
Liu Jiarong: How can I not love you

author:Three Gorges New Media Zhang Bin

Morning sun swallows skim the treetops

I picked up the camera

Step into the mountains

The breeze caresses your cheeks

The stream sings all the way

The flowers hold up beautiful smiling faces

The air is so fragrant

How let me not love you

Liu Jiarong: How can I not love you

I go into the community

The old man played Tai Chi leisurely

Children twitter on their way to school

The face of the young man in motion is red and fluttering

Facing the morning sky

Life is so colorful

How let me not love you

Liu Jiarong: How can I not love you

I walked into the factory

Neat rows of machines roared

The workers are busy in an orderly manner

The flow of trucks pulling goods is endless

Life is full of passion

How let me not love you

Liu Jiarong: How can I not love you

I went into the countryside

The golden rice fields are not visible

The harvester goes back and forth

Beautiful lines are depicted

The fiery sorghum smiled and bent over

Small lantern-like persimmons hang from the branches

The sun is so bright

How let me not love you

Liu Jiarong: How can I not love you

I walked into the station

There was a long queue of sweeping codes

A tour guide walks by holding a sign

Tourists drag suitcases

Run to the destination of your heart with joy on your face

Looking at the world, this side of the scenery is unique

How let me not love you

Liu Jiarong: How can I not love you

Set sail from a red ship

By a hundred years of ups and downs, great powers will rise

I have never loved you so fiercely as I am right now

I breathe your breath

I feel your pulse

I am bathed in your sun and rain

How let me not love you

National plan, you draw a blueprint and plan the direction

In economic construction, you strategize and look at the world

Ecological environment, you actively advocate green development

How let me not love you

Liu Jiarong: How can I not love you

In the midst of the pandemic, you took the lead in caring for the people

Russia-Ukraine conflict, you righteously and solemnly call for peace

At the G20 summit, you are a big country with a unique style

How let me not love you

Now the 20th National Congress has been successfully held,

You have a clear picture of the way forward

Determined to achieve the great cause of the Chinese nation

Committed to the noble cause of peace and development of mankind

The responsibility is huge

The mission is supremely honorable

How let me not love you

You propose

We must never forget our original intention and keep our mission in mind

Be humble, cautious and work hard

We must dare to fight and be good at fighting

Strengthen historical self-confidence and enhance historical initiative

Compose socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era

A more gorgeous chapter

How let me not love you

I have witnessed you every step of the way

I don't know how to love you more

I held my camera countless times

Step into the mountains and rivers of the motherland

Freeze every dou turn to the stars

and spring, summer, autumn and winter

I walked into the vast fields

Spring planting and autumn harvest are like songs in the four seasons

Beautiful countryside

Rejuvenating youthful vitality

I walked into the homes of ordinary people

Draw the various ways of small people

and the Year of Joy

But it is far from expressive

I love you one in ten thousand

How can I love you more?


Welcome to the 20 great hymns

Photography by Liu Jiarong


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