
Who are the two generals, three admirals, and two major generals who are under the weight of the first chief?

author:Xiong Xiong talks about history

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In the years of the revolutionary war, the number one leader in the people's ranks was certainly the great Grandpa Mao. It was he who led the Chinese revolution and put forward the great strategic idea of the countryside encircling the cities. It is also he who lets the world see a different new China, and the lion of the East has awakened. It was still him, snow shame in nearly a hundred years, for the first time in military terms, defeated the Western powers. He brought the enemy to the negotiating table and won the victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

Chief No. 1 is a great man who belongs to a hundred years of rare encounters. If a founding general can be valued by a great man, it is definitely a very glorious thing. Throughout the life of the first chief, there are seven founding generals, who are very important to Grandpa Mao.

Who are the two generals, three admirals, and two major generals who are under the weight of the first chief?

Among the ten founding generals, there were two great generals who were very important to the number one chief, they were Xiao Jinguang and Tan Zheng. Both of these generals were hunan natives, General Xiao joined our party in 1922, and General Tan joined our party in 1927. From the perspective of time, Tan Zheng joined the party later than Xiao Jinguang. This means that General Xiao is more senior, and he also experienced the Northern Expedition and was later assigned to study at the Soviet Military School, which is a young officer who belongs to the revolutionary ranks and focuses on training.

Shortly after joining the revolution, Tan Zheng experienced the Autumn Harvest Uprising and was a general with a high level of knowledge and culture in the ranks of the uprising. Therefore, in the later Jinggangshan period, he became the first secretary of the first chief.

Who are the two generals, three admirals, and two major generals who are under the weight of the first chief?

General Xiao and General Tan were able to obtain the weight of the first chief, not because these two generals would sneak around and clap their horses, but because of their real talents and practical learning, and their contributions to the revolution, they won the appreciation and reuse of the number one chief. The two generals were the best of the founding generals.

Among the 57 founding generals, there are also three generals who are quite highly regarded by the number one chief. These three generals were all brave generals of our army in the years of the revolutionary war. The first was Xu Shiyou, who was born in the Red Fourth Front, joined the Red Army in 1927, and participated in the Jute Uprising. The second is Wang Zhen, who is a general who is both military and political, and is a figure who belongs to the side of Wen Ke's governance, and Wu Ke can calm the war and defend the country. The third was Chen Xilian, who also came from the Red Fourth Front and joined the Red Army in 1929 to begin his military career.

Who are the two generals, three admirals, and two major generals who are under the weight of the first chief?

Xu Shiyou and Chen Xilian were both from the Red Fourth Front, but in terms of seniority and position, during the Red Army period, Xu Shiyou was much higher than Chen Xilian. However, since Joining the Red Army, Chen Xilian is willing to study hard and work hard. After experiencing the battle on the battlefield, the baptism of blood and fire, he also gradually grew into a very good military commander. As a result, in the later liberation period, Chen Xilian, who joined the party late, caught up with General Xu and General Wang and became the commander of the main corps of the Second Field Army.

After winning the victory in the War of Liberation, Wang Zhen, Chen Xilian, and Xu Shiyou all threw themselves into the cause of national defense construction on the mainland. Wang Zhen initially served as the commander of the railway troops, Chen Xilian as the commander of the artillery and the commander of the military region, and Xu Shiyou became the commander of the major military region for a term of 25 years. Generally speaking, the three generals, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, have developed very well, especially General Wang and General Chen, who are definitely the two best developed among the founding generals, and the positions they hold are very high.

Who are the two generals, three admirals, and two major generals who are under the weight of the first chief?

Among the more than a thousand founding major generals, there were also two major generals who received the weight of the number one chief. The first is Wang Dongxing, and the second is Li Desheng. In the years of the revolutionary war, the division of labor between the two generals was different, and Wang Dongxing was a guard, and to put it bluntly, he was responsible for the personal safety of the number one chief. During the liberation period, Li Desheng was one of the main generals of the Second Field Army and the commander of the ace division of the 12th Army, and experienced the War of Liberation and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

Don't look at the fact that in 1955, these two generals were only awarded the rank of major general. However, after the victory in the War of Liberation, the two generals were promoted to the rank of Zhengguo, just like riding on a rocket. You know, this level is beyond most of the founding generals, generals, or marshal-level generals.