
You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

author:Tadpole staves

Spring is coming, everything is revived, and life is about to move.

Some people travel together, some people release them.

That's right, in this world of foodies,

Release has also become a fad.

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

However, release is not what you want to put, you can put it when you want to.

Recently, such an embarrassing thing happened -

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

To this Tadpole Jun only wants to say:

Have you done this and considered how the turtle feels?

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

In the eyes of ordinary people, turtles look the same -

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

And most people believe that turtles are born to swim.

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

In fact, as long as you know a little bit about this kind of knowledge

It's not stupid to tell the difference

Tortoises and water turtles

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

The first trick of the Turtle Dafa: look at the shell

Tortoises are round and water turtles are flat.

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

The shell of the tortoise is high and raised, and the side looks rounded.

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

The shell of the turtle is flattened and distinctly streamlined.

In fact, it is easy to understand that animals always evolve themselves (at least in appearance) in natural selection into the most suitable state for survival.

As we all know, the life span of the turtle is very long, and the big brother of the animal kingdom is naturally familiar with the law of survival. Tortoises live on land, and their tall, bulging shells resemble a weight-bearing arch bridge that protects their bodies from harm. The water turtle with a streamlined shell is more conducive to swimming in the water to reduce the resistance of the current to the back.

The second trick of the Turtle Dafa: look at the claws

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

The turtle has webbing between its toes and can paddle like a duck

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

Tortoises are like chickens with their toes apart, making them easier to walk

The third trick of the Turtle Dafa: look at the legs

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

Tortoises have long walked on land and have stout legs

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

The legs of the water turtle are relatively thin (it turns out that swimming can really lose weight ~)

Here's the problem.

What is the turtle master in Kung Fu Panda?

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

That's right, I'm a man of letters and martial arts

Still can't tell? Please look carefully at the picture ↓

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

Then again, do you think that if you throw it away, it will be called release?

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

2-3 days before release, animals should be stopped, dense, low-oxygen tolerance and other stress adaptation exercises, and by experts to release aquatic animals health examination, unhealthy aquatic animals should not be released; aquatic animals put into the sea, should also be adjusted to salinity adaptation; for the release site, but also in advance to survey the stepping point, select in line with the release of the traffic safety and release operation, release aquatic biological characteristics and other requirements.

If you don't understand the situation, don't let it go.

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

For ordinary people, we must think about the following questions before release

1. Do I really stop eating it? Can it survive on its own?

2) Even if it survives well, will the animals living with it be stressed?

3. Is this the right time for it to leave?

4. Is this the right place for it to live?

For example, a hamster that runs a barrel, if you want to abandon it one day, it may be bad news for it.

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

Although hamsters belong to the same species as house mice and voles, hamsters have been treated as pets, and house mice and voles are wild animals.

You know, in the natural world of the weak and the strong, selling cuteness does not work.

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

As a domesticated pet rat, although it can retain some of the basic habits and nature of rats, its ability to fight against the natural environment has been weakened, and it is not even enough to maintain its ability to survive after being abandoned.

If you live in the north, then it will be even more unfortunate. Hamsters have relatively high requirements for temperature, generally between 20 ° C and 28 ° C, and can not be long-term wind and sun, so squeamish cute pet, or raise it!

There is also a creature that you don't have to worry about surviving after it is released. Instead, you need to worry about the survival of other creatures. Because of its arrival, it may be a tragedy for other creatures.

For example, the red-eared turtle native to the United States, the colored stripes look beautiful, and eat everything, and it is simply so easy to keep a pet. But who would have thought that this guy would be listed by the IUCN as one of the 100 most dangerous intruders.

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

The red-eared turtle has a fairly broad diet and is a carnivore, fierce, can even hunt American bullfrogs up to 20 centimeters in length, and has strong reproductive ability, and also carries the harmful Salmonella. So, its arrival could really be a disaster.

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

A copy is included at the end

Biological manuals that should not be released

Take it away without thanks

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing


Native to Africa. Release can easily lead to ecological imbalances.

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

Pacific diving mud clams

Also known as the elephant mussel, it is native to the North Pacific coast of the United States and Canada. Release affects native species.

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

Lower mouth catfish

Also known as scavengers, native to the Amazon River. Affecting the reproduction of other fish, there are no natural enemies in China.

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

Sawfish carp

Also known as piranha, it is native to the Amazon River. Known for its ferocity.

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

Freshwater white pomfret

Native to the Amazon River, release affects native species.

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing


Native to the Americas. Large ferocious fish with poisonous eggs.

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

Brazilian tortoise

Amphibious, native to North America. It affects native species and also spreads Salmonella.

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

Large alligator turtle

Amphibious and native to the Americas. It preys on snakes, birds, and even attacks humans.

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing


Amphibious, native to North America. Long lifespan, strong reproductive ability, easy to invade and spread.

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

Poison dart frog

Native to Central and South America. Toxicity varies, and release will constitute species invasion.

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing


Commonly known as the earth catfish, a large ferocious carnivorous fish, it is easy to cause damage to the ecological resources of the waters.

Whether you release or kill, it's all within your thoughts

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

Copyright Notice

Tadpole stave exclusive manuscript, the original author Jingguoguo, Tadpole Jun has adapted.

If you want to reprint, please pay attention to the account and reply directly to "reprint", and reprinting according to the requirements is deemed authorized, otherwise it will be reported.

You think you're releasing, but you're actually killing

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