
Jonesown mass suicide, 913 bodies all over the town, is it suicide or murder?

author:Little witches tell stories

In the rainforest of the cooperative republic of Guyana, there is such an isolated town, it is called Jonestown.

In November 1978, two people from Jonesown appealed to the government of Guyana for help and saw them panicked and exhausted, as if they had just experienced a flight.

They said to everyone: "Everyone in Jonesown is being driven to suicide. "The Guyanese government could hardly believe what they were saying, so it sent helicopters to check on the situation on the ground.

Didn't expect them to be a step late!

Jonesown mass suicide, 913 bodies all over the town, is it suicide or murder?

By the time the helicopter arrived, there was silence in Jonestown that did not belong to the world, except for the two forgotten elderly men and two escapees who had appealed to the Guyanese government for help, the rest of Jonestown (913 people), including children (260), had all died.

The bodies of all the people were stacked together, and the whole town was covered with corpses, and looking down from the helicopter, it was as if some kind of strange collage rag covered the earth.

The entire town drank drinks laced with cyanide, dying in extreme pain and suffering from poison. Two of them "couldn't stand the pain and chose to shoot themselves, the perpetrator of this tragedy was Jim Jones and his personal nurse."

This is hell, and at the scene of this hell on earth, the police found a volume of audio recordings that recorded the entire tragedy. From this recording, there is a real voice from "death", how the leader Jim Jones has beguiled the followers of the "People's Temple" into madness with him.

Jonesown mass suicide, 913 bodies all over the town, is it suicide or murder?

Jim Jones, an American Christian pastor and his wife, an avid believer, began serving at the Methodist Church in Indianapolis.

The American society of the 60s of the 20th century was noisy and anti-war sentiment was high in the country because of the Vietnam War, in short, it was a time of temporary chaos due to drastic changes, the rich were squandering, and the poor blindly sought solace from various religions.

Jones' "People's Temple" was also one of many denominations that sprang up at the time. Originally, the sect was just a very inconspicuous small organization, but I didn't expect to quickly absorb a lot of believers, after all, Jones' ideas and goals were too much in line with the needs of people at that time.

He professed to establish a sect that would eliminate racial discrimination, disparity between rich and poor and ecological imbalance, and he himself was indeed doing all kinds of good deeds.

Many people rejected by mainstream society, such as blacks and the poor at the bottom, realized the value of their lives when they did good deeds with Jones. They use the money they raise to help more people, and these people who are excluded from mainstream society experience for the first time how beautiful it is to be "needed".

For example, helping drug addicts to get rid of drugs, helping poor college students pay tuition, adopting homeless orphans, helping the poor to see a doctor for free...

Not only did he love charity, but Jones' private life seemed impeccable, he wore old shoes, clothes and old singing robes, lived with the poor, and never used church money to buy things for himself.

There is no doubt that this ostensibly zealous and incorruptible character has attracted countless frustrated people on the road of life, who gathered around Jones and felt the value of being human. The "People's Temple" became famous for this, and its excellent reputation gave them great influence, he seemed so simple and enthusiastic, and he had excellent eloquence, as if he were a "perfect man".

Jonesown mass suicide, 913 bodies all over the town, is it suicide or murder?

In 1973, some believers left Jones and fled the People's Temple.

In addition to pretending to be a ghost, Jones' always praised character no longer stands. Indeed, Jones does not like money, but is there only money in this world that can make people fascinated?

Jones prefers women, young and beautiful women in the "People's Temple", and once Jones is attracted to him and can meet his requirements, then these women can advance.

The revelation of these facts not only made everyone begin to re-understand the sect, but also made Jones himself very anxious, almost as if he was suffering from murder paranoia. Exaggerating one's own panic infinitely will also intimidate other believers into believing that the world is going to turn against them and drive them to extermination.

Jonesown mass suicide, 913 bodies all over the town, is it suicide or murder?

Frightened, other believers decided to flee the world with Jones, and so they went to a remote part of Guyana's rainforest to establish "Jonestown".

Some who have fled the People's Temple and exposed the truth about the church have urged the US Congress to find out the truth that Jones is trying to hide. After receiving approval, Councilman Ryan led a team to visit what was then Jonestown.

The people of Jonesown sang and danced, laughed and made a lot of noise. They smiled and told the good life in Jonestown, and claimed over and over that they were not forced to stay here, but that they lived here voluntarily.

But soon Ryan and the other reporters accompanying him discovered that something was wrong, and they were being watched. And the Ryan delegation was unable to have any kind of informal conversation with the people there.

Jonesown mass suicide, 913 bodies all over the town, is it suicide or murder?

Jonestown is staging a long-scheduled show for Ryan and his party, where people play the role of "happy believers" and try to hide some terrible truth.

During this time, when the camera moved away, Carter quickly told Ryan and asked him to take him out of the place. In addition to Carter, there was another woman, when Ryan was about to leave, took advantage of the chaos and secretly gave a note to the accompanying reporter, who quickly shoved the note into his pocket, because he could see from the girl's eyes that she was very scared.

The note reads in shaky handwriting: "Please help us, we want to get out of this hell." Below are the signatures of four people.

After reading the note, Ryan returned to Jonesown and asked to take the petitioners away. Ryan read the names of the four people on the list, and the four walked out trembling and stood beside the reporter.

There was muffled crying in the crowd, and when Jones asked if anyone else was willing to go, some timid hands were raised, bringing the number of people willing to return to the United States to twenty. The delegation took the twenty men and quickly left by truck.

Jonesown mass suicide, 913 bodies all over the town, is it suicide or murder?

Just after leaving, the believers who fled Jonesown told Ryan that there was a very dangerous person in the car, Layton, who was Jones' robot and extremely loyal.

Because of this person, everyone was very nervous, and everyone was very quiet along the way, and the little girl Brenda tried to comfort her mother, who had been in the "People's Temple" for too long and had long lost hope, just clapped her hands and did not say a word.

Once at the airport, the escapees quickly boarded the plane. Just as the plane was taking off, a truck suddenly appeared, and a man holding a submachine gun was facing the reporter's camera. Two shots later, the photojournalist was shot and killed.

Jonesown mass suicide, 913 bodies all over the town, is it suicide or murder?

After a brief pause in shooting, three more gunshots were suddenly heard. Someone came and shot directly at Congressman Ryan. At the same time, inside another plane, Layton was also shooting at gunpoint.

Twelve people were injured and five died, including Congressman Ryan, four journalists accompanying him and a believer who had fled the People's Temple.

The consequences of the assassination of the congressman Jones knew very well, he had only one way at this time, fear of suicide. But he dragged 913 people from Jonesown to accompany him.

In the death tape at the scene of the massacre, Jones' last and worst performance is clearly recorded:

"Although I tried a lot, because a small number of people lie, we can't live anymore... The U.S. government is about to send planes to bombard people, and the government will send a large number of paratroopers, abuse children and massacre believers... We are not committing suicide, this is a revolutionary act, and if we cannot live in peace, then let us die peacefully. Our death will serve as a warning to those who are still alive, to identify with our thoughts, and to transform this imperfect world... Drink these medicines, it's simple, it's simple, it won't twitch, it's simple, drink it, drink it! Don't be afraid of death, drink quickly! ”

The first to drink the medicine were the children, whose parents coaxed them and fed them poison with their own hands.

"And those kids, bring the little ones in and coax them. It doesn't hurt, it's just a little bitter, and they definitely don't cry because it hurts. ”

Then adults and the elderly began to take poison, and if anyone dared to resist, the guards with guns would intimidate them. At the end of the tape are two gunshots, the sound of Jones and his personal nurse shooting themselves.

Jonesown mass suicide, 913 bodies all over the town, is it suicide or murder?

In fact, these poisoned believers are not all stupid or evil, they are ordinary people like us, only because of the frustration on the road of life and feel confused about the future.

They look forward to the "perfect world" and to achieve the happiness they want in this "world". When Jones appeared and painted such a "perfect world" for them, they chose to believe unconditionally. #Strange Case Detective Season 1#