I watched "The Pretender" to know: recognizing his adoptive mother is Ah Cheng's most ruthless calculation for Aunt Gui

Aunt Gui was originally just a little girl in the countryside, but she came to the big city of Shanghai in order to live.

As a first-time visitor to the city, Aunt Gui was quickly attracted to the world of flowers and flowers in Shanghai.

At that time, she worked as a servant in the Ming family.

The Ming family, a family in Shanghai, lives in a big house, and the people who usually come and go are either rich or expensive.

Three times I watched "The Pretender" to know: recognizing his adoptive mother is Ah Cheng's most ruthless calculation for Aunt Gui

In order to consolidate their position and attract contacts, it is common to set up banquets at home to entertain famous families in Shanghai.

Living in such an environment, Aunt Gui was immersed in it and could not extricate herself.

Everyone is human, why can others live a prosperous and rich life, but she is only worthy of being a servant?

Aunt Gui never thought that the reason why others can become people is the accumulation of family wealth on the one hand, and the precipitation of their own ability on the other hand.

Aunt Gui's ignorance made her have an illusion, she felt that age was her advantage, and youth was her greatest capital.

So, when she stood in front of the store, her eyes looking longingly at the beautiful clothes in the window, she was sniffed by Mr. Liu, a businessman standing not far away.

Three times I watched "The Pretender" to know: recognizing his adoptive mother is Ah Cheng's most ruthless calculation for Aunt Gui

Aunt Gui's careful thoughts, Mr. Liu all saw in his eyes.

Mr. Liu knows too well how to deal with people who love vanity, and after meeting Aunt Gui, he began to take her to eat and drink, and bought her a lot of beautiful clothes.

Aunt Gui was blinded by love, and in her eyes, Mr. Liu's behavior was true love.

In life, many female friends are also prone to such misunderstandings, thinking that men do this to show their love.

However, eating and shopping are low-cost things for men.

Moreover, these things are only done before the relationship is confirmed, and when the relationship is determined, this performance will be reduced.

Three times I watched "The Pretender" to know: recognizing his adoptive mother is Ah Cheng's most ruthless calculation for Aunt Gui

Aunt Gui didn't think so much, and she and Mr. Liu were together not long ago, and they became pregnant in a short time.

At that time, it was a shameful thing to get pregnant out of wedlock, and Aunt Gui knew that this result was very bad, but she risked jumping in.

She thought that she could be expensive with her son, but she did not expect that after giving birth to a child, Mr. Liu revealed his true face.

Mr. Liu first coaxed Aunt Gui to take the child to an orphanage first, and then returned to Shanghai to pick her and her son after he returned to his hometown to settle everything.

Aunt Gui believed it and stupidly returned to the Ming family to continue working as a servant.

As a result, I waited and waited, and I never waited for Mr. Liu.

At this time, Aunt Gui's mentality began to change.

Three times I watched "The Pretender" to know: recognizing his adoptive mother is Ah Cheng's most ruthless calculation for Aunt Gui

Aunt Gui ran to the former orphanage and brought home the child who was previously fostered, the later Acheng.

She firmly believes that as long as the child is in her hands, Mr. Liu will return to her sooner or later.

Actually, this idea was wrong from the beginning.

If Mr. Liu really wanted to live with her, he couldn't have lost contact for a year, and there was not even a letter during that time.

The only explanation is that Mr. Liu does not want to be with Aunt Gui.

However, Aunt Gui is unwilling to admit this fact, and she can only pin her hopes on her children.

Unexpectedly, in the end, she discovered that Ah Cheng, who had been raised for nine years, was not her own, and her son had long been taken away by Mr. Liu.

Aunt Gui's hopes were dashed.

Three times I watched "The Pretender" to know: recognizing his adoptive mother is Ah Cheng's most ruthless calculation for Aunt Gui

If she can continue to live with Ah Cheng after she knows the truth, maybe the mother and son will not turn against each other.

However, Aunt Gui used the wrong method again.

She sprinkled all her grievances, dissatisfactions, and grievances on Ah Cheng's body, not caring at all that the child in front of her had been with her for nine years.

She had no feelings for him, but he had kindness for her.

Ah Cheng was tortured by Aunt Gui to the point of being an adult, and since then he has fallen into a serious psychological shadow.

Later, it was Mingjing and Minglou who brought Ah Cheng home and raised him as an adult.

Ming Lou saw that Aunt Gui was cruel to Ah Cheng, and simply threw her out of the Ming family.

At this time, the real evil in Aunt Gui's heart was completely activated.

Three times I watched "The Pretender" to know: recognizing his adoptive mother is Ah Cheng's most ruthless calculation for Aunt Gui

Combined with being abandoned by Mr. Liu, misraising Ah Cheng, and being swept out of the house by Ming Lou, Aunt Gui counted all her hatred on the head of the Ming family.

She never reflected on herself properly.

If she can be rehabilitated, Ah Cheng will still recognize her as an adoptive mother, and if she knows how to reflect on herself, the Ming family will also accept her again.

Aunt Gui finally chose an extreme path and became a pawn of Yoko Nantian, targeting her compatriots.

In the end, in order to overthrow the Ming family, he did not hesitate to stage a bitter meat trick.

When Aunt Gui returned to Ming's house, she specially made a new dress for Ah Cheng.

Originally, Ah Cheng could not accept her return, but when he saw this new dress, he remembered that Aunt Gui had raised him for 9 years, and at this time, Ah Cheng still couldn't bear to drive her away.

Three times I watched "The Pretender" to know: recognizing his adoptive mother is Ah Cheng's most ruthless calculation for Aunt Gui

Ah Cheng left Aunt Gui, on the one hand, he grew up in the Ming family, and he had long inherited their kind qualities.

On the other hand, he also hoped that he had one more relative by his side, and at that time, in addition to the Ming family, there was only Aunt Gui left.

Ah Cheng's acquaintance allowed Aunt Gui to successfully lurk in the Ming family, and since then, she has provided information to Yoko Nanda in all directions without dead ends.

While serving Yoko Minamida, Aunt Katsura had the opportunity to go ashore.

Nan Tian died halfway, and at this time, there was not a trace of Aunt Gui in the Japanese archives.

At that time, she had been working in the Ming family for a while, and if Aunt Gui had a conscience, she should have thought that the Ming family was and still is very good to her.

Therefore, she can take advantage of Nantian's disappearance and become a person again.

Although Ah Cheng was lukewarm to her at that time, she was not extremely disgusted, as long as she was a good person and loyal to the Ming family, I believe that Ah Cheng would eventually give in.

Unfortunately, Aunt Gui made mistakes again and again.

She overestimated herself and underestimated the three men of the Ming family.

Her identity was soon discovered by Ming Lou and Ah Cheng.

Ah Cheng took the opportunity to get closer and closer to Aunt Gui, until he finally eradicated her with his own hands.

Three times I watched "The Pretender" to know: recognizing his adoptive mother is Ah Cheng's most ruthless calculation for Aunt Gui

Before Aunt Gui died, she looked at Ah Cheng with a puzzled face, she must not have expected that the child she had raised for 9 years would actually be cruel to her.

However, Aunt Gui's death is also a relief for Ah Cheng.

Originally, Ah Cheng had always remembered the torture of the year, and when they met again many years later, they learned the truth, and he no longer had any doubts in his heart.

When Ah Cheng learned of Aunt Gui's true identity, he was first surprised, then saddened, and finally conscience and faith, allowing Ah Cheng to make the right choice.

Three times I watched "The Pretender" to know: recognizing his adoptive mother is Ah Cheng's most ruthless calculation for Aunt Gui

Aunt Gui and the Ming family staged a scene between a farmer and a snake.

The Ming family gave her a job to establish herself in Shanghai, and then helped her raise Ah Cheng, and any person with a conscience will be grateful to the Ming family.

But Aunt Gui was swept away by the Ming Lou because of the most difficult time, and since then she hated the Ming family and those who have a sense of justice in this world.

It is clear that others have hurt her, but she does not dare to fight back against the people who hurt, and only dares to pick on kind people to vent their anger.

This kind of bullying and fear of hard behavior is hateful and ridiculous.

Hatred is the easiest way to blind a person's eyes and heart, but when a person has faith in his heart, he can distinguish between priorities and priorities.

It is better to know that there is a debt and a master, and whoever hurts himself will go to whoever pays the price.

Instead of magnifying one's innocence and stubbornly doing things that hurt others and are detrimental.

[The pictures are all from "The Pretender" stills, invaded and deleted]