
Liu Ruilong: Former vice minister of agriculture, where are the descendants now? The son is a professor, and the second daughter is the deputy prime minister

author:Miss Meow who speaks history

In 1933, the Red 29th Army, which was operating in southern Shaanxi, was betrayed by traitors and the location of the garrison was exposed, and the Kuomintang army heard the news and rushed to launch a surprise attack, killing and wounding hundreds of our soldiers. However, the remnants of the Red 29th Army did not collapse at this point, and the remaining fighters were reduced to guerrillas under the leadership of this cadre, and continued to maneuver with the enemy in the Qinba Mountains, preserving the spark of the revolution, he was Liu Ruilong.

Liu Ruilong, a native of Jiangsu, attended a normal school in his early years and returned to his hometown to become a primary school teacher after graduation. In 1926, under the guidance of his friends, he joined the revolutionary ranks and officially joined the party organization the following year. In 1930, he was ordered to return to his hometown, unite with several other cadres, and on the basis of the broad masses of workers and peasants, with several guerrilla units as the backbone, he created the Red 14th Army, which mainly operated in the vast area north of the Yangtze River.

Soon, the Kuomintang army noticed this new people's armed force and immediately dispatched heavy troops to strangle it. Liu Ruilong commanded the soldiers to fight back, but in the end they were defeated due to the enemy's outnumber, and the Red 14th Army was severely damaged and the number was revoked. Liu Ruilong had no choice but to divide the remaining fighters into guerrilla units and continue to persist in the revolutionary struggle.

In 1930, Liu Ruilong was ordered to move east to Shanghai to assist Premier Zhou in his underground activities. As a result, not long after they worked, some important cadres defected to the enemy and betrayed the entire underground party organization, resulting in the arrest of a large number of comrades. Liu Ruilong's situation was also precarious, and Premier Zhou, in order to protect him, ordered him to withdraw to the Central Soviet Region.

In 1932, the party organization wanted Liu Ruilong to study in the Soviet Union, temper his personal qualities, and better contribute to the party and the people in the future. But seeing that the revolution was at a low ebb, and that the Red Army was hiring people, he resolutely refused this rare opportunity and chose to stay and help the troops tide over the difficulties. After discussion, the party organization sent him to Sichuan and Shaanxi to serve as the director of the political department of the newly established Red 29 Army, and in 1933, he was promoted to deputy commander.

Liu Ruilong: Former vice minister of agriculture, where are the descendants now? The son is a professor, and the second daughter is the deputy prime minister

The composition of the Red 29th Army is relatively complex, the old Red Army has only a small part, and the rest of the personnel are bandits and local security regiments that have been recruited, with poor discipline and relatively low ideological awareness. Among them, a former bandit leader, who was bribed by the Kuomintang army, quietly defected and leaked out the garrison of the troops. The Red 29th Army was immediately surrounded by the enemy and suffered heavy losses, and almost all of the senior cadres of the troops were killed.

Liu Ruilong was lucky, when the accident occurred, he just went out to work and narrowly escaped a disaster. After the Kuomintang army withdrew, he immediately gathered the surviving fighters and formed a guerrilla force of 100 people, insisting on circling the enemy in the lofty mountains and mountains of southern Shaanxi. In 1935, the 4th Front passed by nearby, and he joined in and marched west to Kawachi. In 1936, he was incorporated into the Western Route Army and went on an expedition to the northwest, only to encounter a frenzied attack by local warlords on the way, and the unit was almost completely destroyed. He fell into the hands of the enemy after running out of ammunition and food, and was imprisoned for more than half a year before being rescued by the party organization.

Liu Ruilong: Former vice minister of agriculture, where are the descendants now? The son is a professor, and the second daughter is the deputy prime minister

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Liu Ruilong worked in North China and Northeast China to fully support the people's armed resistance against the Japanese Kou. During the Liberation War, he served in the Logistics Department of Huaye, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as Vice Minister of Agriculture. He often went to local areas to conduct research and study, understand the agricultural production situation in various places, formulate development plans according to local conditions, and strive to improve the output value of the primary industry, so that the people can eat, wear, and warm up, and get rid of hunger.

In 1988, Liu Ruilong went south to Guangdong on a business trip, and on the way, he suddenly had a heart attack, and the doctors tried their best to rescue him, but they still could not save his life. On May 25, he died unexpectedly at the age of 78. His descendants are as good as he is, and his son Liu Shenyan is a professor at the university, which has trained countless talents for the country. The second daughter, Liu Yandong, is even more remarkable, having served as vice premier of the State Council, which can be described as a red face!

Liu Ruilong: Former vice minister of agriculture, where are the descendants now? The son is a professor, and the second daughter is the deputy prime minister

Comrade Liu Ruilong was a staunch revolutionary, and no matter what difficulties he faced, he never gave up the pursuit of communist ideals, always held high the red flag, and struggled against feudal and reactionary forces. In the end, under the wise leadership of the Party Central Committee, he and his comrades-in-arms defeated all enemies, ushered in a great victory, and established an unprecedented people's power on the land of China, allowing the Chinese nation to turn a new and bright page!

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