
Xinji Township held a celebration of the 38th Teachers' Day and Commendation Conference

author:A new set of charm

The three-foot pulpit nurtures peach and plum, and a thousand praises praise the teacher's grace. On September 7, Xinji Township, Tongbai County, held the 38th Teachers' Day Commendation Conference. Xu Qingshan, secretary of the party leading group and director of the county education and sports bureau, Zhao Jun, secretary of the xinji township party committee, Ji Yuanxiao, deputy director of the county education and sports bureau, Jin Jinping, chairman of the township people's congress, Zhang Wei, secretary of the discipline inspection committee, secretaries of village branches, directors of primary and secondary schools (parks), central school staff, and all commended comrades attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Jin Jinping, chairman of the Xinji township people's congress.

Xinji Township held a celebration of the 38th Teachers' Day and Commendation Conference

The meeting kicked off with the solemn sound of the national anthem, at which Xu Qingshan, secretary of the party group and director of the county education and sports bureau, delivered a speech for the conference: Zhang Wei, secretary of the township discipline inspection committee, read out the "Decision on Commending Advanced Units and Advanced Individuals in Education and Teaching Work in the 2021-2022 Academic Year"; The leaders attending the meeting presented honorary certificates for 4 advanced units, 30 advanced individuals, 1 principal who took root in mountainous areas and taught well, and 2 rural education red candle awards. The commended teachers received the award certificates one by one and took a group photo to freeze the beautiful moments.

Xinji Township held a celebration of the 38th Teachers' Day and Commendation Conference
Xinji Township held a celebration of the 38th Teachers' Day and Commendation Conference

On behalf of the township party committee and government, Zhao Jun, secretary of the township party committee, extended festive greetings to the vast number of teachers and educators who worked hard, and congratulated the advanced educators and outstanding teachers who were commended. Zhao Jun affirmed the achievements made in education and teaching work in the past year, and called on the vast number of teachers to take the commendation meeting as an opportunity to continue to carry forward the spirit of indifferent fame and fortune, lofty ambitions, dedication to work and love of their posts, and selfless dedication; with a fuller mental state and a more solid work style, they actively plunged into the practice of speeding up the revitalization of education in our township, strive to run a satisfactory education for the masses of the people, and make new and greater contributions to promoting the leapfrog development of our township's economy and society!

Correspondent: Wang Baolin