
Academician Zhong Nanshan: Whether it is aging and disease that determines the life expectancy or not, remember the five-character "Health Sutra"

author:Dr. Shuo talks about health

Having a hundred years of life, an ageless face, and a healthy body is something that many people have been longing for, and for a person, losing their health, even if they have more money, has no effect.

Academician Zhong Nanshan: Whether it is aging and disease that determines the life expectancy or not, remember the five-character "Health Sutra"

Zhong Nanshan shows that the natural life expectancy of people can reach more than 100 years old, but due to various reasons, or not aging and disease

(1) Genetic proportion of 15%;

(2) The social environment accounts for 10%;

(3) Medical conditions account for 8%;

(4) The natural environment accounts for 7%;

(5) Lifestyle accounts for 60%

Zhong Nanshan suggested that women can carry out moderate muscle exercise, which can alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms brought about by menopause, can regulate hormone levels in the body, and lifestyle is the most important factor affecting life.

Academician Zhong Nanshan: Whether it is aging and disease that determines the life expectancy or not, remember the five-character "Health Sutra"

Academician Zhong Nanshan: If you want to be healthy and live a long life, remember the five-character "Health Sutra", there are not many people who can do it

Eat: Reasonable diet, nutritionally balanced

Academician Zhong Nanshan also specifically talked about how the total amount of daily intake should be distributed, breakfast must be eaten well, and eat less at noon and late at night.

Eating a good breakfast can make people energetic, and they must not simply cope, Academician Zhong Nanshan: I generally eat more in the morning, accounting for more than 30% of the entire calorie intake.

There are mainly porridge, orange juice, eggs, bread, milk, etc., Zhong Lao reminds: fried, grilled, pickled, high-fat and high-calorie foods should be eaten less.

Academician Zhong Nanshan: Whether it is aging and disease that determines the life expectancy or not, remember the five-character "Health Sutra"

Dinner is light and small, the intake of calories can account for three-tenths of the whole day, mainly with grain porridge, plus vegetables and fruits, he also said: "Although the refined rice noodles are delicious, but the nutritional value is not as good as coarse grains."

Movement: Insist on exercising and prolong life

An extensive review of 170 epidemiological studies in the Journal of Nutrition showed that regular exercise was associated with a reduced risk of certain cancers.

Zhong Nanshan once said, "My own exercise in the past is middle distance running, 70 years ago I already had the habit of running exercise, of course, when I was young, I took running as a competitive sport, and when I was older, I would jog and exercise." "

Academician Zhong Nanshan: Whether it is aging and disease that determines the life expectancy or not, remember the five-character "Health Sutra"

Sports and fitness so that his physical fitness has been maintained in a very good state, his age of people often have waist soreness and leg pain, visual impairment and other physical function decline performance, but Zhong Nanshan academician has not appeared, to maintain the figure is not an overnight thing, but to be gradual, as long as the patience to adhere to 30 minutes of exercise every day, can delay the arrival of aging.

Love: psychological balance, the first meaning of health maintenance

The first meaning of health is psychological balance, especially in modern cities, the faster the rhythm and the more tense, the more important the mentality.

In life, we must learn to adjust our mentality: "If you want to relax physically and mentally, the three pleasures are in it" Self-enjoyment, contentment and help.

Academician Zhong Nanshan: Whether it is aging and disease that determines the life expectancy or not, remember the five-character "Health Sutra"

Academician Zhong Nanshan said that some patients with high blood pressure and heart disease should learn to control their emotions, and other diseases such as stomach ulcers, diabetes and cancer are also closely related to emotions, and bad emotions and bad moods, such as hatred, anger, irritability, worry, etc., make people short-lived.

Sleep: Abide by the rules of the human body and scientifically arrange sleep

Adequate sleep is essential for health, but also an important way to reduce stress, Zhong Lao believes that the elderly's work and rest time should conform to the laws of nature, simply put, sunset and rest, sunrise and work, but Zhong Nanshan's life is still very regular.

Basic at 11:30 at night to sleep, get up at 7:00 in the morning, rest for half an hour at noon, make up for 8 hours a day, usually people enter the deep sleep stage after half an hour of falling asleep, at this time, the blood flowing through the brain tissue is relatively reduced, and the muscles are also in a relaxed state.

Academician Zhong Nanshan: Whether it is aging and disease that determines the life expectancy or not, remember the five-character "Health Sutra"

Quitting: Quit smoking and alcohol to prevent cancer

Smoking is internationally recognized as one of the most important causes of lung cancer, with more than two-thirds of lung cancer deaths worldwide being caused by smoking.

Academician Zhong Nanshan, as an expert in respiratory, has a lot of research on respiratory diseases, so it is recommended that everyone quit cigarettes, the harm of smoking includes diabetes, emphysema, bronchitis, lung cancer and other diseases, of which smoking and cancer are closely related, Zhong Nanshan often advises people to quit smoking, often tell people that "quitting smoking is not sooner or later", even Yuan Longping was also persuaded by him, and finally spent 2 years to quit smoking successfully.

Academician Zhong Nanshan: Whether it is aging and disease that determines the life expectancy or not, remember the five-character "Health Sutra"