
Why advise you not to wear "leggings"? After reading these 3 sets of comparison charts, you will understand

author:Mon is stylish

Can leggings be worn outside? This matter should make many girls feel confused, see a lot of hipsters wearing leggings, they always want to try it, and finally find that they and others wear it is completely the difference between the buyer show and the seller show.

In fact, for most ordinary girls, leggings themselves are not suitable for wearing, easy to expose your figure problems, appear embarrassing, if you do not believe it, continue to look at it, for everyone to dig more fashionable leggings to wear ~

Why advise you not to wear "leggings"? After reading these 3 sets of comparison charts, you will understand

First, these leggings should be avoided, and the tacky is fat

(1). Colorful leggings

Thunder point: Not versatile enough, bells and whistles

Perhaps some girls pursue personality with daily collocation, and when they buy leggings, they will also be attracted by various fashionable color styles, but the color leggings themselves are not very versatile, but they look fancy, and do not meet the needs of most girls.

Why advise you not to wear "leggings"? After reading these 3 sets of comparison charts, you will understand

(2). Printed leggings

Lightning point: strong sense of expansion, not easy to match

Printed elements can be combined in skirts, coats above, but it is best not to combine on the leggings, the style of printed leggings is too fancy and exaggerated, and most girls wear leggings are not used as a focus of collocation, if you choose printed leggings, it is easy to cause the center of gravity of the matching to be shifted.

Secondly, the printing element is easy to cause visual expansion, and the little sister with thin legs may not be able to control it, and the slightly fat girl should be avoided.

Why advise you not to wear "leggings"? After reading these 3 sets of comparison charts, you will understand

(3). Reflective material leggings

Lightning Point: The material is cheap and strong

The biggest disadvantage of reflective material is that it will appear fat, most of the reflective fabrics will visually widen the circumference of our body, such as the familiar leather material, laser material, are easy to cause a sense of reflection, appear pompous and strong. Especially the silver reflective leggings below, the color and material are not easy to control.

Why advise you not to wear "leggings"? After reading these 3 sets of comparison charts, you will understand

Second, why are leggings not suitable for external wear? There are mainly the following reasons

Contrast Figure 1: Wearing it outside will appear crotch-wide, fat and strong

The version of the leggings is close to our own body curves, so when we wear leggings, we will directly expose our lower body line, and if we don't cover it, it will expose the problem of crotch width, if you belong to the pear-shaped figure, quickly avoid such a collocation!

Why advise you not to wear "leggings"? After reading these 3 sets of comparison charts, you will understand

Although many young sisters feel that their figure is not bad, but the figure is good, it is not necessarily possible to control the leggings to wear, such as the figure of this kind of left figure miss sister is still very thin, but the top is tucked into the leggings, directly exposing their hip width problem, although the overall proportion has improved, but the crotch width problem is exposed.

Why advise you not to wear "leggings"? After reading these 3 sets of comparison charts, you will understand

Contrast Figure 2: The outside wear lacks fashion sense and is monotonous and boring

Leggings outside the wear not only test the figure but also test your temperament, the average person will wear the leggings outside will also appear tasteless, monotonous and boring, the real temperament will match the girl prefer to combine the coat or long top to modify when wearing, not only add layering, even the effect of thinness is better ~

Why advise you not to wear "leggings"? After reading these 3 sets of comparison charts, you will understand

Contrast Figure 3: Awkward to wear outside, it will look very untemperature

Finally, the biggest minefield for wearing leggings is to expose our private parts, and the leggings that fit our figure will show your private parts if they are not careful, although there is a cover for clothes, but it is always embarrassing to expose it, and it is not beautiful to go out on the street every day. So in such a situation, it is much better to match yourself with a skirt or coat.

Why advise you not to wear "leggings"? After reading these 3 sets of comparison charts, you will understand

Third, the correct way to open the leggings, let you wear a sense of fashion

Tips 1: Afraid of embarrassment, it is safer to use a skirt with leggings

If you want to directly cover the lines of the lower body, you can directly match the skirt, so that it is very safe to wear, and the overlapping of the skirt and leggings can ensure that our hips and thighs are blocked, so we are not afraid of embarrassment when we wear it.

Sisters with thick legs can also use this kind of long skirt to modify, directly hide your figure problems can be ~ it looks very decent and elegant, and the good temperament comes to the face.

Why advise you not to wear "leggings"? After reading these 3 sets of comparison charts, you will understand

>> recommend that skirts and leggings be the same color

If the color of the skirt and leggings is too different, it will also appear to be contradictory, and it will divide the lines of our lower body, so in this case, it is recommended that you can try the same color matching, and if the color of the leggings and skirt can be consistent, it will look harmonious a lot, and it can also play a slimming effect.

For example, the regular black leggings with black skirts, so that wearing is very thin, slightly fat women can learn from it

Why advise you not to wear "leggings"? After reading these 3 sets of comparison charts, you will understand

Tips2: If you want to hide the meat to look thin, it is best to cover it directly with a long coat

The best way to hide meat is to choose a long coat to cover, if you expose your legs, how to have the risk of fat, this time choose a long coat to cover it is very safe.

For example: long trench coats, long coats are suitable for pairing with leggings, wear warm and thin, slightly fat you don't have to worry about it

Why advise you not to wear "leggings"? After reading these 3 sets of comparison charts, you will understand

Tips3: Leggings with boots to reduce a portion of the leg area

The fashion and body feel of wearing leggings are relatively poor, so let's try to match boots, the combination of boots and leggings can reduce the skin of the legs, and you can also use the collision of boots and leggings to enhance the fashion of the match, which is better.

There are also many styles of boots, such as small people wearing short boots, tall people wearing boots, all of which are quite fashionable. It is also best to follow the rules of color collocation when wearing, and the color of boots and leggings is the same, which better stretches your legs.

Why advise you not to wear "leggings"? After reading these 3 sets of comparison charts, you will understand

See others wearing leggings you may be moved, but this year do not match like this, ordinary people can not control, it is easy to expose your figure problems Oh, want to wear a sense of fashion, look at the above various fashionable shapes, learn these little sister leggings matching way, both fashion and warmth.