
Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

author:One poem at a time
Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

Poem, poem, poem, original poem and dream every day, don't pass me by again

Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

When your soul becomes serene, peaceful, joyful, there is a depth, clarity, purity, and innocence in your eyes. They become so transparent that you are able to see a person's soul.

Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

▍ "How to reach a cloud"

Text / Golden Lily

Sometimes we are destitute all our lives

Nor did it hold a single "person" word steady

Sometimes, we are carried by the rush of flowing water

Sometimes, we are hovered by the wings of the goose


And just like that, the big flowers are blooming

It doesn't have to be sunny

It doesn't have to be thick and light

So we turned to the whiteness of paper

Listen to your heartbeat


In fact, we don't have to swallow mountains and rivers

It doesn't have to be a huge mile

Just make yourself small

The crystal of the moonlight

and the temperature of the sun


Let you look up and visit the sky from time to time

Give a wandering thought every day

Any young man in his chest, believing in the reins

Hold on to the ordinary, and the days are clear


Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

Language is an invisible force,

What you say, what will attract ...

Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

▍ "When the flowers fall and the fruit is ready"

Text / Zhang Zhanyun

Earthly fate

It's a wisp of incense

Floating among the morning bells and drums

Like suspension

Wind chimes on tree branches


Pick up the pieces of sunlight

Together with the tree

Wait for the flowers to bloom in the coming year

Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

Lonely people have a clean soul. They are not willing to be flattering, they are not willing to fly the dogs, they are not willing to deceive themselves. They often choose to be silent, but there is thunder in the silence.

▍ "Wind Wish"

Text / Zhang Zhanyun

Removed leaves

Sent to afar

Pulling white clouds

Also stay in the distance

Far away from afar

Or far away



Just to find

A quiet home

Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

Books sleep, verses awake; History sleeps, time wakes;

The world sleeps, you and I are awake. - The snow falls silently.

▍ "Sieve"

Text / Zhang Zhanyun

Shake it left

Shake it to the right

A sieve

Sifted out

The boss's flower brocade

The second child's black cloth shoes

The third child's new school bag


Days of poverty

Sounded and colored by the mother's screening

Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

Adults can only be screened, not educated. You don't even have the slightest idea of educating others. I am a simple person, looking at the world with simple eyes, looking at circles, and finding that some people have rich souls, and people with rich souls have no scheming.

Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

▍ "Trapped in the Sky"


A few clouds of smoke

A few drops of cold rain


The sky is vast

This is vast

In the earthly world

Deeper than sunlight

Trapped in the sky

Only learn to look up

to see the direction

Once you know how to look up

Endless years

Savor it carefully

The turn of the seasons and reincarnation

will come to its senses

Face the ups and downs of life

And tomorrow at a glance

Learn to be religiously

Bow to the days of fireworks

Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

"Finally, I had a very little autumn when I opened and closed the door

Touching the sky, also with the smallest hand, small enough to be the tentacles of insects

Calm as a broken branch I know the joy of swaying in the wind

The purple color of stars appears after a rainstorm and the fruit falls wide and fat

Sweep the giant trees over the top of the mountain

Twisted by a strong hand

So many destroyed ships

Enthusiasm in repeating the sky"

▍ "Persimmon Ruyi"


The autumn breeze from my hometown

Still staggering on the road

In front of the house and behind the house

Persimmon trees in favor

The exhaustion has faded

Only a touch of red remains

Like a red lantern

Put the unconcealable sadness

Light up little by little

to fight

The coming frost


Fruit by fruit

From hard to soft

Get rid of the bitterness

Through the storm

Only the fathers and fellow villagers understand

Their lives

The same is true

The vicissitudes of a lifetime

It's just to get rid of bitterness

Burn inner hope

Let the wishes be rooted in the heart

Singing in the wind

Persimmon wishes

And with a distant heart

Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

"Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people"



This pale white

It's a whole new world

Snow generally covers the bustle

It also sowed vast seeds

This swaying flower in the wind

It is a portrayal of the vicissitudes of life

In the midst of the wind

Always with the rarest calmness

Aged so gracefully

I'm used to listening to the roaring trumpet

I'm used to seeing the desolate style

Still bent over


White in line with frost

But hold it tenaciously

Snowflake romance

Never give in

The mediocrity of the days

Even if it is air-dried

It's still dustless

Keep your heart white

and fearless feelings

Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

Nothing to do and from leisure, when there is a book, to the quiet to observe.

▍ "October Infatuation"


October is the ripe season

The hustle and bustle of harvesting and sowing

Rude as a trumpet

It's like birdsong

Look through the wind and smoke

The earthly world has been paved

Dew drops hanging over the tips of leaves

Hanging with the crystals of the world

Me in the wind

Like fallen leaves

Stumbled through life

It was like in the cold of misery

An overly swaying wild chrysanthemum

No longer content with fate


October is the most infatuated

Like dirt under your feet

Full of warm words

Life is a rock

If I don't turn around

The world will not be the background

Just like a clump of dogtail grass

Just face the light

will live calmly and quietly

Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

An elegant woman is the cultivation and wisdom achieved through the baptism of life!

Just like the fruity aroma of autumn, it comes from the inside out!

An elegant woman exudes a faint fragrance and endless aftertaste, only elegance in time, both precipitated into eternity!

Don't expect, don't imagine, don't demand,

Let it be, if it is destined, it will happen.

Peace of mind is the best state of life,

Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

▍ "Looking for the Future of Autumn"


I came in search of autumn.

Consolation stirring the wind also brings loneliness,

Because I and Jinye are parting.


I look for autumn in the fields of my hometown,

While the burning tree is still crumbling,


It's autumn.

The morning light that greets my eyes is green,

There is no poignancy in Van Gogh's wheat field,

Someone lit a touch of red at sunset and burned half the sky.

The coolness lingers continuously,

Only the sunny side is extremely warm.

This is autumn!


I will continue to search for autumn, and by then,

And a strong tree,

That's once the gold leaf and me.

Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

People can't stop time and can't refuse suffering,

All that can be done is to keep your own goodness and virtue,

That's gold in a person's bones.

Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

▍ "Inhabitation"

When the text/wind rises

Tonight you suddenly became very quiet

It's about noon

Back to a familiar street

Narrow, dilapidated, missing old house in the corner


It snowed here for the first mysterious time of my childhood

It is the original form of all the things around you now

Short and powerful, like a premature prophecy


So squint your eyes, you see

This year's snowflakes are coming

And the tears of that year

If you stop in a four-dimensional space, look at the past from a distance

You are dissolving in the flying snow of time and space

Trying to recall - the memory is incomplete

It matches every point

Approaching and unreachable lust


You can face the loss of memory

You also become quiet

Just secretly making a wish

Let these invisible and nameless things

Keep hooking your dawn and dusk


That's fine

On this little planet

You are like this

Poetically inhabited

Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

Time will eventually destroy a person's skin, but it is difficult to change a person's interior, and at a certain age, what really makes you attractive is no longer the face, but the noble and upright temperament in the bones.

Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

▍ "The Lost Years"

Text/Qi Xiangcheng (Gansu)

In this world, there are many unsolvable problems

Like the busy change of seasons

Time goes by non-stop

Move tomorrow step by step

Flowing water

By no means a hundred thousand whys can be covered


The wind is still blowing

The sun is still there

Day and night are never absent

Days, come and go freely


The sky is silent

The earth sleeps

People, powerless


Time never knows moderation

Lost years

Leave resolutely

The silence of leaving


Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

Kindness makes people beautiful,

Faith makes people brave,

Enthusiasm warms people,

Love makes people happy.

"For what his heart thinks,

That's who he is. ”

Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

▍ "The tide comes from the first performance"

Text/Gobi Station

The wind drove the flock to run in the moonlight

A Dapeng in the text

The sound of surging towards the tide

Blue under the sky

It's not just the gentle breeze

An egret travels back and forth to the blue sky and lands on the river rock closest to Daoxiang

Melted into a painting by the setting sun


The riverbed raises the water and looks up, and the waves bend for the dazzling sound

The waves are like a key on a piano

Stand on the snowy peak of Bayankara and look at a river backwards

She stretched her slender arms

Embrace the original snow peaks and wrap up the primitive storm


She gave birth to the first rivers and watered the first rivers and mountains

A wave rushing to the sea, penetrating the dullness like iron

When Tengtu's body dances with his soul

The spout becomes a spiritual flow

Barley became the seeds of running

The tide came from the first performance

Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

We even lost this twilight.

No one saw us holding hands this afternoon

When the blue night falls into the world.

- Neruda, "Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair"

Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

▍ "Waiting for You"

Text/Han Xing

Waiting for you

Autumn breeze outside the window

It's getting harder and harder



Rows of geese

On the roof


White clouds

A mess

Always think

Take to the high blue sky


Waiting for you

Autumn grass on the hillside


Autumn leaves in the distant mountains

One after another

A bend of autumn moon

Round and missing

Tie full

Away from people's thoughts

Autumn is late

I don't see you

I was eager to see through it

There is a very lovely person in the world, this person is looking at this article, I really envy these words, thousands of mountains and rivers, see you on my behalf. Forward it to eat with sugar ❤

Submitted by | Original Poetry |Golden Lily/Zhang Zhanyun/People-oriented/Yi Suxing/When the Wind Rises/Qi Xiangcheng (Gansu)/Gobi Station/Han Xing (In addition to poetry, some of the quoted sentences are from signed and unnamed sources and deleted, thanks to the excellent work of American literature)

Figure | A confused little elephant (a poem and an article authorized to be originally handwritten) (non-handwritten picture source network invasion and deletion Thanksgiving Meitu)

This article is original, please do not plagiarize without permission, plagiarism must be investigated╭~ ❤ Thank you for reading, love you. Than heart╭~ ❤ Every time you like it, one more flower blooms on my heart

Desolate wilderness, overgrown with lonely people

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