
It is rumored that in the list of Marvel "Mr. Fantastic" actor candidates, this actor has a high ranking

author:Hollywood Movie Intelligence Tachibana

For the planning of a series of film and television IPs in the follow-up of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, especially reboots such as "Fantastic Four", the choice of actors has always been the attention of fans from all walks of life, no way, as a new film work with the same IP, when there is a classic version in front, fans will inevitably compare the new version of casting with the previous work.

It is rumored that in the list of Marvel "Mr. Fantastic" actor candidates, this actor has a high ranking

This is understandable and unavoidable~

Under this, there have been previous gossip that among the many contenders for the role of Marvel's "Mr. Fantastic", among them, "Star Wars" actor Adam Driver may have a good chance, which comes from Jeff Sneider of The Ankler (an entertainment industry insider intelligence website) on The Hot Mic podcast revealed that he heard that Adam Driver, the actor of the "Kylo Ren" character of "Star Wars", had a meeting with Marvel Studios , Reed Richards, who plays the "Fantastic Four", Jeff Sneider also said that he also heard that the driver had previously been rumored to be the role of "Doctor Doom" of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

It is rumored that in the list of Marvel "Mr. Fantastic" actor candidates, this actor has a high ranking

The source noted that the casting claims came from an "unconfirmed" source (he was contacted by direct messages by someone he didn't know), but said he "chose to believe the person's news because it looks interesting!" ”

It is rumored that in the list of Marvel "Mr. Fantastic" actor candidates, this actor has a high ranking

For Adam Driver as an actor, I believe that many fans who like the "Star Wars" series of movies should be no stranger, and they have performed very well in Disney's "Star Wars" series "The Force Awakens", "The Last Jedi", and "Skywalker Rise".

It is rumored that in the list of Marvel "Mr. Fantastic" actor candidates, this actor has a high ranking

Perhaps it is Adam Driver who has performed well in the same type of IP, and is also an acquaintance actor of Marvel's gold owner Disney, which provides a certain basis for the spread of this rumor.

But at present, we still have to be clear that Marvel currently has no news of the role selection of "Fantastic Four" with the nature of a stone hammer, and even when the various "Fantastic Four" character actors were suspected of having candidates, Marvel also directly said at that time: all are nothing!

It is rumored that in the list of Marvel "Mr. Fantastic" actor candidates, this actor has a high ranking

So, no surprise -

This time there will also be a "rumor" of origin, and finally "rumored" news.

However, for Adam Driver as an actor, although I don't know enough about other earlier works, at least from the perspective of his image, Adam Driver can play the role if he enters the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the future, at least from my personal point of view, "Mr. Fantastic" is not very suitable for him, he may be more suitable for roles such as "Doctor Doom" Doom.

It is rumored that in the list of Marvel "Mr. Fantastic" actor candidates, this actor has a high ranking

Of course, there may be fans who think that the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Doctor Doom may be better to be a little older, so that the full sense of scheming of the role of Doctor Doom can be presented to the greatest extent, and if you use relatively young actors, it may still feel a little insufficient in this regard.

It is rumored that in the list of Marvel "Mr. Fantastic" actor candidates, this actor has a high ranking

As for the choice of the role of "Mr. Fantastic" in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, in the movie "Odd 2" earlier, Marvel let John Krasinski play this role in order to meet the wishes of fans, but at that time Marvel also directly said that this was just to meet the wishes of fans, and then the new version of the main universe "Fantastic Four" is unlikely to let John Krasinski continue to star.

It is rumored that in the list of Marvel "Mr. Fantastic" actor candidates, this actor has a high ranking

However, there are not many voices on the Internet that want John Krasinski to continue to play this role, so much so that John Krasinski's wife Emily Blunt has also publicly expressed her hope that John Krasinski can continue to play this role.

It is rumored that in the list of Marvel "Mr. Fantastic" actor candidates, this actor has a high ranking

Emily Blunt: "I'm really happy for him because I think he's a huge fan. I understand why it is such a passionate faith for people. It's a big part of our film history, so he's excited too. ”

Interviewer: "Well, I think everyone else is the same, and hopefully we can see him again." ”

Emily Blunt: "Is it? Well, I hope so, I hope so, you never know. ”

It is rumored that in the list of Marvel "Mr. Fantastic" actor candidates, this actor has a high ranking

So, if you were asked to choose the actor for the role of "Mr. Fantastic" in Marvel's new version of "Fantastic Four", which Hollywood actor do you think would be suitable?

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