
Do you agree with the cancellation of takeaways, the closure of e-commerce, the restoration of human fireworks, and the restoration of market prosperity?

author:True Forum

With the rapid development of the takeaway and e-commerce industries, our lives are becoming more and more convenient. Click on the takeaway app, and a fragrant lunch in ten minutes will reach you. If you want to buy something, the online goods are full of choices.

Do you agree with the cancellation of takeaways, the closure of e-commerce, the restoration of human fireworks, and the restoration of market prosperity?

Even parents in their hometown are watching live shopping online. E-commerce, takeaway, and express delivery seem to be in every corner of China. However, in recent years, the cancellation of takeaways, the closure of e-commerce, and the restoration of economic prosperity in the market have become increasingly louder. Come and see what's going on.

First, the reasons for restoring market prosperity

Because of the popularity of takeaway and e-commerce, more and more young people do not go out to eat and do not go shopping. Everything you need is just a mobile phone at home. As a result, the shopping mall has been left out in the cold, the flow of customers has decreased, and many physical stores have suffered a lot of blows.

Do you agree with the cancellation of takeaways, the closure of e-commerce, the restoration of human fireworks, and the restoration of market prosperity?

The second reason is the embarrassing situation of the "silver-haired family" in the digital age. In fact, this problem has always existed, the proportion of China's elderly population (65 years old and above) is as high as 13.50%, and the degree of aging is serious.

Takeaway and e-commerce not only do not bring convenience to the elderly, but even bring trouble to their daily lives. Because of the impact of e-commerce, many physical stores have closed, and many large supermarkets and convenience stores where the elderly purchase daily goods are also among them.

Do you agree with the cancellation of takeaways, the closure of e-commerce, the restoration of human fireworks, and the restoration of market prosperity?

The third reason is to save the slowly fading human touch. Do you always reminisce about the crowds of people who came to the market with your family when you were young? I recalled the pride of dragging my classmates to go shopping and bargaining with the store when I went to school. These ordinary little things in the past have become interesting things in the mouth now.

"The fireworks in the world are the most soothing to the hearts of mortals." When the cold screen no longer brings us freshness, when solitude can no longer relieve the pressure of life, many people have issued such feelings. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the real economy to recover pyrotechnic gas.

Do you agree with the cancellation of takeaways, the closure of e-commerce, the restoration of human fireworks, and the restoration of market prosperity?

Second, takeaway and e-commerce can not ignore the benefits

Takeaway and e-commerce do impact the real economy, but the existence means that the market has demand. E-commerce and takeaway not only bring convenience to people, but also make the price and information of goods more transparent, so that consumers have more choices.

In addition, the cost of takeaway and e-commerce is also smaller than that of physical store investment, which brings great benefits to entrepreneurs. A lot of takeaways don't need to think about dine-in, so the storefront can be smaller. E-commerce also does not have the cost of rent, water and electricity.

Do you agree with the cancellation of takeaways, the closure of e-commerce, the restoration of human fireworks, and the restoration of market prosperity?

Takeaway and e-commerce belong to a new type of industry, and the development of the new industry has led to the rise of an industrial chain and increased many jobs. All the takeaway riders in the country together have a population of more than 10 million, solving many employment problems.

Today, takeaway and e-commerce are still developing and thriving, and with the advancement of time, the industry irregularities exposed by the new industry have been improved and solved. If it is hastily cancelled, it may bring many consequences that are not conducive to social development.

III. Summary

There must be fireworks, and there must be takeaway e-commerce, they can bring convenience to our lives and are an integral part of our lives. Tired of work, do not want to go out to takeaway e-commerce can meet all our needs; Feeling lonely, overwhelmed by pressure, go to the market to listen to the shouting and feel the small beauty of life.

Do you agree with the cancellation of takeaways, the closure of e-commerce, the restoration of human fireworks, and the restoration of market prosperity?

Do you agree with the cancellation of takeaways, the closure of e-commerce, the restoration of human fireworks, and the restoration of market prosperity proposed by experts and netizens? Welcome to leave more comments below and discuss together.