
Day reading Landscape Changxing | Changxing Anti-Japanese War image

author:Walk to read Landscape Changxing

In order to commemorate the 77th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War, today we specially put the record in the form of the "Changxing Anti-Japanese War Image" that was neglected seven years ago, together with the collected pictures (Note: Most of them are online pictures) to show the important events that occurred in Changxing during the eight-year War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the deeds of relevant characters.

In 1937

On August 13, 2006, the Battle of Songhu broke out. The war soon spread to Changxing.

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On August 14, 26 of the Republic of China, the Second Brigade of the Air Force of the National Revolutionary Army entered the war, departing from Guangde and Changxing airports and attacking the Japanese fleet anchored in wusongjiang, Shanghai. On the same day, the Second Air Force Brigade and other Air Force units achieved a great victory.

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(Japanese warship in the Wusong River)

On August 19, 2026 of the Republic of China, nine "Northrop" bombers of the Second Air Force Group formed a "pin" formation and flew towards the mouth of the Yangtze River with a roar. During the battle, the No. 904 fighter piloted by Shen Chongjie and Chen Xichun, two heroes, malfunctioned, and they resolutely crashed into the Japanese flagship "Izumo" and died heroically. They were announced by the Ministry of Civil Affairs as the second batch of famous heroes of the Chinese War of Resistance.

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Day reading Landscape Changxing | Changxing Anti-Japanese War image

(The martyr Shen Chongzhi is the prototype of Shen Guangyao, one of the male protagonists of the movie "No Questions Asked")

On September 19, 26 of the Republic of China, the Japanese fighters invading China began to bomb and bomb The county seat of Changxing County, causing heavy casualties.

On September 29, 20026, on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Japanese warplanes sneaked into Changxing Airport outside the East Gate, the oil depot was bombed, and the airport was stopped.

From October 26 to November 1, 2026 of the Republic of China, the Shanghai Sihang Warehouse Defense War caused a sensational impact in the world. Yu Sijiu of Changxing Chuankou Village

He was one of the "Eight Hundred Heroes" and died in a lone army camp in the 31st year of the Republic of China.

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(Sihang Warehouse)

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(Former Residence of Yu Sijiu)

On November 5, 2026, the Japanese 10th Army landed at Jinshanwei in Hangzhou Bay, and the Chinese army participating in the Battle of Songhu began to retreat, and some troops retreated to the Anhui Mountains or Nanjing through Changxing.

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(Kiyoshi Hitsuyagawa, Ishine Matsui, Miss Asaka, Heisuke Yanagikawa)

The Japanese 10th Army, which had jurisdiction over the 6th, 18th, and 114th Divisions and the Kunisaki Detachment, landed at Jinshanwei in Hangzhou Bay, and rushed straight into the then capital Nanjing, pointing directly at changxing, Si'an, and Guangde, important military passes on the Beijing-Hangzhou and Xuanhang National Highways.

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On November 23, 2026, the 144th, 145th, 146th, 147th, and 13th Independent Brigades of the 23rd Group Army of the Sichuan Army under Liu Xiang's command, led by Pan Wenhua, arrived at the changxing and Guangde fronts, preparing to block the Japanese attack on Nanjing. Since Changxing was of great importance to the defense of Nanjing, Bai Chongxi and Zhang Fakui personally came to Changxing to deploy troops.

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(Commander Pan Wenhua inspects the Guangsi front and the Sichuan army that is assembling)

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On November 24, 26, Wuxing fell, and the Japanese began to attack Changxing. The 7th Army of the Gui Army fought to the death to block the Japanese troops from Huzhou in the area of Qingcaowu in Lijia Lane, and after learning that a Japanese unit of the Japanese army was crossed by Wu Jiangpingwang by motorboat in an attempt to land at Xiaomeikou, it retreated for fear of being surrounded by the Japanese army. On the same day, the Changxing County Government of the Republic of China withdrew to the western mountainous areas.

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(The Seventh Army of the Gui Army blocked the enemy at Qingcaowu)

On the night of December 24, the Japanese army landed on Taihu Lake by airboat and captured Xintang and Jiapu. On the afternoon of November 25, 2026 of the Republic of China, the county town of Changxing County fell. After the Japanese invaded the city, more than 200 people in the urban area were slaughtered, and the rest of the buildings in the city were burned except for a few buildings such as the county office, Zhongshan Park, Bell Tower, East Fish Lane, and West Water Pass, and the fire lasted for seven days and nights.

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The Japanese army that occupied Changxing then divided into two routes, one to the north to prepare to attack Nanjing along the Beijing-Hangzhou National Highway, and all the way to the west to prepare along Si'an, Guangde to Wuhu, in a vain attempt to encircle the retreat of the Nanjing defenders.

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(The Japanese army marched north at Xiangshan On the west bank of Changxing Taihu Lake)

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Beginning on November 26, Guo Xunqi's troops of the 144th Division of the Sichuan Army and Rao Guohua of the 145th Division fought fierce battles with the Japanese troops at Jiapu Xiangshan and Si'an Town, but they were helpless to defeat the enemy with advanced equipment and extremely strong combat effectiveness, and retreated after desperate resistance.

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(144th Division resisted at Xiangshan, The village of Jiapu Jin)

After the Japanese army captured Si'an, the Pan Yinjiu Regiment of the 146th Division secretly attacked the Japanese army on the night of the 26th and won a complete victory, and the Japanese army withdrew from the town of Si'an. On November 27, the main Japanese 18th Division and the Guojiao Detachment launched another general offensive, and the military town of Si'an fell.

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(Si'an Station)

From November 28 to 29, the 145th Division of the Sichuan Army fought against the Japanese army in the boundary plate of the Zhejiang-Anhui border and the Dasongling area, and Anhui Guangde fell on the 30th. Lieutenant General Rao Guohua of the 145th Division

Indignant and martyred, he was posthumously awarded the rank of general of the army by the Nationalist government. The Sichuan army fought very fiercely on the front line of Changxing, Si'an and Guangde, known as the Battle of Guangde Si'an.

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(Japanese Ushijima Division attacking Si'an)

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(The Palace Force marched across the Border of Zhejiang and Anhui to Guangde)

On November 29, the whole territory of Changxing fell. The famous journalist Li Fu recorded in the "Records of Changxing's Observations and Stories" that "except for the two towns in Changxing, except for Shuikou and Hongqiao, which were not destroyed, other places such as Hexi, Si'an, Luqiao, LinchengQiao, Hongxingqiao, and Heping were burned into a scorched earth." In various parts of the county, the Japanese Kou carried out the policy of burning, killing and robbing the "three lights", wantonly slaughtering ordinary people, raping women, pulling people's husbands, robbing property, and more than 100,000 people "fled and rebelled" in panic (Note: the term used in the place of fleeing) to the mountainous areas, displaced, and suffered a deep disaster.

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Day reading Landscape Changxing | Changxing Anti-Japanese War image

On December 1, Matsui Ishigen, commander-in-chief of the Japanese Central China Front, arrived in Changxing and commanded the Japanese troops to launch an attack on Nanjing on the same day. The capital Nanjing fell on the 13th.

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In the winter of 1937, Cai Jinhua, the leader of the former bandit unit in Longshan, Who was released by Bai Chongxi, led a guerrilla force to ambush the Japanese army in the area from the port to Meixi, sinking a motorboat, wounding a plane, and killing more than a dozen Japanese troops.

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(Former Xiaoxikou Old Street, self-photographed)

In 1938

On January 1, 2007, the Wuxing County Anti-Japanese Self-Defense Brigade (commonly known as the "Lang Army") led by Lang Yulin and Peng Lin (awarded to the founding vice admiral in 1955) was established, and since then it has been active in fighting against the Japanese puppet army in Xichangxi and the nearby Anji Changxing Wuxing Mountain Area.

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(Langbu Cemetery where Wang Wenlin and other martyrs were buried)

In January 27 of the Republic of China, Xie Shengbiao was appointed by Xue Yue, the former commander-in-chief of the former enemy in the Third Theater, as the commander of the "Guerrilla Force in the Border Regions of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui Provinces", and Shi Jianzhong, a famous gentleman of Changxing, was appointed director of the Political Department. Xie Shengbiao was killed in the spring of 1938 and was announced by the Ministry of Civil Affairs in 2014 as one of the first batch of famous heroes of the War of Resistance.

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(Shi Jianzhong, shi Zhengqiang)

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(Letter of Appointment of Xie Shengbiao)

The Japanese army continued to burn and loot on the land of Changxing, doing everything. For example, in February 28 of the Republic of China, Lei Zhen's mother, Mrs. Chen (chang'an Primary School in Huzhou, which was famous for its longevity donations), was hit by a sulfur bomb by the Japanese army in a small boat and unfortunately died. On March 1, the Japanese Kou created the "Tangxi Village Massacre", and 19 young adults from Tangxi Natural Village in Houyang Xinhu Village were strafed by machine guns. On March 21, the Japanese Kou created the "Omura Massacre", a small village of 23 families in Lincheng Town, where 59 people were killed by the Japanese army.

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(This stele is now standing on the original site on the left side of Changshui Port, photographed by itself)

On February 12, 2007, Hu Changyuan, deputy commander of the Changxing Volunteer Guerrilla Force, led more than 80 people to attack the Japanese army stronghold stationed at Dayun Temple at night, and won a great victory, and Hu Changyuan was awarded the title of "National Hero" by the Executive Yuan.

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(Reconstructed Lincheng Dayun Temple)

On February 15, 27 of the Republic of China, the people of Changxing besieged the county town occupied by the Japanese Kou. Wang Wengui, the governor of the Republic of China county at the time, was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the siege, and Zhang Minggao, a baidan, was appointed deputy commander-in-chief, and the main participants in the siege battle were local guerrilla troops from Changxing, the Big Knife Society, and the Red Gun Congregation, as well as the county government garrison, and the 59th and 60th Divisions of the Nationalist Army cooperated in the battle. This was the largest spontaneous anti-war operation of the people of Changxing, which attacked the city for three consecutive nights, but unfortunately it was not successful.

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(Zhou Fengqi)

On March 7, 2007, Zhou Fengqi was assassinated and killed in Shanghai. Born in 1879 in Xiaopu Zhoujia Village, Zhou Fengqi graduated from the Baoding Military Academy and served as the commander of the 26th Army of the National Revolutionary Army during the Northern Expedition. When Changxing fell, he organized a "maintenance meeting" to meet the enemy, became a shameful traitor, and was assassinated by Dai Kasa's people when he went to Shanghai to become the chairman of the pseudo-Zhejiang provincial government.

In March 27, General Wu Qiwei, commander-in-chief of the Ninth Army, led his troops to retake Si'an. In the same month, Wang Shoupeng and other progressive young people initiated the establishment of the "Changxing Youth Anti-Enemy Support Association" in Changchaojiao, Si'an.

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(Former residence of Wang Shoupeng in Si'an Town)

From April 1 to 23, 2027, the 76th Division of the National Revolutionary Army led by Wang Lingyun fought fiercely with the Japanese at Qingcaowu and Wuliqiao respectively, killing hundreds of enemies. Both battles were counter-offensive battles spearheaded when the Japanese garrison was empty.

In June 27 of the Republic of China, the puppet Zhejiang Provincial Government was established, and Sun Disan, a Changxing man, served as the director of the Department of Civil Affairs.

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(July 21, 1938, Japanese Observatory in Changxing County)

In the autumn of the 27th year of the Republic of China, the exiled county government resumed its political organization in Changchaojiao.

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(ChenjianLi Village, Changchaojiao, where the county government office is located)

In 1939

On April 1, 2028, the "Changxing Battalion" was established, and Lang Xiannong, head of the military section of the county government, concurrently served as the battalion commander, recruiting 500 new recruits in changxing townships.

In August 28 of the Republic of China, the 84th Wing of the 22nd Division of the Japanese Army was stationed in Changxing, and only controlled the county town of Pheasant town and Dongshan Town (now Lijiaxiang Town) and other few data points. Most of the urban and rural areas are under the jurisdiction of the Changxing County Government under the jurisdiction of the Second Special District of the Zhejiang West Travel Bureau, and the county government office is located in the Bai family ancestral hall of Baijia Village, Badu Yue; In December, yan Beiming, a progressive, succeeded Yu Shuluan as county magistrate.

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(Former site of the Bai Family Ancestral Hall in BaduYa Kou Village)

In October 28, the Kuomintang Gendarmerie School set up a police dog school in Chongqing, and Dong Hanliang of Dong Jiafa of Changxing Xiazhen Temple was the "originator of Chinese police dog learning", during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he trained Changhua earth dogs to defeat the Japanese "Wolf Qing", deducing a legendary story. Under his influence, his nephew Jiang Lizhong participated in intelligence operations against Japan after graduating from the Whampoa Military Academy, and was the last Whampoa anti-Japanese war veteran of Changxing who died locally.

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Day reading Landscape Changxing | Changxing Anti-Japanese War image

(Jiang Lizhong, a veteran of the Huangpu Anti-Japanese War)

From November 28 to January of the following year, the Chinese defenders fought the Battle of Guinan against the Japanese army in Nanning, Guangxi, and won the Kunlun Pass Victory. Zhang Zhixuan, who graduated from the 14th term of Huangpu, participated in the battle as a member of the 200th Division of the 5th Army, and his brother Zhang Zhizheng also participated in the Battle of Guinan. After that, the brothers joined the expeditionary force in different units to participate in the Burma War.

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(Anti-Japanese War veteran Zhang Zhizheng)

In 1940

In January 29 of the Republic of China, the Japanese invaded Xiaoshan on the south bank of the Qiantang River, and according to the memories of the elderly Qian Shanqing, who participated in the battle, the "Changxing Battalion" was ordered to participate in the battle and suffered heavy casualties.

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On March 16, 2029, the 156th Regiment of the 52nd Division of the Nationalist Army and the Changxing Self-Defense Force sank three Japanese steamers in Hucheng at the Cross-Tang Bridge.

From March 17 to 18, 2029, in order to prevent the Japanese occupation, the Kuomintang Third Theater sent a telegram to the Zhejiang West Branch Office to send an independent 33rd Brigade Engineer Battalion to blow up the Changxing Coal Mine.

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In April 29, the first CPC Changxing County Committee was established in Changchaojiao Primary School, and the first secretary of the CPC County Committee was He Jianbai (also known as He Xingzhi, later the president of the Jiangxi Higher People's Court).

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(Historical Sites Establishment Hall of the Inaugural Meeting of the CPC Changxing County Committee)

On August 18, 1940, the predecessor of Changxing Middle School, the Changxing County Wartime Junior High School Cadet School, was founded in Coal Mountain, with Pan Fengshao, a native of Si'an, as the principal.

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(Three Heavenly Gate Temple in Xianshan Village, where Changxing Supplementary High School was once run)

From October 8 to 18, 1940, the Japanese army divided into two routes, using a combination of air raids and ground attacks to carry out autumn sweeps, causing heavy casualties and property losses. Among them, on October 13, Du Songqing, Li Xiaomao and nine other civilians were killed at the Kawaguchi Temple. The 62nd Division of the Nationalist Army annihilated hundreds of Japanese puppet troops participating in the "sweeping" in Changxing Hongxing bridge, Lincheng and other places.

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(Archives recording the Kawaguchi massacre)

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(On October 17, 1940, the town of Si'an was devastated by Japanese artillery fire)

October 21, 1940, Shi Zhihua

(1914-1941) took over as the secretary of the Changxing County CPC Committee. In the autumn of the following year, Shi Zhihua was arrested and killed by the Japanese Kou while on a mission deep into Huzhou. Later, it was selected as the first batch of anti-Japanese martyrs and heroes in Zhejiang.

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In 1941

On January 20, 1930, the Battle of Hexi began. At 6:00 a.m., the Japanese puppet army attacked hexi town in three ways, and the 61st Regiment of the new 21st Division of the Sichuan Army stationed in Changxing rose up to counterattack under the leadership of the regimental commander Xu Youcheng and won victory. During the battle, the Japanese puppet army killed more than 300 people, and the 61st regiment of the Sichuan army suffered only more than 50 casualties, of which 15 were sacrificed.

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(Hexi Old Street)

In January of the 30th year of the Republic of China, the Battle of Henan in the 22nd Battle of Henan was fought, and Qiu Ling, who graduated from the Huangpu Seventh Branch School, participated in the battle.

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On February 15, 1930, the Japanese army that occupied Changxing transported more than 500 poison gas bombs and practiced the release of poison gas bombs outside the west gate of Yancheng.

From March 20 to March 26, 1930, four companies of the Japanese 22nd Division, which had been "sweeping" on a large scale, together with more than 10,000 puppet troops, fought fiercely with the 52nd Division of the Nationalist Army stationed in Changchang. At that time, the headquarters of the 52nd Division was stationed in Liudujiao, and the county government was stationed in Baduyu. The Japanese first attacked Lincheng Wushangang, and then attacked the county government and Zhou Wujiao on the outskirts of the 52nd Division, where the 52nd Division lost two days and two nights. At dawn on 23 March, another Japanese and the defenders of the 52nd Division fought fiercely for two days at Mopanling. In this battle, the Japanese suffered heavy casualties, and the officers and men of the 52nd Division also paid the price of nearly 200 deaths. The county government and the 52nd Division finally broke through the Japanese encirclement and successfully retreated to Shuikou Jiangpai and Guangdehang Village. According to the old man Hu Axin, the Battle of Mopanling was fought for a whole day, and the gunfire was constant, and even the bamboo grass and trees were flattened.

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(Mopanling Trail)

From April 20 to 30, 1930 of the Republic of China, 3 Japanese aircraft bombed Changxing Si'an, Heping, Shuikou, Hexi and other places eight times, dropping 92 bombs, killing 32 people, wounding 74 people, and destroying 491 houses.

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(Martyrs' Monument to the Taiyi Hall in a village of BaduYakata)

From August 27 to September 2, 1930 of the Republic of China, the Japanese puppet army carried out autumn "sweeping". More than 2,000 Japanese puppet troops participated in the autumn sweep, during which a total of 140 civilians were shot and killed, 53 were wounded, and more than 3,299 houses were burned. Under the leadership of division commander Tian Zhongyi, the new Seventh Division of the Sichuan Army fought fiercely with the Japanese and Puppets for several days in Baduyao, sacrificing 60 to 70 people, and after the war, the Changxing County Government of the Republic of China was forced to move from Baduyu to Changchaojiao to work. According to the old man Zhang Yuehua, Rikou killed seven people in Baijia Village alone, and killed a fool who did not escape in Panjia Village.

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(New Seventh Division Badge)

In September 1930, the Sixth Theater of operations of the Chinese army took the initiative to launch an offensive and carried out the Second Battle of Changsha, in which Chen Jian, from the third guarantee of Guandai Township (present-day Bijia Natural Village, Xinxing Village, Lincheng Town), was martyred in the unprecedented battle of Chunhua Mountain.

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In 1942

In January 31, the Chinese Expeditionary Force entered Burma to fight, and Hua Zhenlin, a "grandmaster" level figure of the Chinese signal corps, served as a senior staff officer and commander of the signal corps of lieutenant generals stationed in Yunnan.

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On July 7, 1931, Wu Changda, a young man from Baoqiao Township and head of the Field Service Corps of National Sun Yat-sen University, died heroically when he was surrounded by the enemy in Jiangxi. In 1988, he was posthumously recognized as a revolutionary martyr by the People's Government of Zhejiang Province.

In 1943

In the spring of the 32nd year of the Republic of China, the Changxing County Government of the Republic of China and the New 7th Division established the Anti-Japanese Memorial Cemetery in Zhangling, and The Commander of the Division Tian Zhongyi inscribed The Following:

Changling cloud seal, Hexi fog. Gu Lai fought several times back, brave and benevolent, and did not look at it.

The moon in Taihu Lake is cold, and the wind is miserable. Where is the dream, for the male is a ghost, a thousand years like life.

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(Zhangling Cemetery Ruins and Restored Cemetery)

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From May to June 1932, Tang Minshi, a Kuomintang lieutenant general born in Changxing, led the Nationalist 72nd Army to participate in the Battle of Western Hubei, and at the end of the year participated in the Battle of Changde.

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In the autumn of the 32nd year of the Republic of China, the Japanese army gathered more than 20,000 troops to attack the National Army troops in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui, and the Nationalist troops basically withdrew from Changxing. The Changxing County government of the Republic of China was also forced to retreat to Wangjia Village in Heping Zhouwu Mountain, controlling only a few areas such as the southern mountainous areas.

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(Wangjia Village)

In November 32 of the Republic of China, the 16th Brigade of the New Fourth Army, led by brigade commander Wang Bicheng and political commissar Jiang Weiqing, entered the northwestern mountains of Changxing and opened up the Anti-Japanese Base Area of Langguangchang.

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(Commander of the 16th Brigade, (from left to right: Jiang Weiqing, Yuan Zhongchao, Wang Bicheng)

In 1944

In February 1933, Hu Bingyun, a farmer of changchao, led the Anti-Japanese Self-Defense Forces to ambush Japanese motorboats in Tianpingqiao Township, achieving brilliant results.

In February and March of the 33rd year of the Republic of China, the Changxing County Cpc Committee and the Anti-Japanese Democratic Government were established in Huaikanqiaoxia Village, and local governments at all levels were rapidly developed in the county.

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(Coal Mountain New Locust Qiao Xia Village)

On March 29, 1933, the main 48th Regiment of the 16th Brigade of the New Fourth Army (regimental commander Liu Beisheng, nicknamed Commander Fang) ambushed the Japanese Xiaolin Squadron and a brigade of the Wang Puppet Army in Guangdehang Village, killing and wounding more than 70 Japanese puppet troops in one fell swoop and capturing one 92nd infantry artillery. The infantry gun is now preserved in the Military Museum.

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(Wang Bicheng led his generals in front of the captured 92nd Infantry Artillery)

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(On the night of August 23, 1944, Huang Zuhuang, commander of a battalion of the 48th Regiment, commanded the use of captured 92nd infantry artillery to force the Baifu puppet army to surrender and forcefully attack Hexi)

From June 23 to August 8, 19333, the Battle of Hengyang, known as the "Defense Of Moscow in the East", was fought, and the Jin Qianren of Huangpu Eighteenth Period and Changxing Pheasant Town participated in this battle.

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From August 23 to August 26, 1933 of the Republic of China, the 16th Brigade of the New Fourth Army launched the Battle of Changxing in the Anhui border of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and attacked the county seat of Changxing on the 25th. Its 46th Regiment, 48th Regiment, and 2nd Independent Regiment each attacked on the 60-mile front from Yixing to Changxing, conquering 13 Japanese and puppet strongholds, destroying more than 60 pillboxes, killing and wounding more than 110 Japanese puppet troops, capturing more than 420 Wang puppet troops, and liberating three-quarters of the Changxing area.

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Day reading Landscape Changxing | Changxing Anti-Japanese War image

(The above picture shows the capture of the hexi town bunker on the left, and the fire line newspaper report on the Battle of Changxing on the right)

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(After the Battle of Changxing, the relevant generals commemorated the seventh anniversary of the founding of the New Fourth Army in Huaikan)

On December 14, 1933, the 48th Regiment of the 16th Brigade of the 1st Division of the New Fourth Army (regimental commander Liu Beisheng and political commissar Luo Weidao) made a long-distance attack on si'an town, a major military town at the junction of Zhejiang and Anhui, and under the personal command of General Wang Bicheng, the "Tiger Regiment" annihilated two battalions of the 143rd Regiment of the 34th Division of the enemy puppet army stationed in the town in one fell swoop, and won a great victory in Si'an. Yan'an's "Liberation Daily" reported under the title of "The New Fourth Army of Southern Jiangsu Braved Snow to Attack the Enemy -- Conquering si'an Town in Changxing County."

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(In the picture above is Liu Beisheng, the commander of the 48th Regiment, Zeng Dansheng on the left, Huang Zuhuang, the battalion commander on the right, and General Huang Zuhuang is the son-in-law of Si'an Village in Changxing)

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Day reading Landscape Changxing | Changxing Anti-Japanese War image

In 1945

On January 6, 1934, Su Yu, commander of the First Division of the New Fourth Army, led more than 300 people from the Seventh Regiment of the Third Brigade and local cadres to cross the river south and reach Yangfengjiao in Huaikan Township, where they met the 46th Regiment, 48th Regiment and the Independent Second Regiment of the 16th Brigade led by Jiang Weiqing and Wang Bicheng in November 1943; The next day, Tao Yong, commander of the Third Brigade, led the brigade headquarters and the first and fourth regiments of special agents to Changxing.

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(Yangfeng Village, where the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Military Region is located)

On January 13, the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Military Region was established in Huaikan Township, Changxing County, with unified command of troops in southern Jiangsu and eastern Zhejiang, with Su Yu as commander, Liu Xiansheng as chief of staff, and Zhong Qiguang as deputy director of the Political Department; The Jiangsu-Zhejiang Military Region has three columns under its jurisdiction, and the commanders are Wang Bicheng, He Kexi, and Tao Yong. The Jiangsu-Zhejiang Military Region was one of the 19 liberated areas in the country at that time, and during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, there were General Su Yu, General Ye Fei and General Zhong Qiguang, Lieutenant General Peng Lin, Liu Xiansheng, Wang Bicheng, and Lieutenant General Tao Yong, as well as well-known personalities such as Jiang Weiqing, Yuan Zhongchao, Hui Yuyu, and Luo Gengmo, as well as famous martyrs such as Wei Yiping, Liu Beisheng, Rao Huitan, Zhu Kejing, and Yang Gensi who sacrificed their lives.

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(Jiangsu-Zhejiang Military Region Memorial Hall by General Ye Fei inscription)

On February 5, 1934, the inaugural meeting of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Military Region was held in Changxing Huaikan Wentang.

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(The inaugural meeting of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Military Region was held in Wentang, Huaikan Township)

On the 22nd of the same month, the New Fourth Army Jiangsu and Zhejiang Public School was founded in Taiji Village, with Su Yu as the principal and Jiang Weiqing and Luo Gengmo as the vice principals. The slogan "There are no Whampoa officers here, only veteran soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles, no bachelors and doctors here, only revolutionaries with valuable experience" still exists today.

Day reading Landscape Changxing | Changxing Anti-Japanese War image

(Suzhe Public School)

On April 23, 1934, General Ye Fei led three main regiments of the Teaching Brigade reorganized from the First Division and The First Brigade of the New Fourth Army to the south, joined Su Yu, and served as the deputy commander of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Military Region and the commander of the Fourth Column. The current memorial hall of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Military Region is inscribed by General Ye Fei.

Day reading Landscape Changxing | Changxing Anti-Japanese War image

On August 19, 1934, changxing county was restored. After the Japanese Emperor announced his unconditional surrender on August 15, the New Fourth Army's Su-Zhejiang Military Region, in accordance with Mao Zedong's statement "The Last Battle Against the Japanese Kou" and the order of Commander-in-Chief Zhu De, issued the "New Fourth Army's Ultimatum to the Japanese Garrison," liberating more than 100 towns and strongholds, including Langxi, Guangde, Gaochun, Yixing, Liyang, Lishui, Jintan, Jurong, Changxing, and Wuxing.

Day reading Landscape Changxing | Changxing Anti-Japanese War image

Today, 77 years later, the smoke of gunfire has long since dissipated, but after experiencing the long-term prosperity of the eight-year national War of Resistance, the tragic and magnificent stories should not be forgotten, nor will they be forgotten!