
The king of Chechnya, Kadyrov Jr., is willing to give his life for Putin at any time and openly shell the US Secretary of State


This fierce man, even if he is as strong as a bear, has to snuggle into the arms of Putin the Great is Putin the Great's number one iron fan, the supreme leader of Chechnya Kadyrov. But looking at the scene at this time, who would have thought that in the 90s of the last century, Kadyrov's father fought to death with Putin the Great. So how exactly did Kadyrov get to the leadership of Chechnya? And what means did Putin the Great use to subdue this fierce man?

The king of Chechnya, Kadyrov Jr., is willing to give his life for Putin at any time and openly shell the US Secretary of State

Many people must know that the Chechen war that took place in the 90s of the last century, because of the terrorists in Chechnya, hundreds of thousands of civilians died, and the entire Chechnya was also devastated by the war. Kadyrov was only 18 years old at the time, and after witnessing all this, Kadyrov thought he had to put an end to it all, and he wanted more power.

For Kadyrov at the time, the biggest right holder he could reach was his father, who at that time was a leading figure of Chechen religion and had great prestige in Chechnya. So at that time, in the first Chechen war, Kadyrov's father also played a big role.

But as time went on, Kadyrov's father found that he seemed to be unable to control the terrorists, or that serious disagreements had arisen in their organization, and Kadyrov's father could no longer cope with such a thing, so in 1996, Kadyrov's father asked Russia for assistance. But at that time, Yeltsin suffered all the hardships in the first Chechen war, and who had nothing to do with touching the nail? Ten thousand steps back, Yeltsin, who had long been eclipsed by the plutocrats and oligarchs, simply did not have the energy or ability to start a second Chechen war.

Finally, in 1999, Putin stood up. On Yeltsin's orders, Putin launched the second Chechen war. In the second Chechen war, Putin showed his masterful means. Even if Gronis is blown up to the ground, it is also necessary to eliminate all these terrorists, and this is not only a means, but also Putin's attitude.

As a result, after years of bombing, Groniz, the capital of Chechnya, no longer has a place for terrorists. Terrorists who saw that something was not going well could only run deep into the mountains to seek refuge. They thought that then Putin would let them go. But still they are naïve. Putin's attitude towards terrorists is only one, and that is to kill them all.

Until 2009, Putin eliminated all terrorists. Although Chechnya was peaceful, Kadyrov suffered a huge blow during this period. Because this time Putin's shot was the reason why Kadyrov's father asked Russia for help. So in the eyes of those rebels, Kadyrov's father was a traitor. In order to show their means, or rather to take revenge, to deter others, they assassinated Kadyrov's father.

The king of Chechnya, Kadyrov Jr., is willing to give his life for Putin at any time and openly shell the US Secretary of State

Unfortunately, Kadyrov's father did not escape the assassination of terrorists. After the death of his father, Kadyrov was extremely saddened. But it was also at this time that Putin officially appeared in his life. Before this, Kadyrov's impression of Putin was only stuck on the image of the iron-fisted politician, and he would not have imagined how much Putin's appearance would change his life.

In addition to religion, Putin is the most important. It was the public statement of the supreme leader of Chechnya, Kadyrov. Because for him, without Putin there would be no his today, without Putin there would be no Chechnya today. After the death of his father, Kadyrov the Elder, thought he would be expelled from Chechnya, and the best outcome would be to be an ordinary citizen in Chechnya.

But Putin did not expect to say to him that from this moment on, he is the successor of the supreme leader of Chechnya. This is something that Kadyrov never thought about, because since the Stalin period, the Soviet Union has formulated guidelines and policies about the inability of Chechens to lead Chechnya, and they have been implemented almost to this day.

So why on earth would Putin dare to do this? That's simple, because Putin can see that Kadyrov is definitely a pro-Russian. Or in Putin's eyes, no one other than Kadyrov is up to the task, and for Chechnya, local governance policies may be more acceptable to the local people.

And in order to show his support for Kadyrov, Putin helped Chechnya a lot. It was the second Chechen war, which would have ended long ago if the goal had been to drive terrorists out of Chechnya. However, after the terrorists were driven out of Chechnya, they were prevented from continuing to wreak havoc on Chechnya and threaten Kadyrov's rule. Putin ordered Russian forces to continue to hunt down terrorists who had taken refuge in the mountains.

The king of Chechnya, Kadyrov Jr., is willing to give his life for Putin at any time and openly shell the US Secretary of State

And Putin also funded the reconstruction of Chechnya's cities destroyed in the war, and for those homeless refugees, Putin also took charge and gave them a living allowance to ensure their basic livelihood. And when the reconstruction work was in full swing, Putin and Kadyrov also carried out a lot of aid to Chechnya. Whether it is hydropower, health care or education, infrastructure. In Putin's arrangement, Russia is not stingy at all.

With such a strength comparable to Soviet aid, new Chechnya quickly rose from the rubble, and Kadyrov also saw a long-lost smile on people's faces. But contradictions remain, and decades of hatred cannot be exhausted in just a few years. Whether it is Kadyrov or Chechnya, being an enemy of Russia has always been not the right direction.

So under Kadyrov, the whole of Chechnya began to move in the direction of getting closer to Russia. In order to combat those who oppose Russia, Kadyrov secretly formed a police force. It is better to say that this is a police force than that it is Kadyrov's private army. The weapons and equipment of this unit are all the best in Russia, and there are even rumors that even the salary of this unit is provided by Russia with full authority.

However, in any case, no one denies that the command of this unit is still in the hands of Kadyrov. And the only role of this force is to deal a devastating blow to those who are trying to divide Chechnya and try to oppose Russia. Those forces that had tried to assassinate Kadyrov's father were also strangled by this force.

According to incomplete statistics, this force has eliminated more than 5,000 separatists before and after. For this, some countries in the West vigorously accused Kadyrov. Claim that he is a cruel executioner. However, Kadyrov did not pay any attention to the duties of these Western countries, and even dared to clamor with the United States.

The king of Chechnya, Kadyrov Jr., is willing to give his life for Putin at any time and openly shell the US Secretary of State

Only in his second year in power, in 2008, Kadyrov began a vigorous re-education campaign throughout Checheng. To say that it is a re-education movement is actually a brainwashing of the people. Let them stop resisting Russia, stop resisting Putin.

In the schools that used to drive, some paintings with strong religious colors would be hung in the corridors. But when the re-education movement began, the murals changed, and the religious watchtowers and mosques at that time could only occupy half of the wall. The other half of the wall is the Kremlin's corner tower.

And in order to make people know Putin, Kadyrov hung Putin's portrait all over the streets. This is almost never the case in Motor City. And every year Putin's birthday is equivalent to a grand ceremony, and every year, Kadyrov will personally bring his own people to celebrate Putin's birthday.

Under Kadyrov's policy, Kadyrov's personal admiration for Putin quickly evolved into the worship of Putin in Chechnya as a whole. Later, Kadyrov's admiration for Putin was even more undisguised. Even in public, Kadyrov once said that he was just an infantry soldier of Putin and that he was willing to give up his life for Putin.

In fact, Kadyrov did exactly that, and when the Russian-Ukrainian conflict broke out, Kadyrov was the first national leader to stand up for Russia. And Kadyrov is not just talking. He summoned tens of thousands of Chechen warriors at the first time, and as long as Putin gave an order, Kadyrov would definitely rush to the front.

With the escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the United States has also begun to implement a hostile policy towards Russia. To Kadyrov's displeasure. He directly shouted at the United States through the air, saying that these small means were not to be feared. All intrigues are paper tigers in the face of Russian nuclear weapons. For such a thorn as Kadyros, the United States is also unbearable to death.

The king of Chechnya, Kadyrov Jr., is willing to give his life for Putin at any time and openly shell the US Secretary of State

Response, right? Chechnya is just a seemingly insignificant small country. Don't respond, right? It's as if anyone can step on my American feet. In the end, the Americans couldn't take it anymore. U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo directly issued a statement saying that he might do something to Kadyrov's family.

When ordinary people heard such a threat from the United States, they had already been frightened into masterlessness, but Kadyrov did not panic at all. Because for him, if the United States wants to sanction him, he must first pass the Russian level, so Kadyrov directly called Pompeo across the air, saying that he was the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. After all, he is hunting terrorists with real ammunition.

And in the face of such a shouting from Kadyrov, the United States also has no temper at all. After all, if they want to sanction a country, they must have something to do with them. Countries like Chechnya that have close ties to Russia unless they fight Russia with real guns. Otherwise, there is absolutely no way to take these guys.

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