
Only by watching "Police Honor" can I understand that Wang Jianguo was miserable in his later years, and she was also responsible

author:Kotoko who loves to chase dramas

Wang Jianguo still left. In the advanced stage of cirrhosis, even if he was queuing up to get a liver source, he got the opportunity to have surgery, but after the operation, the rejection was serious, and he still did not survive.

Only by watching "Police Honor" can I understand that Wang Jianguo was miserable in his later years, and she was also responsible

To say that this Wang Jianguo's appearance is a good show. 他在公交车上闹事讹人,强行让一个抱着孩子的妈妈‬给自己让座,不让还要动手打人‬。 他‬一边‬喝酒‬一边‬嚷嚷‬的‬要求‬对方‬赔偿‬。 后来‬看到‬小孩‬发热‬送进‬医院‬,他‬眼珠子‬一‬转‬便‬心‬生‬一‬计‬马上‬装‬病‬也‬跟着‬进‬了‬医院‬。 在‬医院‬里‬的‬时候‬还‬大声‬喊:别‬让那‬娘‬们‬跑‬了‬。 那‬中气十足‬的‬大‬嗓门‬听着‬可‬没‬半点‬病人‬的‬样子‬。

Only by watching "Police Honor" can I understand that Wang Jianguo was miserable in his later years, and she was also responsible

After careful interrogation by the police, it was learned that this Wang Jianguo had been terminally ill but was kicked out of his home by his family. 刚刚还满脸无赖的嘴脸,说到自己的病情却装得无尽委屈,他跟警察说:上‬辈子‬是做‬了‬什么‬孽‬,到‬老‬了‬得‬了‬绝症‬,让‬他们‬轰出来‬,人心‬怎么‬都‬长‬这样‬了‬呢‬? 还‬说‬:你们‬不要‬以为‬我‬愿意‬讹人‬,我‬是真‬没‬办法‬呀‬!

Only by watching "Police Honor" can I understand that Wang Jianguo was miserable in his later years, and she was also responsible

Seeing this, everyone may feel that there must be pity in the hateful place, and Wang Jianguo at least has a little conscience, knowing that it is wrong to lie to others. Some people even think that an old man who is terminally ill is abandoned by his relatives regardless of whether he lives or dies, and his children abandon the old man too undeservedly. I wondered, why was this arrogant and unreasonable old man still kicked out of his home by his relatives at such an age, because his relatives were cold-blooded and ruthless? Or is there something else hidden?

Only by watching "Police Honor" can I understand that Wang Jianguo was miserable in his later years, and she was also responsible

Sure enough, the answer is the latter. After investigation, Li Da learned that this Wang Jianguo was very messy when he was young, and usually liked to drink, but as soon as he drank, he would beat and scold his wife, and there was a long-term history of domestic violence, and one of his wife's ears was also deaf by him. His son Wang Gang can be said to have grown up in the shadow of his violence, and it was not until he became an adult that he had the opportunity to escape the world of this hateful father.

Only by watching "Police Honor" can I understand that Wang Jianguo was miserable in his later years, and she was also responsible

Originally, after Wang Gang became an adult, he took his mother out to live with him, so that his mother could stay away from Wang Jianguo's life and suffer less harm. His mother was too kind to bear to leave Wang Jianguo to live alone, and insisted that her son take Wang Jianguo to live with him. But how can a person's nature change with age? Wang Jianguo still beat and scolded his wife, and even more excessively, he beat the child's own grandmother in front of Wang's one-year-old child. This made Wang Gang unbearable.

Only by watching "Police Honor" can I understand that Wang Jianguo was miserable in his later years, and she was also responsible

Think about whether a one-year-old child would be mentally healthy if his future family life was grown up in a violent environment? Will there be another Wang Gang in the future world? Therefore, Wang Gang finally decisively severed the father-son relationship with Wang Jianguo and blasted him out of the house, no matter what outsiders thought of what he did, he didn't care. He must create a healthy and beautiful family environment for his children, instead of being filled with violence every day.

Only by watching "Police Honor" can I understand that Wang Jianguo was miserable in his later years, and she was also responsible

I wondered if Wang Jianguo had changed if his wife had called the police or sought other help or even filed for divorce when Wang Jianguo had first been violent. It's a pity that his wife is too kind, and repeatedly tolerating tolerance will only make him more unscrupulous and intense, and eventually let Wang Gang grow up in an unhealthy family. Of course, I'm not saying that kindness is bad, but it is really not necessary to use kindness to treat a person who has bad character and repeatedly does not change.

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