
"Herald soldiers" coming from the smoke of gunfire

author:Jiande Procuratorate

The telephone company of a certain brigade of the army of the Western Theater wrote the glory of the military service with Fanghua

"Herald soldiers" coming from the smoke of gunfire

The picture shows the officers and men of the operator solemnly taking the oath in front of the banner of honor. Photo by Wu Limin

"Herald soldiers" coming from the smoke of gunfire

The picture shows the officers and men of the operator company on duty at the station. Photo by Wang Jianying

  The signal corps is known as "clairvoyant and smooth ears on the battlefield," and telephony is one of the important specialties of the armed forces. During the revolutionary war years, the operators conveyed military orders and information in the rain of bullets, creating a legend of victory in "victory by information".

  The telephone service company of a certain brigade of the army of the Western Theater is a "commanding soldier" who came from the smoke of gunfire and artillery.

  In the information age, officers and men only need to sit in front of the three-foot machine in the communications room and complete the task of providing communications support in the course of telephone transfer. Although the support model has evolved with the form of war, the function and mission of the "loyal order" of the operator has never changed.

  For more than 70 years, the officers and men of the company have regarded the computer room as a battlefield and a post as a combat position, and have always been loyal and reliable heralds of the party. The company has been awarded one collective first-class merit and three collective second-class merits, and has been awarded the honorary title of "Model Company of Meritorious Service for Women".

One click and one order shoulders an important mission

  "The telephone company is responsible for the task of providing telephone communication support for the organs and units of the army commanders and units in the theater, which is not only a technical work, but also an important political task."

  On the first day of duty, the current company commander Jiang Hui had a deep understanding of this sentence.

  In 2019, Jiang Hui, who first arrived in the company, served as a platoon commander. After 3 months of devilish training, she put on her work number plate for the first time and was on duty independently, but she didn't expect that as soon as she got on the phone and answered the phone, the operation process in her mind that had been repeated thousands of times was still stuck.

  Back in the dormitory, she took the initiative to ask Jiang Xia, the backbone of the business, for advice. Unexpectedly, Jiang Xia, who has always been enthusiastic, not only ignored it, but also publicly pointed out Jiang Hui's violation of duty regulations at the business work meeting and severely criticized her.

  Although it is very faceless, this makes Jiang Hui truly understand the iron law that the officers and men of the company have always adhered to - information does not leave the computer room, and business does not enter the dormitory. As long as they walk out of the computer room, no matter whether the on-site environment is safe or not, and whether the interlocutors are reliable or not, the officers and men will never mention the content of the professional work.

  A simple phone transfer may be a major decision deployment, an emergency combat order, and an important mission at the touch of a button. "Only by integrating absolute loyalty into the bloodline of the soul and embedding it in the combat position of the machine can we ensure that the order must be reached, the order is smooth, the order is fast, and the order is accurate." Zhang Qi, the current instructor of the company, said.

  Over the years, the company has insisted on using Xi Jinping's thinking on strengthening the army to build and educate people, and constantly corrected the value orientation of officers and soldiers. "Theoretical study has made us really understand who to work for and who to fight for, and our faith is more determined, and our duty is more diligent." The officers and men said.

  "Military competence and first-class duty are the greatest loyalty of soldiers to the party." No matter how the system is adjusted, how the functions and missions are expanded, and how the technology and equipment are iterated, the officers and men have always kept in mind the spirit of "unlimited loyalty, correct orders, fearless hard work, and no regrets in youth." They have faithfully practiced the continuous training of "silver wire for guns, machine and machine merit, security is supreme, and instructions must be met."

Only by refining the battle can the three armies be transmitted

  In informationized and intelligent warfare, when the rapidly developing communication technology is in line with the battlefield, the "ears, eyes, and nerves" status of command and communication in the combat chain has become more and more prominent, and the operator will still play an indispensable role.

  As a telecommunications support force for the campaign command organ, the officers and men of the telephone company have a profound understanding of the close relationship between the smooth flow of military orders and winning battles on the battlefield: General rules take the lead and accuse the spirit, otherwise they will miss the fighter plane and recruit defeat.

  Efficient battlefield communication support is inseparable from hard training on weekdays. A qualified operator must be able to do brain work, ear skills, dexterous hands, and clear mouth. Yang Furui, a sergeant of the first rank of the company, said that the 12-character professional requirement seems simple, but they have to train hundreds of times a day. Recording Chinese characters to smooth out keyboard signs, listening to telephone recordings for half a year, and memorizing phone numbers with flashlights are commonplace, and each foreman has more than 10,000 hours of training.

  Nowadays, computer terminals have long replaced corded machines, and the call support mode has also moved from "plugging and unplugging" to intelligent, relying on big data and other technologies can fully carry out intelligent support, why do you need to carry out arduous and traditional manual professional training?

  In the face of similar questions, the company's business backbone has a very clear understanding: excessive dependence on science and technology may lead to the control of technology on the battlefield, and only by practicing simple moves to the extreme can there be a unique trick to win on the battlefield.

  Today, everyone in the company has practiced the stunt of "memorizing information in the head, hearing and understanding people, quickly transferring hands and clearly expressing their mouths", and all the check-in personnel have been able to quickly go online in 1 second, listen to people in 3 seconds, check numbers in 6 seconds, complete the transfer in 9 seconds, and maintain zero interruption, zero declaration, and zero error in more than 1,100 times a day.

  Silver lines connecting the front of artillery fire and communication are related to victory or defeat in war. Jiang Hui often taught officers and men that only by training the ability to win battles to the extreme and raising the effectiveness of Baotong to the extreme can they ensure that the three armies can be transmitted and the victory of thousands of miles can be achieved.

  In order to effectively enhance the efficiency of command and support, the call company optimizes and integrates seven major communication elements, and takes the lead in building a comprehensive information service platform, so that users only need to dial one number to realize the "one-stop" service of five functions: number inquiry, telephone transfer, fault declaration, business consultation and information sharing, and the level of support has been improved by leaps and bounds.

  Last year, officers and men of a company assigned a new type of portable telecommunications equipment quickly launched a study and study of new equipment to tackle key problems; in just one week, they mastered the operating procedures of the equipment, completed intensive training in "one specialty and multiple capabilities" such as power supply, transmission, and program control, and boldly explored a support mode that combines fixed duty with field communications. The new equipment formed combat capability after only one month of installation, truly allowing operators to move from the computer room to the "battlefield", realizing that "they can be on duty when entering the machine room and can fight on the front line".

The three-foot machine forges hard work

  "Hello, number 11" "Please record the phone number you want" "The call is being transferred, please wait a moment"...

  Although there is no need to go into battle to kill the enemy and fight for life and death, the female soldier has a great responsibility on the battlefield. In every radio wave transmitted for thousands of miles and in every order issued to the three armies, their hard work and sweat are melted.

  Not long ago, a drill was launched in the army organs of the Western Theater, and the company entered a "combat state" at the same time. Like tightening the clockwork, the female soldiers participating in the exercise rushed between the computer room and a number of different command points, successively completing more than 4,500 communication tests, calibrating more than 400 memorized communication information, and transferring more than 4,000 telephones, without any errors and omissions, ensuring that the superior instructions reached the point and the end.

  The officers and men of the telephone service company have to complete more than 30 such "heavy protection" tasks every year. Although busy, the female soldiers enjoyed it, eating on duty, living in the machine room, training hard in the competition, winning gold and silver.

  In the call company, the honorary work number represents the highest level of the business, and the comprehensive ability of the interlocutor has almost demanding requirements.

  In the face of the honor challenge, Zhejiang sergeant Jiang Xia was the first to launch the "battle to win". Because of his heavy accent, Jiang Xia practiced lip shape in the mirror, practiced reading aloud alone, practiced vocalization while biting chopsticks, and successfully obtained the national Putonghua second-class certificate. Countless nights, she endured the intense pain of recovery from knee surgery to practice her physical fitness. In the end, Jiang Xia became the first person in the whole brigade to obtain the honorary work number with excellent comprehensive physical performance, zero errors in more than 4,000 telephone transfers, and the first place in on-site assessment.

  One year, the officers and men of the company followed the unit to participate in the training stationed on the plateau, and they completed the erection of lines, number distribution, and communication networking in only one day. During the three months of training on the Fengxue Plateau, the female soldiers not only undertook the task of providing communication support in the area where they were stationed, but also practiced tactics and support capabilities with the male detachments, and set up the call duty aircraft above the snow line.

  Go online, knock keys, listen to sounds, transfer, 24 hours a day uninterrupted duty, thousands of calls a day; Greeting the morning sun, sending the twilight, cold and heat, morning and dusk, this is the daily life of the female soldier - dull and long. They melted their youth into the three-foot machine and wrote the glory of the military with Fanghua.

Source: Rule of Law Daily