
Wang Ziwen made his own native shampoo, do you dare to use it?

author:Bright Net

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Wang Ziwen made his own native shampoo, do you dare to use it?

Prince Wen

3 hours ago

Document my cleaning experiment with Andrew! Through natural cleaning, I found that there is a lot of knowledge of nature worth learning and discovering!

Wang Ziwen made his own native shampoo, do you dare to use it?
Wang Ziwen made his own native shampoo, do you dare to use it?

Wang Ziwen: Picture 1 is a hibiscus leaf, you can rub the clean hibiscus leaf with gauze until the green juice appears, put it in the water and boil it for 10 minutes, and let it dry until the water temperature is appropriate. Can be used as a shampoo to remove oil and dander from the head and improve dry hair and knots.

Wu Yongen: Figure 2 is a thousand miles of light, cure wet itching, add water and boil for 10 minutes to cool, can be applied to the affected area. It can clear heat, detoxify, kill insects, and blind eyes, and can also act as an acne cream to eliminate acne.

Wang Ziwen made his own native shampoo, do you dare to use it?

Joey Yung

2 hours ago

Record my cleaning experiments! Today I tried a lot of plants instead of chemical cleaners!

Wang Ziwen made his own native shampoo, do you dare to use it?
Wang Ziwen made his own native shampoo, do you dare to use it?

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Joey Yung: Picture 1 is wormwood, which can be washed with baking soda, boiled water and cooled down, which can be used to soak feet, wash hair, and bathe; Beaten into juice can be used to make green dough.

Joey Yung: Figure 2 is grass and wood ash, and the potassium carbonate in it can effectively decontaminate and descaling. Can act as dish soap and laundry detergent.

Wang Ziwen made his own native shampoo, do you dare to use it?

Zhang Han

6 hours ago

Very meaningful experiment, my favorite is the soap pod free seed 2-in-1 formula!

Wang Ziwen made his own native shampoo, do you dare to use it?
Wang Ziwen made his own native shampoo, do you dare to use it?

Zhang Han: Picture 1 is the side cypress leaf, the cleaned side cypress leaf is boiled in water and boiled until the head is washed in warm water, and then washed with water; Taking cypress leaves and burning them directly to produce smoke can repel insects and has the effect of insecticides.

Zhang Han: The second picture is pancreatic soap, which mixes the pig pancreas with baking soda/grass and wood ash into a ball and can be used after drying, which can be decontaminated and descaled like soap.

After trying the cleaning products used by the ancients

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What will the makino family members learn?

Tonight at 10 o'clock Hunan Satellite TV, Mango TV "Makino Family"

Let's start a natural cleaning experiment together

Source: Hunan TV

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