
"This is a real miracle in the history of human development" -- the international community is hotly discussing the world significance of Chinese-style modernization


Beijing, 19 Oct (Xinhua) -- "This is a real miracle in the history of human development" -- The international community is hotly discussing the world significance of Chinese-style modernization

Xinhua News Agency reporter

"From now on, the central task of the Communist Party of China is to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country to build themselves into a modern socialist power in an all-round way, realize the second centenary goal, and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization." On the 16th, General Secretary Xi Jinping made this declaration in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

In the past few days, the Chinese-style modernization emphasized in the report of the 20th National Congress has become a keyword that has attracted the attention of the world. The international community praised China's modernization as a "true miracle in the history of human development" and "an innovation in the development of human society", providing new options for mankind to achieve modernization. Overseas people expect China to continue to provide new opportunities for the world with China's new development on the road of modernization, promote the development of global governance in a more just and reasonable direction, and work together to create a better future for mankind.

Enlighten the Modernization of the Development Path

Chinese-style modernization is socialist modernization led by the Communist Party of China, which not only has the common characteristics of modernization in all countries, but also has Chinese characteristics based on its own national conditions. The international community believes that Chinese-style modernization is rooted in the land of China and is in line with China's reality. The achievements of Chinese-style modernization have lit the beacon of hope for progress and development for the world, and contributed Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to the process of world modernization.

"This is a true miracle in the history of human development." Thongmuang David, a researcher at the Asian Vision Institute in Cambodia, expressed admiration for China's development achievements on the road of Chinese-style modernization in the past decade. He believes that China has completed poverty alleviation and built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and "China's success is inspiring many developing countries to bravely explore their own solutions for development and prosperity."

After carefully studying General Secretary Xi Jinping's systematic exposition of Chinese-style modernization in his report to the 20th Party Congress, Gu Qingyang, associate professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, believes that Chinese-style modernization is a development model with Chinese characteristics. He said: The CPC unites and leads the Chinese people to build a modern socialist power in an all-round way and comprehensively promotes the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization, which will have an important positive impact on the complicated world changes.

Sonma Punshena, vice chairman of the Lao National Assembly, has first-hand experience of the achievements of China-style modernization. "Our brothers and sisters lived in Beijing when they were children, and now we go to China every once in a while, and we really feel the changes in China." The brothers and sisters of the Penshena family, who studied and lived in Beijing in the 60s of the 20th century, will also visit the homes of classmates and friends when they come to China. "Their lives are so good now!" Songma said.

Song Ma sighed: "The achievements of Chinese-style modernization and development tell us that modernization is not Westernization, and all countries can have modernization suitable for their own countries. ”

According to Kenyan international affairs scholar Kavince Ardeshir, Chinese-style modernization is people-centered modernization for a large population. He said that as the world's most populous country, the successful exploration of the road of Chinese-style modernization is a great contribution to the cause of human progress. To set an example for developing countries, including African countries, China must adhere to the path of modernization and development suited to its own national conditions and achieve modernization with the goal of common prosperity for all people.

"China has undergone great economic and social changes." Luis Delgaro, director of academic research at the Center for Advanced Studies in the Development of Venezuelan Emerging Economies, said that China's modernization has provided important reference for many countries facing economic and social development problems and need to explore development paths suitable for their own national conditions.

"Chinese-style modernization has created a new form of human civilization and expanded the ways for developing countries to move toward modernization." Gennady Zyuganov, chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Russia, pointed out that China's rapid development has become a major achievement in the process of the development of human civilization, and the successful experience of Chinese-style modernization will open up a way to a better future for more countries and peoples.

Modernization Benefiting World Prosperity

The report of the 20th National Congress pointed out that Chinese-style modernization is a modernization with a huge population; It is the modernization of common prosperity for all people; It is the modernization of material civilization and spiritual civilization in harmony; It is the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature; It is modernization that follows the path of peaceful development. Overseas people believe that Chinese-style modernization has rich connotations and strong attraction, and will actively promote world prosperity, mutual learning between civilizations, and inject more positive energy into the world.

Hamdi Taba, president of the Jordanian Merchants Association, operates in many fields such as automobiles, insurance and trade, and in recent years he has fully felt the huge dividends released by China's open market and vigorous economic development. Taba believes that the report of the 20th National Congress pointed out that Chinese-style modernization is a modernization with a huge population scale and the common prosperity of all people, which means that the living standards of the Chinese people will jump as a whole in the future, and the consumer demand released by China will greatly promote the sustained prosperity and development of the world economy.

"China has won the largest battle against poverty in human history, raised people's income levels, and strived to achieve social equity." Fernando Fazoolali, coordinator of the Infrastructure Committee of the Argentina-China Chamber of Commerce in Argentina, is deeply impressed by the report's discussion of "modernization for the common prosperity of all people", he believes that all these efforts have effectively expanded the Chinese market and increased the demand for high-quality goods and services in Chinese, "which is a huge attraction for global companies."

Evandro Carvalho, director of the Brazil-China Research Center, said that Chinese-style modernization, which "harmonizes material civilization and spiritual civilization", emphasizes promoting the all-round enrichment of materials and the all-round development of people, and ultimately realizing the common prosperity of all people and promoting social fairness and justice. "We can see that Chinese-style modernization is following a path of civilized development with production development, rich life and good ecology."

"The coordination of material civilization and spiritual civilization highlighted by Chinese-style modernization will continue to promote Chinese culture to the world and broaden the channels for deepening understanding between China and other countries in the world." King Saud University professor Ibrahim Wahayib noted.

Amadou Diop, a Senegalese China expert and former China correspondent for The Sun, is concerned about the "modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature" emphasized in the report. "China plays an important role in protecting the environment and promoting green development, and China has made outstanding contributions to reducing environmental pollution and promoting green economic development." Citing the example of desertification control in China's Kubuqi Desert, Diop praised China's ecological protection projects for providing lessons for the world and inspiring the world for promoting renewable energy.

"China's modernization is modernization that takes the path of peaceful development, and it will surely inject more positive energy into improving global governance." Eduardo Regalado, an expert on China at the Cuban Center for International Politics, said that in today's world, the theme of peace and development is facing severe challenges, and China has always firmly pursued an independent foreign policy of peace, safeguarded the basic norms of international relations and international fairness and justice, and hoped that China's new development will continue to bring new opportunities to the world and make greater contributions to creating a better future for mankind.

Promote the Modernization of Improving Global Governance

At present, the world once again stands at the crossroads of history, and the way forward depends on the choices of the people of all countries. The international community believes that at such a critical moment, the report of the 20th National Congress will "promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind and create a new form of human civilization" into the essential requirements of Chinese-style modernization, indicating that in the process of modernization, China will always promote the development of global governance in a more just and reasonable direction, and Chinese people will work together with the people of the world to create a better future for mankind.

"The important concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind has contributed China's solutions to global governance and provided Chinese wisdom for promoting world peace and prosperity." Robert Lawrence Kuhn, chairman of the Kuhn Foundation of the United States, said after watching the live broadcast of General Secretary Xi Jinping's report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that the Communist Party of China is a political party representing all the people of China, adhering to the people-centered development ideology and leading the people to achieve national modernization and national rejuvenation. The concept of "building a community with a shared future for mankind" will further bring the "people-centered" Chinese concept to the world.

David Monyae, director of the Africa-China Studies Centre at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa, praised China's path of modernization as "an initiative in the development of human society." He believes that from sharing development opportunities to sharing development experience, China's modernization has explored a more equitable development path, and China's development experience has continued to have a far-reaching impact on the world, especially African countries and other developing countries.

Ismail de Beche, professor at the University of Algiers III in Algeria, has been president of the Algerian-Chinese Friendship Association since the 90s of the 20th century. Debesh said that China attaches great importance to the people's life, health and well-being, vigorously implements the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, maintains regional and international security, peace and stability in the international arena, will share development opportunities with other developing countries, help other countries develop and improve people's living standards, and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

De Beshi pointed out that in recent years, China's initiatives have emphasized partnership and mutual benefit and win-win results, and emphasized promoting people-to-people ties among the people of all countries. He believes that China will write "promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind" into the essential requirements of Chinese-style modernization, which will promote the development of global governance in a more just and reasonable direction and make greater contributions to global development.

"The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China sends a clear signal that China under the leadership of the Communist Party of China will firmly uphold the basic norms of international relations and international fairness and justice, promote the implementation of the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative, and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind." New Zealand China expert Dave Bromicch said China will continue to promote multilateralism and work with the international community to deal with global challenges, "a socially stable and economically strong China will be the common welfare of the world." (End)

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