
Read Marilyn. "Monroe" has a feeling: successful life comes from continuous forge ahead

author:The hero of dream-chasing literature

On August 4, 1962, a female corpse was found in an apartment in Los Angeles. The posture of the corpse was not only strange but also undressed. When the identity of the female corpse was made public, it caused a global uproar.

Because the protagonist of this corpse is not only an actor, he is famous in the global film and television circles, and he is also the lover of President Kennedy at that time. So who is she?

Read Marilyn. "Monroe" has a feeling: successful life comes from continuous forge ahead

She is the world-famous sexy actress Marilyn. Monroe. Her life was full of legend and mystery. Not only has no one wanted an orphan, from a girl with a lonely personality, step by step to become a superstar that countless people have been crazy about, and has become a symbol of a generation of sexy goddesses and popular culture.

In the world of feelings, she was married three times and divorced three times, and each time the object of marriage was older than her. She was both emotionally attached to them like a child. Although she was bold and resolute in every divorce, she also fell deeper into depression every time she divorced. Thus some say Marilyn. Monroe's suicide was due to depression.

Let's take a look at Marilyn. How Monroe went from being an ugly duckling to a white swan.

Read Marilyn. "Monroe" has a feeling: successful life comes from continuous forge ahead

01 Tragic childhood

On June 1, 1926, Marilyn M. Monroe was born, the result of her mother's chaotic private life, born without paternal love. To make matters worse, her mother developed postpartum depression after giving birth to her. In order for her to grow up healthy, she had to be fostered in a relative's house and make time to visit her as much as possible. Even so, little Monroe was still very eager to stay by her mother's side.

Just such a small wish, her mother could not satisfy her. Because in 1934, Mom's psychotic episode was sent to a psychiatric hospital. Little Monroe was also sent to an orphanage after being briefly adopted by her mother's friend.

Read Marilyn. "Monroe" has a feeling: successful life comes from continuous forge ahead

She was sent to an orphanage and has since lived a turbulent and displaced foster life. 11 years ago, I experienced 11 pairs of adoptive parents, and my childhood was either in an orphanage or in a different foster home.

For little Monroe, life is not a bad thing, let the torture of the thing, is in the adoption process of different families, because she was born from a cute and beautiful, constantly harassed by men. At first, she complained to her adoptive mother, but it was not resolved, and she was sent back to the orphanage. Later, little Monroe was tired of being sent away, and when she encountered this kind of thing, she let it go. Therefore, these childhood experiences left her with great psychological trauma and indirectly affected the trajectory of her life.

Read Marilyn. "Monroe" has a feeling: successful life comes from continuous forge ahead

02 Monroe's dream

Monroe's dream of being an actor was born in her childhood. Although the tone of her entire childhood was gray, there were also a few bright colors hidden in it. And the only bright color is her adoptive mother, Anna. Anna is a kind woman who adopted little Monroe when she was 11 years old. After Anna adopted her, she not only let Monroe use reading to improve her expression ability, but also gave her praise at any time to build her self-confidence. Whenever Monroe is ridiculed by her classmates, her adoptive mother Anna will soothe her and tell her that it doesn't matter what others say, what matters is your evaluation of yourself

Anna also often took her to church to sing hymns and taught her to find meaning and purpose in her life through meditation. Since the adoptive mother passed on to Little Monroe all positive energy, she also became lively, cheerful and confident. As an adolescent, she not only exudes her own unique charm as a loner, but she also particularly likes to imitate the movements of characters in movies. Often a person keeps practicing in front of the mirror until he is satisfied. At this time, in her heart, she had buried the dream of acting and looked forward to the future.

Read Marilyn. "Monroe" has a feeling: successful life comes from continuous forge ahead

03 Failed marriage, career glory

Fate always likes to joke with little Monroe when she approaches her dreams with hope. The family that adopted her couldn't take her with them because the company moved. 16-year-old Monroe, in a hurry to marry a neighbor five years her senior, in a hurry because she did not want to return to the orphanage. That is, her first husband was her first husband, Jim. Doherty. Jim Doherty is Monroe's high school classmate and a sunny and handsome man.

After marriage, Jim treats her well, and she also likes the peaceful and stable housewife life. However, the good times did not last long, the Pacific War broke out, and Jim was conscripted. Monroe had to work outside the home. In the spring of 1944, she was assigned to make a military education film. No one would have thought that the photos taken would not only be published in magazines, but photographers would also recommend her to a modeling agency. Since then, Monroe has begun her modeling career. Because of her outstanding performance, in just one year, Monroe's photos have appeared in major newspapers and magazines. Later, because of the contract with Fox, she suddenly became a very famous model. Just as she was confidently running her acting career, she was opposed by Jim, who forced her to give up her career and return to her family on the grounds of divorce. But Monroe chose divorce to achieve her career.

Read Marilyn. "Monroe" has a feeling: successful life comes from continuous forge ahead

After the divorce, Monroe, for the performance dream in her heart, went to Hollywood alone. In order to learn to act well, she signed up for acting classes and studied eagerly. Despite her hard work, she rarely improved her career and was even fired by Fox for her poor performance. Just when she was depressed, she met the noble man of his life, Johnny, a famous Hollywood agent. Hyde.

In 1950, Hyde won a small but crucial role in "Comet Beauty" for Monroe, and her wonderful performance was a blockbuster in Hollywood. While Monroe's acting career was on the rise, she met her second husband, baseball star Dimas. Although the pain caused to her by the failure of her first marriage has not yet healed, because of the low point of her career and illness, Dimas not only does not abandon but also gives her meticulous care. Monroe was touched and agreed to marry Dimas. On January 4, 1954, the two were married.

Read Marilyn. "Monroe" has a feeling: successful life comes from continuous forge ahead

After marriage, in the face of his wife's acting career, Dimas was a little unbalanced in his heart, and he hoped that Monroe would give up her career and return to the family to become a housewife. However, Mary could not let go of her acting career, and instead of agreeing to her husband's request, she went to New York in 1955 and co-founded her own production company. Her classic "The Seven Year Itch" was subsequently filmed, and one of her classic moves in the play has not been surpassed by anyone today.

And it is precisely because she filmed this action that ended her second marriage. The reason is that the husband Dimas was at the scene, watching his wife's skirt being blown open again and again to reveal her underwear, completely exploded. After the shooting, he committed domestic violence against Monroe.

Read Marilyn. "Monroe" has a feeling: successful life comes from continuous forge ahead

After the divorce, Monroe put her mind all on her career, because only in this way would she not be forgotten by the world and perform her life. Even though she no longer focuses on feelings, when she meets the playwright Arthur. When Miller was around, she was still trapped in his talent. Arthur. Miller was twenty years older than her, Arthur. Miller and she are almost two worldly people, neither sophisticated nor fashionable. After the two got married, they fell in love with each other. Monroe was not only willing to be a housewife to wash her hands and make soup for him, but she also liked her stepson. Such a wonderful feeling of regret also ended after her pregnancy failed.

In every relationship, it's not that she doesn't want to run it well, but it doesn't help to do it all. And all this stems from her unhappy childhood, which has always made her insecure. In her view, marriage does not give her the security she wants, and only career can satisfy her psychological security. So when every relationship ends, she walks crisply and neatly.

Although repeatedly frustrated emotionally, Marilyn can be found in her career. Monroe has been marching on the high ground. And because of the growing fame, it attracted the attention of then-US President John F. Kennedy.

Read Marilyn. "Monroe" has a feeling: successful life comes from continuous forge ahead

04 The mystery of death

At the end of February 1962, Marilyn . Monroe attends a dinner party, and because of her bright and beautiful appearance, she successfully attracts the attention of Kennedy, who attends the banquet. At the banquet, the two met. Since then, Monroe's relationship with Kennedy has become increasingly close. Not only was she able to make personal phone calls to Kennedy at the White House, but Kennedy often had her pretend to be a secretary and take her with her.

Kennedy's affection for her during the relationship led Monroe to the illusion that she was the woman Kennedy Zui loved. So, at Kennedy's birthday party, she made a crazy move. It was this move that not only ended Kennedy's relationship with her, but also made her death confusing.

Read Marilyn. "Monroe" has a feeling: successful life comes from continuous forge ahead

On May 9, 1962, at the dinner of Kennedy's 45th birthday, Marilyn M. Monroe not only dressed up for the banquet, but also gave Kennedy a Rolex gold watch that read, "Monroe will always love you." And the sexy voice high-profile singing "President, Happy Birthday to Kennedy". Her high-profile and dazzling love, although it greatly satisfied Kennedy's vanity, but also brought him great trouble.

After the dinner, Kennedy, under pressure from public opinion, sent his brother Robert to talk to Monroe, who knew that Robert also fell under her pomegranate skirt and became her lover.

Monroe thought that with her beauty, she could control the Kennedy brothers. Who knew that the two were not sincere with her. After Kennedy learned that she had become her brother's lover, he informed her that the two would no longer contact each other and ended their relationship. Robert then stopped contacting her.

Read Marilyn. "Monroe" has a feeling: successful life comes from continuous forge ahead

Shortly after Monroe ended her relationship with the Kennedy brothers, she was found dead in her apartment. It so happened that before she died, Kennedy was seen arguing with her. And after her death, it was discovered that one of her diaries was missing. Although her death was identified as a depressive suicide at the time, there is speculation that she died for other reasons. So far, her death has been foggy.

04 Summary

Throughout Marilyn. Monroe's life, we have to marvel at its complexity and legend. Shattered childhood, inspirational and hard-working youth. Every step she takes to success is to step on the thorns everywhere, even if she is stabbed all over her body, she must move towards her dreams. She lived confidently and independently, and throughout her life she believed in the creed of life that her adoptive mother told her: we don't have to care about what others think of us, what matters is our own evaluation of ourselves.

Because of this, her fan-like confident charm has made countless men crazy for her! It also makes her a existence that no one in the film and television industry surpasses.

Read Marilyn. "Monroe" has a feeling: successful life comes from continuous forge ahead