
The aroma of rice flowers is strong

author:Red Net
The aroma of rice flowers is strong

Red Network Moment correspondent Song Meihua reported

With the footsteps of the autumn sun, a village full of ethnic atmosphere and full of the fragrance of rice flowers appeared in sight: Hequn Village. A very kind name, just like the first impression given by Zhong Baiyu, the village branch book: cordial, simple, natural, and full of the simplicity of the crop people. After walking through the village, I realized that Hequn Village not only brings people cordiality and simplicity, but also integrates the diligence and wisdom of the people of a Bai village, who keep up with the times, successfully create and develop a diversified rural industrial model, and walk their own way to prosperity.

Hequn Village is located in Furongqiao Bai Nationality Township, Sangzhi County, Zhangjiajie City, and the village secretary is a woman, which surprised us. She stood in the valley tower and smiled and spoke to us, with a simple appearance, round face and amiability. There is a folk saying called "people cannot be profiled, and sea water cannot be beaten", which seems to be very suitable for Secretary Zhong Baiyu. This unastonishing and absolutely inconspicuous walking in the crowd surprised us by what she said: as a representative of the advanced village branch for poverty alleviation, she was received by General Secretary Xi Jinping in Beijing, which is the most glorious affirmation of her work. Standing at the sunbathing tower, she briefly introduced the situation in the village and led everyone into the processing plant to visit.

Walking into the processing plant, people are amazed Agricultural modernization has developed so rapidly, a small Bai mountain village, not only grows good grain, but also has its own processing plant. The first room of the processing plant was filled with canola oil cakes. Secretary Zhong said that it was used as fertilizer. Secretary Zhong went on to tell us that the per capita income of Hequn Village has exceeded 10,000 yuan, and the collective economic income has exceeded 1 million yuan, mainly because of the strength of the organization and the unity of heart. In recent years, the industrial development model of party branch + base + cooperative + mass has been established, and all party members have been organized in peacetime, all the land that can be cultivated, and all the masses have been organized; 39 party members have been divided into four party groups, each of which manages an industry, gradually enhancing the cohesion and combat effectiveness of village party organizations and opening up a new way of collective economy. At the beginning of the development of the industry, there are certain risks and difficulties. The "two committees" of the Hequn Village Branch studied and set up a professional cooperative, following the principle of "voluntary shareholding, free withdrawal, risk sharing, and benefit sharing", allowing villagers to participate in shares and dividends, and enhancing self-confidence in entrepreneurship.

Hequn Village pays attention to the concept of promoting the development of the whole village with industry, and constantly strengthens the close ties between industries. The primary industry of development is the breeding industry, the village is surrounded by mountains, green grass, can not let such a good resource be wasted, in the mountains to repair sheep houses, pig houses, breed 2,000 black goats, raise a lot of pigs, usually sheep run all over the mountain, everywhere is the "bleating" sound of sheep. 1,200 acres of yellow peaches and high-quality rice were also planted. After the rice harvest in the autumn, rapeseed is planted in September. In this way, the rice-oil rotation farming model has strengthened and improved soil recycling. The remaining oil after the rapeseed oil is squeezed, and the sheep manure and pig manure from the septic tank on the mountain are fermented together to directly make organic fertilizer, so that the villagers can pick it into the yellow peach forest and fertilize the yellow peach plant by plant. The Huang Taolin base in Hequn Village was painstaking. At that time, in order to actively respond to the policy of basic farmland protection, on the eve of the rice planting season, the village asked a lot of manpower and material resources to move all the yellow peaches that had been planted in the fields to the mountains, and then sorted out and leveled the yellow peach fields.

When the villagers transplant the yellow peach trees, try to choose the planting method, when digging, they are wrapped in a large lump of soil near the yellow peach trees, and then four or five people carry the peach trees one by one with grass ropes and thick wooden sticks to the mountains for replanting, ask special people to manage, apply fertilizer regularly, and each peach tree moved to the mountain is like a child carefully cared for in the hands of the villagers. Their intentions eventually paid off, raising pigs and herding sheep in the mountains, forming a series of supporting and promising industrial cycles, so that natural hard work has brought fruitful results, thus laying a solid foundation for the development of the tertiary industry in the village - the service industry. Hequn Village has come up with many ways to serve industry projects, such as people can experience agricultural production and labor, such as planting rice, harvesting grain in autumn, climbing mountains to view the scenery, picking peaches from trees, in addition to tasting fresh yellow peaches smoked in pure natural soil, you can also carry out roasting whole sheep activities, and fully experience the customs and folklore of Hequn Village.

Secretary Zhong said that her name represents white jade, beautiful and flawless. In her heart, she carves Hequn Village as a piece of beautiful jade, so the rice fields in the village must be the best. In terms of rice cultivation, she strictly controls that the soil used to grow rice must be tested, and strives to cultivate the best rice with the best soil. It is under the leadership of such a serious and meticulous spirit that Hequn Village has changed from a poor mountain to a beautiful environment, and everyone has a smile on their faces and is full of energy. At the National Poverty Alleviation Summary and Commendation Conference on February 25, 2021, the Hequn Village Party Branch won the "National Advanced Collective Award for Poverty Alleviation", which is well deserved.

Unity is strength, and the old and young in the group village unite together, twist into a rope, work hard in one place, gather their thoughts, think of a golden idea, and come up with more golden ideas, listen to the party, feel the favor of the party, follow the party, and get rich through hard work is fundamental. Ideologically unified, a normal cycle of thinking is formed, and with an advanced concept of common progress, a solid spiritual fortress is formed, and a rich industrial model is formed, which is indestructible. As Secretary Zhong Baiyu said, a village, a township and a unit, only one industry is an absolute failure, just like two legs, if both legs are two meters, walk in parallel, if one of the legs is three meters, will not be parallel, to long-term or short-term normal gradual, continuous cycle development, put those natural fertilizers into the planting industry, the fertilizer produced after planting and harvesting into natural fertilizer and then fermentation, into organic fertilizer, constantly reduce the cost of fertilizer, replanting, and so on. Therefore, to do agriculture, we must cultivate organically. The water of Hequn Village has also reached the national first-class standard of water use, the village's seven-eyed spring, clear and sweet, gathered by seven springs, is one of the birthplaces of the water, and it is also a mountain spring that can be used to raise baby fish (giant salamander), the village uses this water, irrigates, introduces rice fields, and grows rice, which is the purest rice. Experts from the Ministry of Agriculture have harvested the current season of rice and sent it to Harbin for testing, which is truly green and healthy natural rice. The rice in the village is sold very well, 30 yuan a catty, all orders, even during the epidemic, the cheapest price is ten yuan a catty, sold to the last little bit of rice, the village will give benefits to the people, including the rapeseed oil grown in Hequn Village, it is also shared with the people, and every family eats healthy rice, oil and home-grown vegetables. The reason for planting rapeseed after the rice field is to improve and prevent the rigid and rigid nature of the land, and the land must be naturally loose and cannot be rigidly farmed. The canola straw can fertilize the land and change the soil very well, so that a single project is completely turned into a complex, which is why Hequn Village built two factories, a grain and oil base, which processes both rice and oil, and they deeply understand the principle that things complement each other. It is in this way that Hequn Village has been built from a poor ravine into a mountain village full of goats running, full of dense trees and melons, and full of rice flowers.

With the fragrance of rice flowers, the unique ethnic intangible cultural heritage characteristics of Hequn Village are also overflowing with a rich aroma - creating a cultural tourism industry and making the village more blooming. Walking into Hequn Village, an ethnic village with a strong Bai ethnic style, I drank the highest etiquette of Bai people's hospitality and the original three-course tea: one bitter, two sweet and three aftertastes, heard the beautiful three-course tea song, and saw the warm and cheerful, rich national characteristics of the Bai people's quaint and simple battle. The architectural pattern of the houses and intangible cultural heritage compounds in the village reveals strong Bai cultural characteristics. According to the paintings on the wall, all are painted, such as Meilan bamboo chrysanthemum, spring ploughing, summer harvest and winter Tibet, high mountains flowing water stream stream and stream bridge, etc., are painted vividly, the upper corner of the eaves is also carved with the mascot of the Bai people "White Rabbit", some of the eaves are also carved red and green, which means the town house, the lion guarding the house, which is different from the custom of the Tujia to put the stone lion on both sides of the gate. When I walked in, I heard the songs, the dances I saw, and the moving smiling faces all indicated two words: happiness. In this happiness, in several wooden houses of the national compound, there are also many handicraft embroidery crafts. Those flowers, birds, branches, were embroidered on red silk cloth, white silk cloth, purple cotton cloth by delicate Bai girls, and those cloths embroidered with flowers were made into pillowcases, bed sheets, embroidered shoes, tiger head hats, etc., not enough to see, not enough to love. I wonder how those birds that look like they are flapping their wings and those butterflies are embroidered so vividly? The colors are rich and festive, and people can't put it down. Every nationality has its own irreproducible national temperament, and the Bai nationality is also, these exquisite embroidery arts, such as carving on white jade, are delicate and endlessly evocative.

In addition to these exquisite hand-embroidered products, there is also an even more novel folk skill - traditional Bai handicraft tie-dye. Tie-dye and Tujia batik products look similar somewhat, but they are actually completely different. The tie-dye process is complicated, there are at least ten processes, the older generation of tie-dye artists like to paint on the cloth first, draw different décor shapes on various sizes of cloth, and now the cloth painting method is much faster, tie according to the shape of the pattern, different décor shapes have different tie methods, such as pearl flowers, needles are tied down and then tightened until they are tied into a pearl-sized piece of cloth. The pattern to be tied is different, the color is different, and the thread is different. There are tie-dye patterns such as rice flowers, caterpillars, double-layer plum blossoms, and horse and sheep's teeth. After tying, take it and dye it, dye a little deeper is called dark blue, dye a lighter point called light blue, dry after dyeing, and then start to remove the stitches, after the threads are removed, all kinds of décor will come out, very beautiful. Tie-dye products can best reflect the fine level of Bai Zayi, those colors, look classical, mysterious, exquisite, and have a unique charm. Tie-dye can be used to make bed sheets, tablecloths, clothes and many other household decorations.

The development of the cultural tourism industry in Hequn Village, in addition to ethnic songs and dances, tea art, traditional handicraft characteristics, etc., has also penetrated into the spiritual inheritance elements of red culture. Sangzhi is a red cultural inheritance base, Hequn Village knows this well, the development of a village is inseparable from the party's good policies, taking solid steps on the road of rural revitalization, and even more inseparable from the purpose of "listening to the party, feeling the party's grace, and following the party". Therefore, there was a simple banquet that touched the mountain song that replaced wine with water, the lyrics were colloquial, the red story was sung by the mountain, and several village branch members took the lead in holding water cups and singing the Bai mountain song: "Follow our good team... I'm not afraid of knives ... Hey on the neck... Cut off the braincase and only yo ... The bowl is a big scar... Babbling...", the song is simple and catchy, singing the revolutionary story when He Shuai led the Red Army team, and the red inheritance is always put in the heart and sung in the mouth. Draught does not forget to dig wells, and the party's kindness is always in mind. The revolutionary martyrs built New China with the spirit of not fearing hardship, fatigue, or death, and they also used practical actions to inherit and carry forward the spirit of the Red Army.

Zhong Baiyu said sincerely: "Only wait for one person to return in my life." An inch of blood, a cup of hot soil and a soul, we will always remember the revolutionary martyrs, always cherish their memory, and remember them. Marshal He Long will always live in our hearts and inspire us to move forward. We always inherit the red gene, carry forward the spirit of the Red Army, use this spirit to build a new China, and revitalize Hequn Village! That's what they say, that's what they think, and that's what they do.

Step by step, the people of Hequn Village, from "fruit trees go up the mountain, teng the fields to grow grain", to "seven eyes of spring water diligently, the village is full of the fragrance of rice flowers", and have steadily walked out of their own road to prosperity. Green water and green mountains have become golden mountains and silver mountains, and Hequn Village has achieved gratifying results in diversified combined development on the road of rural revitalization and industrial prosperity, and looks forward to them stepping out of a better tomorrow on the road of party building and guidance, rural revitalization, cultural platform, and industrial singing!