
"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

author:Clouds in coffee

Author: Clouds in coffee

Statement: Original article, reprinting is prohibited, plagiarism must be investigated!

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

The role of Le Shaofeng is a bit interesting.

He is calm and silent, a representative of the cool handsome world, experienced and good.

He has a strong subjective consciousness, a soft heart, easy to drill the tip of the horn, and even has a brotherhood with the target person, and it is difficult to withdraw from the task setting.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

Le Shaofeng's emotional line except for a less clear brother Le Shaowen, the first is Pak key.

At first, I thought that Le Shaofeng had no sincere feelings for Pak Key.

But from the plot of the two talking about the sky and worshipping the Buddha together, I can believe that the two are indeed good brothers who have been born and died for more than ten years.

And Pak Key's education and influence are also indispensable.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

This is also the first contradiction of Le Shaofeng's as an undercover agent.

But he felt he could handle it, as he put it:

If there is evidence, I will arrest him, but I can't watch him have an accident.

This sentence itself is actually extremely contradictory, and this emotional line also perfectly reflects the undercover emotional dilemma.

Le Shaofeng adheres to the bottom line of his heart while doing justice for others.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

At first, I thought he was too deep into the play, only to find out later that he was a fake undercover agent.

In terms of plot, I still appreciate the setting of Le Shaofeng's blackening, which is a small reversal, but the black does not collapse.

Le Shaofeng really didn't do it, but he wanted to pretend to be an undercover agent through the identity of his late brother and take the initiative to find something to do.

He approached Zhuo Kai and Qin Huanxi to find and kill the black police, just to avenge his brother.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

This practice is very extreme and illegal, but it does not arouse disgust.

To make the villain a fan, not only the actor himself, but also a great test of the screenwriter's skills, just like Xu Jiali back then.

The screenwriter creates a good story background from different angles, so that the audience can understand the gray area.

However, for Zheng Shumei, who loved him deeply, Le Shaofeng's character made her extremely broken.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

If love is really drinking to quench thirst, in fact, Le Shaofeng has chosen to drink it all.

Le Shaofeng is not a real undercover agent, but a serious and ancient fool.

Fishing for a wrong door is destined to have no good end.

There are many things that we don't have a chance to start over.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

For the so-called mission, Le Shaofeng finally gave up love.

He, a real ancient fool disguised as an undercover agent, is actually full of justice in his heart, and in order to avenge his brother, he later launched a slaughter against the black police one by one.

And when he made this decision, it was doomed to the tragedy of him and Zheng Shumei.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

Zheng Shumei went from doubt to temptation to the moment she took off his mask, the sky swirled, and the remaining fluke of Zheng Shumei was gone.

The familiar, sincere, shy face of the past was so cold, resolute, and dark at that moment.

Before, because of Le Shaofeng's indifference, her heart was broken, but now the reality makes Zheng Shumei even more unbelievable.

Why? Why!

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

It turned out that Le Shaofeng took the initiative to date Zheng Shumei for the first and last time, but it was a farewell.

Before dying, he accompanied Zheng Shumei to play in Ocean Park all day, disappearing into the crowd after the brilliant fireworks in the sky.

In his life, avenging his brother was more important than anything else.

Whether it is Pak key, Qin Huanxi or Zhuo Kai, Le Shaofeng has feelings and trust, but they can't be fully trusted.

There are loved ones around you, people you can trust, but not everything can be said.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

Even for the person he loves, Zheng Shumei, he does not dare to say love easily.

I'd rather blow up together than give up on her;

Fight with her and make codes that belong to two;

Hearing others say that they like her will secretly feel uncomfortable;

Obviously knew to stay away from her, but he couldn't help but get closer and closer.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

When watching fireworks in Ocean Park, what Le Shaofeng said was actually using fireworks as a metaphor for the relationship between him and Zheng Shumei.

They were in the best moment like fireworks that were blooming.

But Le Shaofeng also knew that they could not continue walking, just like fireworks blooming and turning to ash.

How can there be a bright future between a shacker and an undercover cop?

This is the second contradiction in Le Shaofeng's feelings.

So he said:

It's not something we can change if we try.
"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

Le Shaofeng knew rationally and soberly that he and Zheng Shumei would not take the same path after all, so he preferred to save this relationship for the most beautiful moment and cherish it in his heart.

Joy, as bright as fireworks, but fleeting.

But Zheng Shumei is emotional, impulsive, hot, and blind.

For Zheng Shumei, every moment with Le Shaofeng is happy.

He rides a machine to drive her; He was afraid that the comic man would plot against her; He defused the bomb for her regardless of his own life and death...

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

She loves Le Shaofeng so much, so much that she can shoot him.

Zheng Shumei said:

Whatever you're going to do, be sure to take me, I can shoot you."

Love, let a policeman, lose the most basic principles.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

Compared with "Apostle 1" here, it always runs through a bottom line of principle, that is: the police cannot cross the line.

When the undercover Xie Anyi was killed, Xue Jiaqiang and Lian Haoqin were almost impulsive enough to drive and kill Ye Zhaoliang, but in the end they "braked" in time because they had their identities engraved in their bones.

And Zheng Shumei, as an undercover policeman, completely lost her mind when she encountered love, and almost left her duties, tasks, and even beliefs behind.

I have very good reason to believe that if Le Shaofeng had told Zheng Shumei his true identity and purpose earlier, it would be very likely that Zheng Shumei would have accompanied him to blacken.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

Of course, the difference between "very love" and "not enough love" is clearly portrayed here.

Le Shaofeng loves Zheng Shumei, but there are far more important things in his life than her.

Zheng Shumei loves Le Shaofeng, loves him so much that she becomes her whole life, loves to forget who she is and what she wants to do.

Even though she knew that there would be no future, Zheng Shumei still wanted to hold on to Le Shaofeng tightly and did not want to let go.

Although Zheng Shumei said over and over again with tears in her eyes:


Le Shaofeng still left, leaving only the password written in the exclusive code of two people - I'm sorry, I love you.

The chain that Le Shaofeng cherished very much was also stained with blood at that moment.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

In the end, Wei Dexin assigned Xu Heaven to personally shoot and "kill" his good brother Le Shaofeng to prove that Xu Heaven was not an undercover agent.

Le Shaofeng, who didn't want to embarrass Xu Heaven, and didn't want his identity to be exposed, rushed directly to Xu Heaven, took the initiative to pull Xu Heaven's gun, and fired several shots at himself.

The screenwriter gave Le Shaofeng such an identity, doomed his personality to be incomplete, since this is the case, and Zheng Shumei is also doomed to a tragic ending.

Things in the world are not black and white, and it can only be said that Le Shaofeng is a low-end version of Qin Huanxi, using his own hands to solve problems that are difficult to solve by law.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

Zheng Shumei said calmly:

yes, there will be this day as an undercover agent, I know.

Zhuo Kai said:

Le Shao finally fulfilled his wish and could return to the team.

Zheng Shumei couldn't hold back anymore and broke down and cried:

No, he didn't return, he left me!

Zheng Shumei's crying scene is well acted, and the transition from the opening song to the ending song is also very appropriate.

As a spectator, you can feel Zheng Shumei's heart-wrenching lungs at that moment, and her liver and intestines are broken.

It turns out that when I remember you, I forget myself.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

Le Shaofeng knew that he wanted revenge, and left these good memories for Zheng Shumei, is it too cruel for Zheng Shumei?

Especially Zheng Shumei held the note that Le Shaofeng gave her in her hand, crying so much that she couldn't help herself:

I'm sorry, I love you.

If there was no happiness of the day of the final farewell, without his "I love you", maybe Zheng Shumei would not have missed it for so long, and maybe she would only treat this relationship as a secret love that ended without a problem.

But he gave her an affirmative answer on the last day, an answer she had wanted for a long time but never got.

Since then, the name "Le Shaofeng" has been heavily engraved on Zheng Shumei's heart, which can no longer be erased.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

If you were Le Shaofeng, would you take that step?

If I were Zheng Shumei, would I like to have these painful and happy memories?

Until the end of the story, I saw a brand new Zheng Shumei and found the answer -

Those stars that have been loved are sealed in memory, there are joys and joys, sorrows and pains, unconsciously integrated into the bone and blood, and grow into a new and better self.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

Yes, later Zheng Shumei wore Le Shaofeng's necklace, learned to ride a motorcycle, and told Xu Heaven that she would never ride in the back of someone else's car again.

With the memories of Hele Shaofeng, she smiled and looked forward to the next part of her life.

Zheng Shumei went from being depressed and disbelieving to regaining her strength, and Xu Tiantian went from decadent self-blame and lost soul to reawakening.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

At the end, Zheng Shumei and Xu Heaven separated from each other.

In Xu Tiantian's eyes, Le Shaofeng was still talking and laughing with Zheng Shumei; In Zheng Shumei's eyes, Le Shaofeng is still drinking against Xu Tiantian, and this kind of treatment is really great.

You can say that Zheng Shumei is the so-called "I lived like you after you left." ”

It can also be said that Zheng Shumei began to realize that life could not only revolve around Le Shaofeng, so she began to find herself and began to become independent.

She still loves Le Shaofeng, but no longer regards him as the whole of her life.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

We have to admit that for some people, the order of appearances in life is important.

To like someone, one moment is enough.

Zheng Shumei first met Le Shaofeng, that handsome and cool boy, even if Xu Heaven did so many things for her later, Zheng Shumei would only be moved, and not love.

And Le Shaofeng is the one who rejects her again and again, but can still make her move and haunt her soul.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

Because Zheng Shumei knows that ruthlessness is not Le Shaofeng's nature.

Even if he is not a good person, he has a soft bowel story, walking in that black and white blurred world, everyone has their own entanglements and helplessness, there are difficult choices between reality and ideals, and there are also true feelings from the heart.

Even the tragic characters are also trying to live.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

Le Shaofeng, just like the boy we loved when we were young, is warm and cold.

Or in other words, we who were once young are also like Zheng Shumei.

Even if the person we like doesn't respond, we're willing to follow.

Because I like it, I don't care.

I don't care that I give more love than you, and that you are always indifferent to me.

Because he is young, he chooses to turn back and is willing to put out the moth to the fire.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

In the play, the last note left by the young and handsome boy to the girl reads, "In contrast, I love you."

In real life, the men you meet will probably only say to you, "Let's break up, in contrast." ”

At this point, I don't know whether to be happy or sad.

"Apostle 2": If love is to drink and quench thirst, Le Shaofeng has already chosen to drink it all

~To be continued~

(All illustrations are from the Internet)

Author: Clouds in coffee

All the time

In the company of words, pour out a heart that has never betrayed

We firmly believe that growth is the ultimate destination of women

May you feel warm and affectionate in my words

Recommended Reading:

Compared with the first season, "Apostles 2" is "although the bright fireworks have dispersed, but the fog remains"

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