
Lewis Carroll, who follows composition principles and fashion, loves to shoot girls but sometimes creepy

author:Hand-painted customs

We all know the great Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci. This genius is really an all-powerful person. In addition to painting, da Vinci created complex mechanical structures, composed music, and philosophized it.

However, history already knows many "universal" representatives of art. British writer Lewis Carroll is one such striking example. Children all over the world smile when they hear this name and this surname. They are excited to join Alice on her adventure through Wonderland.

However, the writer, whose real name is Charles Dodgson, devoted much of his time to mathematics, philosophy, and photography. The latter field swept Europe in the mid-19th century. People line up in the photo studio to take photos. Of course, equipment, studio rentals, printing and design are expensive.

Therefore, most wealthy citizens and their children go to take pictures. Well, the photo studio is maintained by people who are ready to invest in a new and very profitable business. Perhaps for Lewis Carroll, photography is more of a hobby than a means of making money.

Lewis Carroll, who follows composition principles and fashion, loves to shoot girls but sometimes creepy

During his creative career, he created about three thousand beautiful portraits. Among them, Carroll's favorite customer is the child. Of course, the filming of these children was carried out with the consent of their mothers.

Lewis Carroll, who follows composition principles and fashion, loves to shoot girls but sometimes creepy

For the benefit of high art, women agreed that their daughters posed barefoot, wearing short skirts of the time or clothes with open shoulders. It didn't scare anyone. After all, artists do work with nudity.

Lewis Carroll, who follows composition principles and fashion, loves to shoot girls but sometimes creepy

But these days, some of Lewis Carroll's photos have been the subject of intense controversy. Half of the debaters did not see anything reprehensible in the author's photo, and half considered them almost immoral. In any case, only a third of the master's work fell into our hands. Let's have a chance to appreciate them.

Lewis Carroll, who follows composition principles and fashion, loves to shoot girls but sometimes creepy

As a photographer, Carol followed the principles of composition and followed the fashion of the year. For example, the models in his photos rarely look at the camera and almost never smile. This is necessary to make the face more photogenic.

To take pictures, the girls wear their best clothes. But if the model's dress is white, Carol will take a photo against a dark background, and if the skirt is black, the photo is taken in a bright room.

Lewis Carroll, who follows composition principles and fashion, loves to shoot girls but sometimes creepy

The master made many unusual discoveries. For example, his models are characteristic of sleeping, some sitting on steps, others standing against the backdrop of stone walls or green areas. Someone plays the role of an angel, someone is in a group photo, someone appears in that fabulous image of Alice.

Looking at all these photographic masterpieces, we can safely say that Lewis Carroll today will definitely not be without a piece of bread.

Lewis Carroll, who follows composition principles and fashion, loves to shoot girls but sometimes creepy

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