
"Two places and one hanging, the yang will be extinguished", which "two places" do the two places refer to? After reading the rising knowledge

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

From ancient times to the present, people have pursued immortality, and the kings of ancient times may be crazy, but why aren't people now? In order to be able to make yourself healthy and long-lived, it can be said that you racked your brains, and living and dying is a reality that no one can escape.

When you reach a certain stage, the body will have some signs of aging, perhaps people know the difference between aging and illness, but in the end have to face the reality.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, once the yang qi in the human body is consumed, the various organs and tissues will lose some ability to run, and at this time there will also be some diseases, the yang is sufficient, often vigorous, and various diseases will retreat, I don't know if you have heard of it: two places and one hanging, the yang will be extinguished. So what exactly is the yang in the mouth of Chinese medicine?

"Two places and one hanging, the yang will be extinguished", which "two places" do the two places refer to? After reading the rising knowledge

What is Yang Qi?

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the source of yang is divided into two parts, one is that congenitality comes from the endowment of parents, and congenital lack of yang is easy to be weak and sick. The other is the transformation of the water valley essence from the acquired food.

The yang qi of the human body mainly comes from the collection of yang qi of the kidneys and kidneys, which is in charge of human growth, development, aging and death, so there is a saying that "those who get the yang are born, and those who lose the yang die".

Yang Qi has the effect of surrounding and solidifying, so Yang Qi can resist diseases, if Yang Qi is insufficient, diseases are easy to invade the human body, while Yang Qi also has the effect of warming the Yang, warm and warm the human body, so that people are not afraid of cold.

"Two places and one hanging, the yang will be extinguished", which "two places" do the two places refer to? After reading the rising knowledge

Sufficient yang qi can promote gasification, blood running needs to push the yang qi is insufficient, it is easier to appear qi stagnation and blood stasis, so there is pain and disease, and what we usually call the yuan qi injury refers to the damage of yang qi.

"Two places and one hanging, the yang will be extinguished", which "two places" do the two places refer to? After reading the rising knowledge

【Sagging arm】

For some people who often watch TV series, they should have seen such a scene, people will raise their arms before they stop breathing before dying, and they will look at each other and stroke their faces, but the raised arms will fall after stopping breathing, and the sagging of the arms is also an important manifestation of stopping breathing.

According to the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic", the blood in the body stops flowing, the limbs become numb, the stiff arms will not be able to lift, and even a natural sagging state will appear, which also represents the stasis of the yang qi in the body and the clinical symptoms of death of people.

"Two places and one hanging, the yang will be extinguished", which "two places" do the two places refer to? After reading the rising knowledge

【Head sagging】

The head is the most important part of the human body, but also the brain plays the role of commander, giving orders, with the growth of age, the human brain function gradually declines, nerve degeneration memory attention is significantly reduced, if the elderly do not pay attention to conditioning, even if the risk of suffering from Alzheimer's disease in the future will increase.

The elderly experience due to age, tired 24 hours a day in a state of unclear wakefulness, poor sleep quality at night, dozing during the day, irregular sleep seriously affects the detoxification of internal organs, accelerating brain aging head sagging is also a manifestation of yang deficiency, so you see many elderly people in the sun, not long after sitting on the chair to fall asleep.

"Two places and one hanging, the yang will be extinguished", which "two places" do the two places refer to? After reading the rising knowledge

Although this is a serious lack of sleep, the prolongation of listless sleep time in the elderly is the embodiment of lack of yang qi and kidney deficiency, and it is also an important manifestation of the human body after aging.

So how do we replenish the yang?


In daily life, frequent sun exposure is a good method of replenishing yang qi, the method is simple and convenient, and does not require any cost, but when basking in the sun, we must pay attention to the back of the sun as much as possible, because there are many meridians on the back of the human body, especially the veins inside.

"Two places and one hanging, the yang will be extinguished", which "two places" do the two places refer to? After reading the rising knowledge

Many people say that often basking in the sun, the body will be particularly comfortable, in fact, you can not see that the body yang is more and more sufficient, it is recommended that 10:00 ~ 11:00 in the morning is the best, this time period is also relatively mild, full of sunshine.

Soak your feet

Many people like to soak their feet at night, this habit can not only keep warm, but also promote blood circulation throughout the body, while stimulating some acupuncture points on the soles of the feet, adjusting the yin and yang qi and blood of the human body.

Soaking feet before going to bed at night can better maintain the human kidneys, the kidney qi at this time is relatively weak, soaking feet can enhance body heat, constantly expand blood vessels in the body, is conducive to activating blood stasis and helping sleep.

"Two places and one hanging, the yang will be extinguished", which "two places" do the two places refer to? After reading the rising knowledge


No matter when you try to squeeze out a little time to exercise, the exercise process can not only improve your heart and lung function, but also make the yang qi grow a lot, people sit for a long time and do not exercise to cause qi and blood stasis.

The body's resistance and immunity are destroyed, followed by frequent illness, and it is necessary to insist on exercise if you want to better replenish the yang qi in the body.