
Sell perfume to buy Twitter? "Slash middle-aged" Musk is also the world's first

author:Technology sharing bacteria

There are still two weeks before Musk completes the transaction with Twitter, everyone is waiting to see the excitement, but the party is unusually "big-hearted", and even jokes about this matter.

His Boring company is about to sell a perfume called "Burnt Hair". Borrowing new products to divert the public's attention, Musk's trick of "moving flowers and trees" is slippery!

Sell perfume to buy Twitter? "Slash middle-aged" Musk is also the world's first


Musk is really "boring"

"Please buy my perfume so I can buy Twitter."

Musk played with memes generously, instantly making the new perfume the focus of public opinion. At the critical moment of acquisition, I am afraid that only the "richest man" can make such absurd operations.

In fact, the perfume is a new product from his boring company (yes, that's the name), called "Burnt Hair," which costs $100 a bottle.

Let's not say whether this strange name can make people want to buy, the key is that it will only be sold in 2023, why publicize it a year in advance, did he steal Taobao's "pre-sale technique"?

What's even more ironic is that Musk also changed his Twitter introduction to "perfume salesman", but when introducing the product, he said that "this is a nasty smell, and spraying it can make you stand out from the crowd."

Sell perfume to buy Twitter? "Slash middle-aged" Musk is also the world's first

This kind of operation is really confusing, and no one can understand whether he really wants to sell products.

But who Musk is, it is not an exaggeration to say a hundred responses. In just a few hours, the perfume sold more than 1 million US dollars, totaling more than 7 million yuan.

Could it be that he really wants to buy Twitter by crowdfunding from selling perfumes? Leak, big leak! As the saying goes, "a man's mouth, a deceitful ghost", Musk is the one who gathers, and his ability to run a train with his mouth full of mouth is not practiced by "a day of cold".

Netizens familiar with his tonality have long interacted in the comment area, and someone also made an advertising picture full of sincerity: Musk with burnt hair with a muscular male body, funny value full.

Sell perfume to buy Twitter? "Slash middle-aged" Musk is also the world's first


The richest man in the "slash"

Count it up, Musk has rich experience in selling groceries.

Since 2017, after he launched the black cap, he started his own "slash middle age" road. Obviously boring color matching and style, this hat sold for 30,000 pieces, worth $600,000.

"Boss Ma" floated in an instant, threatening to sell flamethrowers for another 20,000 units. Everyone didn't think about it, but they didn't expect that this big guy who could spray 3 meters of flame would really go on the market the next year.

Fans instantly snatched up 20,000 inventory, and Musk of Meizi counted the money while pondering what to do next, regardless of the safety of the product.

Sell perfume to buy Twitter? "Slash middle-aged" Musk is also the world's first

At the time, government officials accused flamethrowers of being very dangerous, but Musk's solution was to "change the name of the product", which was quite perfunctory. But is he really trying to sell groceries for fun? Not so.

Attentive netizens found that the cap and ejector are from a company called TBC. The company was founded by Musk to dig tunnels underground to solve traffic congestion problems, and it was urgent to make a name for itself.

Within the next two years, it won a $48.6 million order and became a shareholder in SpaceX, valued at $920 million.

Today, TBC has not dug much tunnel, but it is valued at $5.7 billion. All this is thanks to Musk, who spewed out a capital dream with a flame gun. Who says it's not a good business?


800 heart eyes

Perhaps having tasted the sweetness, Musk's grocery store has further expanded, selling products including 350 yuan whistle, 489 yuan power bank, umbrellas, cups, children's toy cars, etc.

Interestingly, each product debuts at a strange timing.

When the whistle was released, it was when Apple's "sky-high polishing cloth" was in the limelight. Musk shouted, both rubbing the heat and making money.

Just this year, when he was in court over the acquisition, Musk sent another whistle campaign to express support for "whistleblower" Zateko's security problems pointed out at the hearing.

Using products to mock opponents, and to gain traffic and money, is simply a one-shot stone, Musk should cover his mouth and sneer.

In addition, his grocery sold a pair of red shorts in 2018 called Short Shorts.

You know, 2018 is when Tesla is targeted by the world's largest short fund and sung by all parties, and Short also has the intention of shorting, it seems that Musk is also a loyal fan of homophonic terriers.

Sell perfume to buy Twitter? "Slash middle-aged" Musk is also the world's first

Leading Tesla out of the abyss and single-handedly cultivating SpaceX into a towering tree, Musk's richest man lives up to his name.

What's even more admirable is that no matter what the situation is, he can always maintain a sense of humor, not only face it calmly, but also make fun of it and even take advantage of the situation. I have to say that this heart and sight are amazing.

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