
Love from the Father? King Charles saw hope from the funeral and said that he could repair his relationship with Hame
Love from the Father? King Charles saw hope from the funeral and said that he could repair his relationship with Hame

Is there going to be a major reconciliation in the British royal family? According to the British "Sun" and "Daily Mail" local time on September 27, King Charles III saw the "great hope" of reconciliation with Harry and Meghan at the queen's funeral, and "believed that he could repair the relationship", King Charles III stressed that he still loved Harry and Megan.

According to people familiar with the matter, it was the death of the late monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, who united the family, and now King Charles III finally believes that he can repair the broken relationship with his younger son and star daughter-in-law.

The person familiar with the matter told the Daily Telegraph that the king still loves his two children (Harry and Meghan Markle) and that for the past 16 days or so, there seems to be little hope of reconciliation, yet the hope of unity is still great in terms of the future.

Love from the Father? King Charles saw hope from the funeral and said that he could repair his relationship with Hame

The website of the British "Daily Mail" is dynamically showing the hottest news of the whole British news website in the past half hour, and the information that the king's reconciliation with Harry and Meghan is expected to be displayed in the forefront of the hottest news in the past few hours, which shows that the relationship between the Duke and the royal family of Sussex is indeed the focus of the British people.

The Post and the Sun also pointed out that for the new British monarch, King Charles III, how to deal with the relationship with Harry and Meghan was a long-term challenge during his reign.

The news of this conciliatory promise is undoubtedly positive, so how did King Charles treat Harry and Meghan before that?

1. On the day of the death of Queen Elizabeth II

On September 8, local time, first Buckingham Palace issued a rare statement, saying that the queen was under medical supervision and had informed the true family.

Then, Prince William, Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, and other grandsons and sons of the Queen were reported to have rushed to Balmoral Manor in Scotland, where the Queen was located.

Love from the Father? King Charles saw hope from the funeral and said that he could repair his relationship with Hame

Prince William and his uncle Prince Edward traveled from London to Scotland on an RAF plane, which Prince Harry was a few kilometres from his brother William, but he did not fly. The background was not revealed until many days after the queen's death.

It turned out that at the time, Harry wanted to go with his wife Meghan to accompany his grandmother, but his father, Charles, told him that Megan's presence was "inappropriate." Furious, Harry refused to answer the constant calls his father had sent staff to call him, and finally learned of his grandmother's death from the news that his phone had popped up.

Harry chartered his own private jet to his late grandmother. That night, Harry refused to have dinner with his father, Charles, his stepmother Camilla, and his brother William.

2. Guarding the Spirit for Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II had stripped Prince Harry of all military titles when she had renounced her status as a senior officer altogether, so Harry was not actually qualified to wear a military uniform.

Love from the Father? King Charles saw hope from the funeral and said that he could repair his relationship with Hame

But while Westminster Abbey was guarding the late Queen's spirit, King Charles III made an exception to allow Prince Harry to wear a military uniform to keep vigil with the Queen's other seven grandchildren, a move described as an "olive branch" thrown by the King to his younger son and daughter-in-law.

But the sons and daughters-in-law did not seem to buy it, and they spoke saying they would "continue to build their lives overseas", while His Majesty the King of England expressed his "love for his two children".

3. How King Charles III handled the titles of Archie and Lilibert

Immediately after King Charles III succeeded to the throne, the official website of the British royal family updated the "Order of Succession" page, and the updated content was particularly intriguing.

Love from the Father? King Charles saw hope from the funeral and said that he could repair his relationship with Hame

Among them, the title of Prince William was immediately updated to Prince of Wales, and the titles of his three children became "Prince George of Wales", "Princess Charlotte of Wales" and "Prince Louis of Wales" in turn, but the titles of the two children of the Harry family did not change, still only Master and Miss, which means the children of the Duke. But according to the 1917 version of the Succession to the Throne Act, which is currently in use, the two children should have had the titles of Prince and Princess immediately after Charles ascended the throne.

Love from the Father? King Charles saw hope from the funeral and said that he could repair his relationship with Hame

Why didn't their grandfather award them titles according to inheritance law?

Judging from the above process, the prospects for royal reconciliation are uncertain, but since King Charles emphasizes his love for his two children and says that he sees great hope for reconciliation, it is always good news for the British royal family.

Source: theSun, DAILYMAIL, BING

Editor: Zhang Xiao