
Is sweet potatoes killing 98% of cancer cells, is it science or a rumor? Can eating sweet potatoes fight cancer?

author:Dr. Yaoyao science popularization chat

Introduction: Speaking of sweet potatoes, this is a kind of food that we are all more familiar with, once in autumn and winter, we can often see some small vendors selling on the side of the road, many people buy sweet potatoes when they buy a big bag, some people will eat sweet potatoes as a staple food, and some people will like to take sweet potatoes as sweet potato porridge.

However, now that sweet potatoes have been cloaked in the cloak of "anti-cancer king", this situation has also raised those who love to eat sweet potatoes to a new height.

It sounds a little inconceivable that some people have chosen to blindly follow the trend, while some people have expressed doubts, so what is the truth? Today we will take a look at this topic.

Is sweet potatoes killing 98% of cancer cells, is it science or a rumor? Can eating sweet potatoes fight cancer?


Do you know the nutritional value of sweet potatoes?

Sweet potatoes, also known as sweet potato sweet potatoes, contain a very variety of nutrients needed by the body, with a protein content of 11.5 grams per 500 grams of sweet potatoes, 1 gram of fat, and 14.5 grams of sugar.

In addition, it also contains 90 mg of calcium, 100 mg of phosphorus, 0.5 mg of carotene, 2 mg of iron and other nutrients.

A medium-sized sweet potato can meet the body's daily requirements for vitamin A400%, 37% vitamin C, 15% potassium and 16% vitamin B6.

Is sweet potatoes killing 98% of cancer cells, is it science or a rumor? Can eating sweet potatoes fight cancer?


Why do you always fart after eating sweet potatoes?

There is a substance called gasase in sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes into our stomach, the stomach will produce stomach acid digestion sweet potatoes, and gasematase this substance will release a large amount of carbon dioxide after the intestine, resulting in people burping or farting.

In addition, raw sweet potatoes are not easy to digest when eaten, and the chance of farting will be greater, because cooked sweet potatoes destroy a lot of gaseous enzymes after high temperatures.

The raw sweet potato, in which the gaseous enzyme can also be completely preserved, after entering people's bodies, it will release a large amount of carbon dioxide, resulting in frequent farting problems.

Is sweet potatoes killing 98% of cancer cells, is it science or a rumor? Can eating sweet potatoes fight cancer?


Is sweet potatoes killing 98% of cancer cells, is it science or a rumor? Can eating sweet potatoes fight cancer?

Some media reports said that there are relevant studies, found that sweet potatoes can bring a very obvious anti-cancer effect, whether it is raw sweet potatoes or cooked sweet potatoes, the anti-cancer rate can reach more than 90%, so many people in daily life will eat a lot of sweet potatoes, but this statement is true or false?

Zhang Zongwei, secretary general of the mainland's anti-cancer association, pointed out that in fact, anti-cancer food itself does not exist, which is the result of our human research results taking scientific research out of context.

Scientists in the study of the use of extracts in food, when confirmed effective after most of the drugs will be made, indeed there are many foods contain a certain amount of anti-cancer substances, but the content is particularly limited, if you want to achieve an effective dose, you need to eat a lot in one breath, the effect can be achieved is very small.

Therefore, it is not recommended that you usually fight cancer by eating sweet potatoes, which in itself has no scientific basis, and excessive consumption of sweet potatoes is also bad for the body.

Is sweet potatoes killing 98% of cancer cells, is it science or a rumor? Can eating sweet potatoes fight cancer?


Although sweet potatoes do not fight cancer, these benefits can be seen

Replenish weakness and improve strength

Sweet potatoes can provide the body with a large amount of sugar, mucus protein, vitamin C and vitamin A, so it can bring about the effect of strengthening the spleen and appetizing, supplementing deficiency and so on.

In addition, eating sweet potatoes often can also warm the stomach and stomach, and achieve the effect of nourishing the lungs.

Supplement nutrition

Sweet potatoes are very rich in nutrients, which we have introduced above, so eating more sweet potatoes can supplement nutrition to the body, and the vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 in sweet potatoes are three times and 6 times that of rice, respectively.

In addition, sweet potatoes contain lysine, which is lacking in rice and flour, and appropriate and reasonable supplementation can supplement the body with rich nutrients, which can help enhance immunity and resistance.

Protects the intestines

Sweet potatoes have always been regarded as foods that can promote bowel movements, because sweet potatoes are rich in fiber, and proper daily intake of fiber can effectively promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and can also bring about the effect of promoting bowel movements.

Is sweet potatoes killing 98% of cancer cells, is it science or a rumor? Can eating sweet potatoes fight cancer?


People who love sweet potatoes, remember 3 do not eat, to listen to advice

Sweet potatoes with black spots

If there are black or brown spots on the skin of sweet potatoes, do not eat them, these black spots generally indicate that sweet potatoes have black spot disease in the process of growing and thus bring toxicity, no matter how to cook can not eliminate this toxicity.

So if you find that the sweet potatoes at home have black spots, don't eat them again, be sure to discard them as soon as possible.

Do not eat with skin

When eating sweet potatoes, it is best to peel off the skin and then eat, because the sweet potato skin contains certain alkaloids, which will easily bring stomach discomfort after eating it, and it will also be easy to bring poisoning problems.

Do not eat for patients with indigestion and stomach problems

Although eating sweet potatoes properly can help accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis and help defecation prevent constipation, but for those patients with indigestion and stomach diseases, try to eat less, otherwise it will easily affect gastrointestinal health.

Is sweet potatoes killing 98% of cancer cells, is it science or a rumor? Can eating sweet potatoes fight cancer?


Read Extension: Which is better, sweet potatoes or purple potatoes?

  • Sweet potatoes: carotene, sugar more

Sweet potatoes will have higher levels of sugar and carotene, which is converted into vitamin A when it enters the body, and vitamin A can help protect vision and eliminate eye fatigue.

In addition, carotene is also a very strong antioxidant, which can enhance the body's resistance, and the sugar in sweet potatoes can make sweet potatoes taste sweeter.

  • Purple potato: anthocyanins, more dietary fiber

Purple potato will have higher dietary fiber and anthocyanins, and anthocyanins are a powerful antioxidant that can help protect the body from free radicals, while dietary fiber can promote peristalsis in the gastrointestinal tract and help achieve constipation.

So all in all, sweet potatoes and purple potatoes have their own good, there is no clear statement, this is mainly based on personal needs, according to their own needs to choose.

Is sweet potatoes killing 98% of cancer cells, is it science or a rumor? Can eating sweet potatoes fight cancer?

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