
How to wear high-end fashion in autumn and winter? Mainly looking at these 3 matching factors, I learned to double my temperament


In autumn and winter, young ladies who can dress up can wear themselves out of a goddess-like atmosphere, and young ladies who can't dress will wrap themselves in bears, so learning dressing skills is really important, how can you wear a sense of fashion and atmosphere? You don't need to be anxious, learn the following skills, master the three factors can make you turn back and double your temperament.

How to wear high-end fashion in autumn and winter? Mainly looking at these 3 matching factors, I learned to double my temperament

First, three factors reflect the sense of atmosphere

1. The color is gentle

To be honest, I want to wear it with a sense of atmosphere. The choice of color can not be too showy, bright color matching is difficult to show temperament, like the basic color of the wear is actually easier to show a sense of luxury, then in daily life, you can also directly choose some simple black and white, brown or khaki clothing, these simple and fashionable colors are very durable, wear on the body can also show the taste very well.

How to wear high-end fashion in autumn and winter? Mainly looking at these 3 matching factors, I learned to double my temperament

In addition, want to show elegant and decent charm, and at the same time want to modify the skin tone, white-skinned sisters can also occasionally use some popular colors to brighten your outfit, such as this dark green or sweet potato purple is also very popular in this autumn and winter, these gentle color matching is very conducive to modifying the skin tone, light color wear will also appear fair, temperament goddess must.

How to wear high-end fashion in autumn and winter? Mainly looking at these 3 matching factors, I learned to double my temperament

2. Advanced texture

The second factor is the texture of the clothing, the texture of the clothing should be good, this can show the taste, the texture is too poor to pull down our personal charm, appear tacky, so do not choose clothing that is easy to pill or will have folds in daily life, choose this kind of fabric with a strong sense of drape, velor or knitted fabrics are very high-end.

How to wear high-end fashion in autumn and winter? Mainly looking at these 3 matching factors, I learned to double my temperament

3. Delicate accessories decoration

Really atmospheric girls, they will also combine a variety of accessories when matching, whether you are wearing elegant or casual wearing, wearing accessories can add points, daily we can wear some simple earrings, necklace embellishment, make you look more exquisite, at the same time you can wear hats, sunglasses accessories, enhance the aura, more points.

How to wear high-end fashion in autumn and winter? Mainly looking at these 3 matching factors, I learned to double my temperament

Second, the sense of atmosphere is shared

To be honest, in this autumn and winter, more and more girls are wearing coats, windbreakers, these long coats are very aura, small girls can also wear the feeling of walking with the wind, and we should pay attention to the waist when matching, not too loose, otherwise it may appear fat, this waist-tightening coat is easy to shrink the waistline.

How to wear high-end fashion in autumn and winter? Mainly looking at these 3 matching factors, I learned to double my temperament

Sweaters or knitwear are actually very common, these simple clothes are also conducive to showing charm, with these loose sweaters layered shirt can reflect the sense of layering, the lower body with loose wide-leg jeans, laid-back, the whole combination of comfort and fashion coexist.

How to wear high-end fashion in autumn and winter? Mainly looking at these 3 matching factors, I learned to double my temperament

Knitwear has become a must-have for the goddess, in autumn, a knitwear can also be used as a base, these small turtleneck knitwear with skirts will look very attractive, very gentle temperament, the combination of high-waisted skirts and short knitwear is also very revealing, short girls don't miss it.

How to wear high-end fashion in autumn and winter? Mainly looking at these 3 matching factors, I learned to double my temperament

There are many ways to wear knitwear, girls like to use skirts to match knitwear, because the skirt is very gentle, very romantic, with a strong femininity, these fashionable high-waisted skirts with knitwear can make the figure trimmed, look taller and thin, by the way with boots will also feel very strong.

How to wear high-end fashion in autumn and winter? Mainly looking at these 3 matching factors, I learned to double my temperament

And when styling with these sweaters or knitwear, pay attention to the fit is not too wide, overly wide clothes are easy to look tiger back and bear waist, on the contrary, this slim fit is more thin, the lower body matches high-waisted pants or skirts can get long legs to divide the figure.

How to wear high-end fashion in autumn and winter? Mainly looking at these 3 matching factors, I learned to double my temperament

If you want to become a temperament woman, it is too important to learn to dress and match, and these items popular in the fashion circle this year are also very diverse, whether it is sweaters, sweaters, windbreakers, coats can be worn out of the sense of atmosphere, it depends on how you match, quickly learn the above fashion dressing ideas, show your personal taste.

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