
Strange space illusions, why do all astronauts happen? Do mysterious powers really exist?

author:Scientific Journal

How big is the universe? This is a proposition that countless people have explored for a long time without results, and today, we use limited technology to temporarily peek into a part of the visible universe, which allows us to discover the smallness of human beings.

If the universe is compared to a human body, then the earth is an insignificant cell in this body, which shows how small we humans are, and because of this, we send astronauts, using technology, to send them out of the earth, trying to use their perspective to explore the whole picture of the universe for us.

Strange space illusions, why do all astronauts happen? Do mysterious powers really exist?

But exploring the universe is not an easy task, many astronauts are in the process of losing their lives in the process of mission, according to the official statistics of NASA, the number of astronauts who lost their lives in the United States lunar mission is more than 20, and the explosion of the Soviet "Vostok" rocket killed 54 people on the spot.

It can be seen that the astronauts' road to the moon is full of hardships, however, in addition to these astronauts who died in space, there are also some strange symptoms among the astronauts who return to the ground, and many astronauts have encountered "strange hallucinations" in space, and whenever they think of it, they will feel afraid.

Strange space illusions, why do all astronauts happen? Do mysterious powers really exist?

The horrors of space

If nothing else, let's first understand the horrors of space, which will help us understand the "strange hallucinations" of astronauts.

First of all, the space environment and the Earth environment are very different, according to the scientists' investigation of the microwave radiation of the universe, the temperature in the universe is basically minus 270.3 degrees Celsius, basically close to the "absolute zero" on the thermodynamic definition, so we must use tools such as spacesuits to survive in such a cold environment.

According to the general view of the formation of the universe, since the big bang of the singularity, the universe has been in a state of continuous expansion, so the galaxies in the universe will gradually move away from each other with the passage of time, so the temperature inside the universe will continue to decrease.

Strange space illusions, why do all astronauts happen? Do mysterious powers really exist?

When astronauts enter space, they will feel the feeling of losing gravity very obviously, even if they want to stand in place, they will also be affected by various chaotic gravitational forces in the universe, and sometimes there will be dizziness and spinning, so when Zhai Zhigang is interviewed, he will be afraid of the earth "floating away".

In addition, the space environment belongs to the absolute vacuum environment, there is no sound, there is no life on the earth, but it is full of a variety of cosmic radiation and rays, which is extremely unfavorable to the physical condition of human beings, which is why we need to wear corresponding spacesuits and use a series of manned space tools to explore space.

Strange space illusions, why do all astronauts happen? Do mysterious powers really exist?

In space, astronauts can not communicate directly, therefore, they need to communicate in time through communication equipment, in general, the connection between astronauts and the ground is carried out through the radio inside the capsule, which is to prevent irregular radios inside the universe from interfering with the radio.

It can be said that in the space environment, astronauts must learn a new set of rules of survival, because their living conditions are completely different from those on the ground.

All in all, although astronauts are a high-profile existence and a glorious profession, they need to pay more efforts behind their backs, you know, the space environment is not a joke, a little careless, it will lead to very serious consequences.

Strange space illusions, why do all astronauts happen? Do mysterious powers really exist?

Space illusions

In fact, just like there are no two identical snowflakes in the world, there are also the most fundamental individual differences between people, so different people will have different effects when they hallucinate, such as some people will have the illusion of hearing, and some people will have a certain degree of visual confusion.

These space illusions are highly closely related to the mental state of the astronauts themselves, and some of these illusions can even cause astronauts to develop space phobias.

Strange space illusions, why do all astronauts happen? Do mysterious powers really exist?
  • Hearing: Space dogs bark

Many people know that the first person in the world to enter space was the Soviet cosmonaut Gagarin, but few people know that the world's first earth creature to enter space is actually a stray dog "Laika".

In the 1950s, when the Soviet Union and the United States were in the space race stage, the Soviet Union took the lead in carrying out related tasks to send the "Laika" into space, and they hoped to make the Lycra an experimental object to test the performance of space equipment and the space problems that humans may face when entering space.

So unsurprisingly, as the first earth creature forced into space, "Laika" ushered in its own death, in November 1957, Laika's space suit had a problem, because of poor heat insulation, there was a violent burning, just like this, Laika was buried in the raging fire.

Strange space illusions, why do all astronauts happen? Do mysterious powers really exist?

This incident has become a milestone in space exploration, and at the same time, it has become a nightmare in the hearts of many astronauts, and the astronaut Vladiskov has encountered this situation, according to him, he was on a mission outside the space capsule, because the mission is very important, he can not lose his mind.

But at this moment, he vaguely heard a dog barking from the universe, and he was very clearly aware that this was his delusion, but as time went on, the sound of this dog barking became more and more obvious, as if it was right next to his ear, at this time, he could no longer bear the panic in his heart, immediately stopped his work, and returned to the space capsule.

  • Vision: Alien arrival

Once upon a time, we always thought that there were aliens in space, and we were full of expectations for the news of aliens, and everyone wanted to see the appearance and civilization of aliens, but with the passage of time and the advancement of science and technology, this idea has been seriously hit, because there is basically no direct proof of the existence of extraterrestrial life in the solar system.

But when astronauts entered space to carry out missions, they saw the existence of aliens in the illusion, and in 1963, American astronaut Gordon Cooper publicly made remarks about aliens.

Strange space illusions, why do all astronauts happen? Do mysterious powers really exist?

He believes that alien-related flying objects have appeared near the earth, which can fully confirm the existence of aliens, because in the process of carrying out the mission, he witnessed the emergence of the "cosmic light point", which appears around the earth's atmosphere and will flash regularly like a signal tower.

This matter reached the ears of American scientists, who immediately extracted the space video at that time, but the so-called "space light point" did not appear in the picture, so scientists believed that this was a natural physical phenomenon that Cooper saw in the universe and had nothing to do with aliens.

Strange space illusions, why do all astronauts happen? Do mysterious powers really exist?


Although we humans have completed the lunar mission and sent scientific equipment to the sun, we still lack a deeper understanding in the face of dark space, and even if our technology develops to this level, there is still no way to ensure the absolute success of every space mission.

Therefore, we still have a lot of space knowledge to learn, and it can be said that the story between us and space has just begun, and it will continue to continue over a long period of time.