
Jasmine flowers do not bloom in September? Do a good job of 4 "points", you can open 2 more stubble flowers, and the home is fragrant again

author:Sister Rong's flower language

Experienced flower lovers raise monthly flowers, can bloom several stubbles a year, even in the autumn will still bloom two stubble flowers. But most of the flower friends to raise the monthly flowers, in the autumn will no longer bloom, in fact, and the maintenance method has a lot to do, as long as you can do a good job of 4 points, you can also open two more stubble flowers, the home is fragrant again. How?

Jasmine flowers do not bloom in September? Do a good job of 4 "points", you can open 2 more stubble flowers, and the home is fragrant again

Promotes growth and flowering

Jasmine is a very fertile flower, if the nutrition is insufficient, it is easy to grow only leaves and do not flower. There is also fertilization of jasmine flowers, do not use more nitrogen fertilizer, that will also make jasmine flowers only grow leaves and do not flower.

Sister Rong fertilized jasmine flowers in September, mainly using huaduoduo no. 2, or fertilizers such as cake fertilizer water. It is not that potassium dihydrogen phosphate is not good, but because jasmine flowers grow slowly in September, so it is necessary to supplement nitrogen fertilizer, if you blindly use potassium dihydrogen phosphate, it will lead to a lack of jasmine nitrogen fertilizer and poor growth.

Jasmine flowers do not bloom in September? Do a good job of 4 "points", you can open 2 more stubble flowers, and the home is fragrant again

In this case, the branches of the jasmine are difficult to grow quickly, so after the jasmine is pruned after flowering, no new side branches grow out for a long time, resulting in the jasmine not flowering.

It is different to use huaduoduo no. 2 or decomposed cake fertilizer, because these fertilizers contain nitrogen elements, which can not only make the jasmine grow new branches early, but also promote the growth of jasmine buds and help the jasmine flowers to bloom earlier.

Jasmine flowers do not bloom in September? Do a good job of 4 "points", you can open 2 more stubble flowers, and the home is fragrant again

Water a little more

Jasmine flowers prefer a humid environment, and if watered too little, it is easy for the leaves to dry out and grow slowly. In this case, jasmine is difficult to flower. However, jasmine does not like too wet soil, and is more afraid of long-term accumulation of water, because this way jasmine is easy to rot roots.

The weather is relatively dry in September, and watering the jasmine flowers also needs to be appropriate. Generally speaking, after the soil turns white, it is watered once to make the jasmine flower grow more watery, and the flowering will be more and more colorful.

Jasmine flowers do not bloom in September? Do a good job of 4 "points", you can open 2 more stubble flowers, and the home is fragrant again

Jasmine loves slightly acidic water, mainly because jasmine is a southern flower. If alkaline water is used for a long time, it is easy to appear yellow leaves. In this case, even if the jasmine flowers grow buds, they are easy to fall.

Therefore, to water the jasmine flowers, you need to use rainwater, or add ferrous sulfate to the water to make the water slightly acidic. Generally, Rong Jie waters the jasmine flowers, that is, every 15 to 20 days or so, waters the jasmine flowers with 0.2% ferrous sulfate once, so that the leaves of the jasmine flowers are green and fat, and the flowering will be more and more colorful.

Jasmine flowers do not bloom in September? Do a good job of 4 "points", you can open 2 more stubble flowers, and the home is fragrant again

More sunshine

After entering September, the time of day is significantly shortened, and the night time begins to increase. In this case, the jasmine will also receive less sunlight. We all know that jasmine is a flower that likes sunlight, and if there is too little sunlight, it is easy not to bloom.

To raise jasmine flowers in September, it is necessary to raise jasmine flowers in a place with more sunlight and try to increase the light of jasmine flowers as much as possible. Outdoor jasmine can be raised in a sunny place, even if it can reach more than thirty degrees at noon, the sun is still relatively strong, and jasmine is not afraid.

Jasmine flowers do not bloom in September? Do a good job of 4 "points", you can open 2 more stubble flowers, and the home is fragrant again

Indoor jasmine flowers also need to be raised in places with more sunlight, such as the south balcony with more sunlight, or the east balcony or the west balcony, so that the jasmine flowers have more than 4 to 6 hours of light a day, which will be conducive to the flowering of jasmine, and the flowering will be more fragrant.

However, the jasmine flowers raised indoors also need to be ventilated. Because on a sunny day in September, the temperature at noon is still relatively high. If the ventilation in the room is not good, it is easy to have high temperature and high humidity after precipitation.

Jasmine flowers do not bloom in September? Do a good job of 4 "points", you can open 2 more stubble flowers, and the home is fragrant again

Prune in time after flowering

After the jasmine flowers bloom, they still need to be pruned in time. There are two benefits to pruning after giving the jasmine flowers, the first is to reduce nutrient loss, allow the jasmine to continue the energy, and then help the jasmine flowers bloom again. The second point is to let the jasmine grow side branches, because the new buds of the jasmine flowers will grow on the new side branches.

After flowering, jasmine pruning needs to be pruned in time, that is, after the jasmine flowers have flowered, the branches after flowering are cut short. That is, leave the lower two pairs of leaves, and the upper branches are all cut off.

Jasmine flowers do not bloom in September? Do a good job of 4 "points", you can open 2 more stubble flowers, and the home is fragrant again

After the jasmine flowers are pruned, they must also be full of nutrition, so that the jasmine flowers can grow fatter and stronger, and the supplementary nutrition can use the flower more than two, or the thin and rotten cake fertilizer water. Generally, it is used every 7 to 10 days or so, provided that it is thinner.

Jasmine flowers do not bloom in September? Do a good job of 4 "points", you can open 2 more stubble flowers, and the home is fragrant again

In September, jasmine flowers do not bloom, as long as you do four points, that is, the above 4 points, so that the jasmine flowers can bloom two stubble flowers again, and the home is fragrant again. Have your jasmine flowers been spent? How did you raise it? Welcome to leave us a comment!

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