
Aid to Ukraine is a bottomless pit! Putin finally waited until the United States was divided internally? Just wait for the Republicans to regain power

author:Dr. Yi Zhang

The United States has no bottom line to assist Ukraine, and there are many domestic complaints

Since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in February this year, Western countries, led by the United States, have been providing huge military and financial assistance to Ukraine. The United States is the largest aid country to Ukraine, and CNN recently pointed out that the amount of US aid to Ukraine has exceeded $18 billion. The Biden administration's bottomless military aid to Ukraine has long caused serious dissatisfaction among the American people and the Republican Party.

Aid to Ukraine is a bottomless pit! Putin finally waited until the United States was divided internally? Just wait for the Republicans to regain power

According to Taiwan media reports, Kevin McCarthy, a Republican politician and leader of the US House of Representatives, recently said that if the Republican Party controls Congress in this midterm election and regains power, it will lead the reduction of aid to Ukraine. McCarthy claimed that the House of Representatives under the leadership of the Republican Party will not become a stamping machine for the US government's military aid to Ukraine, but to ensure that taxpayer money will be spent in the appropriate places.

At the beginning of the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the consensus between the two parties in the United States on the issue of aid to Ukraine was far greater than the differences, after all, for the establishment in the Republican Party, provoking the Russian-Ukrainian conflict also means huge interests. However, after receiving huge military aid from the United States and European countries, although Ukraine withstood the offensive of the Russian army and achieved certain results in the recent counteroffensive, it did not obtain the ability to carry out a large-scale counterattack against the Russian army.

Aid to Ukraine is a bottomless pit! Putin finally waited until the United States was divided internally? Just wait for the Republicans to regain power

Aid to Ukraine has become a political tool for the two-party game in the United States

Approaching the midterm elections, the issue of aid to Ukraine has become one of the tools of the two-party game in the United States. Republicans began to criticize aid to Ukraine as a mistake of the Biden administration. The Biden administration hopes to increase aid to Ukraine, maximize the results of Ukraine's counteroffensive against Russia, and translate it into the political interests of the Democratic Party in the midterm elections.

November's midterm elections will be crucial for both parties in the United States, with all seats in the House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate seated, as well as local elections in every state.

Aid to Ukraine is a bottomless pit! Putin finally waited until the United States was divided internally? Just wait for the Republicans to regain power

The recent election situation is still not optimistic for the Democratic Party, after the midterm elections, the Biden administration is likely to become a "cripple government", the constraints from the Republican Party will be significantly increased, and the Biden administration will be greatly more difficult. One of the focal points of the huge differences between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party in the United States is the issue of military aid to Ukraine. As early as May this year, 57 Republican House members expressed opposition to the US aid plan.

The global economy is already in a downturn, coupled with the new crown epidemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict and other emergencies have caused a serious impact on the global industrial chain, resulting in the economic situation of the United States this year is not optimistic and is about to enter a recession cycle. Since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the inflation rate in the United States has been rising, and people's daily lives have been seriously affected.

Aid to Ukraine is a bottomless pit! Putin finally waited until the United States was divided internally? Just wait for the Republicans to regain power

In order to lower oil prices to please the public, Biden lowered his stature in July and personally visited Saudi Arabia, but the US expansion request was rejected by Saudi Arabia. The recent announcement by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries that it will cut production in November means that Biden's series of efforts to stabilize energy prices ahead of the midterm elections have completely failed.

Against the backdrop of the rapidly deteriorating economic situation, the Biden administration's insistence on providing huge military aid to Ukraine has been widely questioned. For the United States, spending billions of dollars on improving people's livelihoods and promoting economic development is clearly better than supporting Ukraine's military confrontation with Russia. Recently, Republican Rep. Kelly Armstrong pointed out that the soaring prices of basic necessities such as food and energy, illegal immigration and the spread of drugs are far higher than providing assistance to Ukraine.

Aid to Ukraine is a bottomless pit! Putin finally waited until the United States was divided internally? Just wait for the Republicans to regain power

Ukraine is anxious, worried about being abandoned by the Republicans

Republican lawmakers' statements on cutting military aid to Ukraine have caused anxiety in Ukraine, and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba recently acknowledged the Kiev authorities' concerns about the reduction of US military aid. However, Kuleba also said that Ukraine is confident of ensuring that the US aid plan to Ukraine will not be interrupted. Kuleba claimed that Ukraine has received cross-party support from the United States, and the recent opposition to aid Ukraine is only a political statement before the election, and the United States will continue to adhere to the policy of aid to Ukraine after the mid-term elections.

However, in fact, even if the Republican Party claims that it will cut aid to Ukraine if it wins Congress is just a bluff, the US aid plan will encounter greater resistance. Conservative forces within the United States have been working hard to promote the boycott of the proposal to aid Ukraine.

Aid to Ukraine is a bottomless pit! Putin finally waited until the United States was divided internally? Just wait for the Republicans to regain power

In fact, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which has evolved into a protracted war, is not only a war of attrition for Russia, but also a war of attrition for the United States and European countries. The attention of the media and people in the United States and Europe to Ukraine has long declined, and the people's dissatisfaction with the government's use of taxpayer money to aid Ukraine has begun to ferment. In order to support Ukraine and oppose Russia, European countries have imposed the most severe economic sanctions on Russia, regardless of their own energy structure, sanctions against Russia have led to a severe energy crisis in European countries, France, Germany and other countries have greatly reduced their willingness to provide financial and military assistance to Ukraine, and politicians have publicly shouted many times that aid to Ukraine is a bottomless pit, and we must pay attention to domestic problems and cannot continue bottomless assistance.

Aid to Ukraine is a bottomless pit! Putin finally waited until the United States was divided internally? Just wait for the Republicans to regain power

The willingness of European countries to aid Ukraine has been greatly reduced, and the United States, which has the largest aid to Ukraine, is also quarreling over this matter. There are serious differences between the two parties in the United States on the provision of military aid to Ukraine, and there are voices of opposition to aid to Ukraine within the Democratic Party, which has always supported military aid to Ukraine.

Recently, an open letter signed by more than 30 Democratic House members was released, and these lawmakers asked Biden to use diplomatic channels to resolve differences and tensions in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict through peaceful dialogue with Russia. However, the joint letter was withdrawn within a few days, which led to increased dissatisfaction with Biden among some Democrats.

It is precisely because of the strong assistance of the United States and European countries that Ukraine has withstood the offensive of the Russian army, and even achieved a lot of results in this round of counter-offensive, has regained a large area of land, and occupied many strategic places including Hongliman and Izyum. However, it is not easy to sustain this result, and if the United States and European countries stop or reduce military aid, the resistance of the Russian army to the westward front will be greatly reduced.

Aid to Ukraine is a bottomless pit! Putin finally waited until the United States was divided internally? Just wait for the Republicans to regain power

Domestic contradictions in the United States are fermenting, and there are huge differences between all parties on the matter of aid to Ukraine, and Putin has finally waited for a split in the US political arena. In the midterm elections in November, if the Republican Party can successfully win the majority of congressional seats, the Republican Party is bound to stumble the Biden administration's aid plan for Ukraine, which will undoubtedly be good news for Russia. Putin will not miss this opportunity, while releasing the news that the Kremlin is willing to negotiate peace with Ukraine, while ordering that the rules and regulations should be broken and the logistics of the war should be guaranteed. Russia, Ukraine and the United States will continue to play games.

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