
2NE1 Park Chun's body shape has attracted the attention of Korean netizens, dancing on the stage is very difficult, too fat?

author:Korean entertainment idol circle anecdote

Recently, 2NE1 Park Chun standing on the stage, too fat and large, aroused the worry of Korean netizens, and the editor almost didn't recognize it, this is Park Chun who sang and danced on the stage that year.

The editor learned that Park Chun attended POPSTIVAL 2022 in the Philippines on the 21st and brought a stage performance, some netizens took a photo of Park Chun on the stage, you can clearly see that Park Chun's body shape is particularly wide, through the black dress, you can feel the change in Park Chun's figure.

2NE1 Park Chun's body shape has attracted the attention of Korean netizens, dancing on the stage is very difficult, too fat?

Some netizens were very worried about her health after watching the video of Park Chun's performance, pointing out that she looked quite hard when dancing, and the editor learned that on October 24, Lee Jin-ho, a former entertainment reporter in South Korea, also explained Park Chun's weight gain, saying that Park Chun's agency responded to the concerns of netizens, responding that Park Chun did not have any health problems, she only gained weight during inactivity, and she had begun to diet and exercise.

2NE1 Park Chun's body shape has attracted the attention of Korean netizens, dancing on the stage is very difficult, too fat?

Park Chun seems to have gained a lot of weight since July and August, and many netizens worry that the reason for her weight gain may be that she has experienced something and is under a lot of pressure. Lee explained that having asked one of the previous heads of YG, Park Chun was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD) and could not control his eating habits even when YG was campaigning with 2NE1, saying it was difficult to control, especially since Park Chun found his weight difficult to control because stress often led to overeating.

2NE1 Park Chun's body shape has attracted the attention of Korean netizens, dancing on the stage is very difficult, too fat?

For Park Chun's current situation, netizens also expressed their opinions, some netizens said: "Who doesn't want to have a healthy body, but also know that she became fat because she was sick, seeing this GIF will only feel distressed and hope that she is healthy, there is no law that stipulates that singers and artists must be thin, and good health is the most important", some netizens said: "I feel that makeup is not suitable, the current body should no longer use the previous makeup, and the effect will be better if you change a suitable one, Why do you know your body shape and wear such a tight body? ”。

2NE1 Park Chun's body shape has attracted the attention of Korean netizens, dancing on the stage is very difficult, too fat?

The editor personally believes that in fact, no one stipulates what kind of body shape artists must maintain, but the public's consistent aesthetic is also standard, Park Chun has the courage to stand on the stage confidently, is the greatest satisfaction, no matter what other people's views are, live according to your own way, don't care too much about what others say. What do you think about this?

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