
Inventory of the five most expensive appliances in the home, air conditioning ranked second, the first place can be called "electricity thief"

author:Xiaodong talks about home improvement
In life, I believe that every family is inseparable from household appliances.

Although home appliances are convenient to use, they are also based on power consumption. To put it bluntly, it is necessary to pay for electricity as long as it is used every day. To tell the truth, today's electricity is not cheap, so for ordinary people, the electricity bill to be paid every month is also a big expense.

Inventory of the five most expensive appliances in the home, air conditioning ranked second, the first place can be called "electricity thief"

In reality, I don't know if you have such a doubt, that is, when you settle the electricity bill at the end of the month, you obviously feel that this month's electricity is quite economical. Frequently used home appliances, used up is also turned off in time, why the electricity bill is still so much?

Inventory of the five most expensive appliances in the home, air conditioning ranked second, the first place can be called "electricity thief"

Xiao Dong has a friend from the power supply bureau, who told me that in fact, several kinds of home appliances that consume more electricity, air conditioning can only rank second, and this first is ignored by many people.

First, the router

WiFi router believes that everyone is no stranger, it is almost every household must-have appliances.

WiFi router, in fact, does not need much power, it can be said that it is a small power in the home appliances. The power of the general home gigabit router is about 8-10W, and the monthly consumption is about six or seven kilowatt degrees. However, in reality, many people have routers in their homes that are almost open for 24 hours.

Inventory of the five most expensive appliances in the home, air conditioning ranked second, the first place can be called "electricity thief"

Even when there is no one in the home, it is never turned off, and it has become a lot over the years, so this router has become one of the appliances that consume more electricity at home. In addition, some people have more than one in their home, and there may be two or three. In this way, the power consumption of a month may also be more than ten or twenty degrees, or a lot.

Inventory of the five most expensive appliances in the home, air conditioning ranked second, the first place can be called "electricity thief"

Therefore, it is recommended that families with routers, when no one uses them at home every day, turn off the router in time, turn off the switch or unplug the plug, so that at least half of the monthly can be saved.

Second, the refrigerator

Refrigerator, in fact, is still a relatively energy-saving home appliances.

Many people think that the refrigerator needs to be open 24 hours a year, and it will definitely cost. In fact, although the refrigerator works 24 hours a day, the refrigeration compressor does not run continuously. That is, it has very little power in standby.

Inventory of the five most expensive appliances in the home, air conditioning ranked second, the first place can be called "electricity thief"

For example, when we buy a refrigerator, we usually see the total power consumption of 24 hours marked by it. For example, the most common double-door refrigerator, this value is usually about 0.7 degrees, that is to say, the power consumption of the usual one-hour working state may be a few tenths of a degree.

Of course, this is only the ideal state of power consumption, in fact, in daily use will be more than this. This is different from the usage habits of each family, resulting in discrepancies. For example, if you open the door frequently every day or store more things inside, the power consumption will be a little more.

Inventory of the five most expensive appliances in the home, air conditioning ranked second, the first place can be called "electricity thief"

In addition, it is also related to the performance of the refrigerator itself. For example, the insulation performance is poor, the capacity of the refrigerator is larger, and so on. Therefore, the refrigerator consumes about 1.5 kWh of electricity per day, and about 45 kWh of electricity per month. On the whole, the refrigerator is actually not too much electricity-intensive, but it can save money.

Here also teach you two, daily use of refrigerators to save power consumption methods:

  1. The refrigerator is in a state of high heat dissipation when working, so try to avoid putting it together with other heat dissipation appliances, such as microwave ovens and steaming ovens. So as not to affect the cooling effect of the frost, thereby increasing internal consumption and increasing power consumption.
  2. If the food in the refrigerator is too full, it will also increase the insulation burden of the refrigerator, thereby increasing the power consumption. Therefore, try not to store unwanted bottles, cans and packaging boxes in the refrigerator, which can also reduce the load of the refrigerator.

Third, electric water heater

Some netizens said that the storage type electric water heater is really a big power consumer! I agree with this view.

Take a 60-liter storage electric water heater as an example, the general power is 2000W. Under normal circumstances, if it is a room temperature of 25 degrees, it takes about 1-2 hours to heat the maximum water temperature of 75 degrees, and the power consumption is about 3 degrees.

Inventory of the five most expensive appliances in the home, air conditioning ranked second, the first place can be called "electricity thief"

If you have been plugged in all day, then below the set temperature, it will continue to heat, so it also takes 2 kWh of electricity to keep warm all day. That is to say, aside from other factors, a 60-liter electric water heater consumes an average of 5 degrees of electricity per day, which is about 150 degrees per month.

Inventory of the five most expensive appliances in the home, air conditioning ranked second, the first place can be called "electricity thief"

In addition, climate change and water temperature factors also have a great impact on the degree of power consumption. This is why many people say that using electric water heaters in winter is more power-consuming. Because, in winter, the amount of hot water used daily, such as brushing dishes, washing clothes, washing hands must use hot water, the amount of water is large, and the power consumption naturally increases. In addition, the water temperature in winter is low, the same temperature, heating takes a long time.

If you want to save power here, there are also two power saving tips:

  1. If it is summer, there is no need to set the water temperature too high, set enough temperature. For example, a setting of around 45-50 degrees is sufficient. In this way, it is almost better than setting a maximum of 75 degrees per day, saving one kilowatt hour of electricity.
  2. You can power off the power supply when it is not in use, and do not plug in the power all the time. The power consumption of the electric water heater for a day insulation is also about 2 degrees, and you can choose to open the heating an hour before bathing.

Fourth, air conditioning

Air conditioning is the most power-hungry home appliance in the home, which is an indisputable fact. After all, the air conditioner is the most powerful appliance in the home appliance.

Especially in the summer, when the air conditioner is on all day, it is indeed very power-consuming. For example, the cooling power of the air conditioner of the larger horse is 735W, and the external unit is generally about 1200W.

Inventory of the five most expensive appliances in the home, air conditioning ranked second, the first place can be called "electricity thief"

Generally speaking, the air conditioner is running continuously, and the electricity consumption is about 0.5 degrees per hour, so even if it is opened for 8 hours a day, the average power consumption is 4 kWh, then it is at least 120 degrees Celsius a month.

However, let's not forget that this is only a rough calculation of the power consumption of an air conditioner. I believe that every family does not have only one air conditioner, right? Moreover, in general, the cabinets or ducts in our living room are mostly 2-3 horses.

Inventory of the five most expensive appliances in the home, air conditioning ranked second, the first place can be called "electricity thief"

If it is open day and night, not to mention 8 hours, the electricity bill is not frightening after a month. Another point is that try not to choose to use air conditioning in winter, because the heating power is higher and the power consumption will be higher.

Therefore, now many families have bought more power-saving air conditioners, such as inverter compressors, first-class energy efficiency levels, although they can save a little, but they are also very limited.

Fifth, set-top box

In fact, the most easily overlooked "electricity thief" in the home is the TV set-top box, which is the real "power consumption king".

Inventory of the five most expensive appliances in the home, air conditioning ranked second, the first place can be called "electricity thief"

The reason is very simple, in fact, it is the same as the router. Being in standby for a long time is the main cause of power consumption. Many people think that the set-top box is small, so they have no idea how much electricity it will consume. Most families watch TV by using a remote control to turn off the TV and set-top box. The set-top box has always been in standby, and in the long run, its power consumption will become very large.

Inventory of the five most expensive appliances in the home, air conditioning ranked second, the first place can be called "electricity thief"

Some netizens have done relevant measurements and found that the standby power of the set-top box in the case of non-stop power, its standby power actually exceeds the power consumption of 2 routers, which will make you lose about 10 degrees in vain every month, so the set-top box is the most power-hungry electrical appliance in the standby state of home appliances. Therefore, I also warn everyone that in the unused state of the set-top box, we must remember to power off!

Write at the end:

Of course, in addition to the five kinds of home appliances mentioned above, there are some electrical appliances that are not powered on and are also in a state of power consumption. For example, televisions, washing machines, desktop computers, ovens, microwave ovens, etc., although the power consumption is not high. However, it is also recommended that you should try to unplug the plug and do the power off treatment when not using it. It can not only save electricity, but also ensure the safety of electricity consumption.