
Seeing Good to Goodness and Inspiring Endeavor丨 Take "China's Good Man" and "Mushroom King" Ding Lunbao as an example

author:Minhao Media
Seeing Good to Goodness and Inspiring Endeavor丨 Take "China's Good Man" and "Mushroom King" Ding Lunbao as an example

Author 丨Tanli

Seeing Good to Goodness and Inspiring Endeavor丨 Take "China's Good Man" and "Mushroom King" Ding Lunbao as an example

The good man of China and the king of mushrooms - Ding Lunbao

How much light and heat can an ordinary person burst out? Again and again, "flying cornices to the wall", again and again careful care, Li Peisheng, Hu Xiaochun with the original intention to adhere to the post, with the responsibility to practice the mission, in the ordinary to create extraordinary. Huangshan is also enriched by the "good Chinese people" like them.

Seeing Good to Goodness and Inspiring Endeavor丨 Take "China's Good Man" and "Mushroom King" Ding Lunbao as an example

So far, the "China Good People List" has been published 150 issues, and a total of 16228 people (groups) have been selected. "Good Chinese people" are also ordinary people, but they have extraordinary beauty. "Mushroom King" Ding Lunbao, for 41 years, has been enthusiastic about public welfare, helping the disabled and helping the poor, interpreting with great love to help others get rid of poverty and become rich, traditional virtues... Regardless of identity, age, or profession, they have used their enthusiasm and hard shoulders, struggle and creation, to support the value benchmark, polish the moral starry sky, and are well-deserved spiritual civilization "frontrunners".

Seeing Good to Goodness and Inspiring Endeavor丨 Take "China's Good Man" and "Mushroom King" Ding Lunbao as an example

Reverence for virtue and goodness is a historical endowment, and it is also a spiritual character that needs to be promoted in particular at present. Society is developing rapidly, and contradictions are prominent. Some people are self-moved and rarely act, some people are impetuous and impetuous, and some people use "Buddhism" to cover up inertia, "lie flat" to evade responsibility, and reduce moral standards on the grounds of insufficient ability.

Seeing Good to Goodness and Inspiring Endeavor丨 Take "China's Good Man" and "Mushroom King" Ding Lunbao as an example

The height of life may be different, but the ordinary is not mediocre, and virtue cannot be discounted. Ordinary is the essence of life, extraordinary is the pursuit of life. If you take the burden forward as a loss, treat selfless dedication as a fool, and regard exploration and innovation as an obstacle, you will rub shoulders with the scenery along the way and will not be able to reach the other side of the ideal. Forgetting the original intention, losing the goal, being indifferent and selfish, and doing nothing is a personal misfortune, but also a social regret.

Seeing Good to Goodness and Inspiring Endeavor丨 Take "China's Good Man" and "Mushroom King" Ding Lunbao as an example

"Whoever is famous in all the worlds will precede the subtle things." Ordinary can rise, break the cocoon to change, luck will not fall from the sky, heroes do not come out of thin air. Ordinary people can get an extraordinary life, and ordinary work can create extraordinary achievements. Without years and months of effort, there will be no extraordinary and shining performance, without the persistence of taking root in rural education, there will be no good story of passing on the torch, without the persistence of fame and fortune, there will be no boundless dedication of great love, and without perseverance, it will be impossible to face difficulties and stand up at critical moments. Virtue is not tired of small, dripping into the sea, good does not refuse micro, gather sand into a tower. Relying on ordinary life, taking daily work as the foundation, not chasing Chinese names, not engaging in false things, simple and subtle accumulation and precipitation, we can build a solid civilization tower.

Seeing Good to Goodness and Inspiring Endeavor丨 Take "China's Good Man" and "Mushroom King" Ding Lunbao as an example

The "good people of China" are in the sea of people and are also around. The correct outlook on life, the world, and the values are not profound, and the greatness in the ordinary can be seen everywhere. "Morality is the body, so do not be confused by things." People need examples and models, not only because good people are like mirrors, but also because good social morality, professional ethics, family virtues, and personal virtues can reflect people's inner goodness, but also because good people are like beacons, illuminating the way forward and direction. A beacon of guardian spirit, a group of good people can light up a city. Sowing the seeds of truth, goodness and beauty can warm people's hearts. A touching story of good people is like a "spiritual rich mine", which nourishes people's hearts and minds.

Seeing Good to Goodness and Inspiring Endeavor丨 Take "China's Good Man" and "Mushroom King" Ding Lunbao as an example

The importance and concern for moral construction should be implemented in the sincere care for the good people around us. Affirm the value of every ordinary profession, pay attention to the unknown hard work, and reward the material and spiritual double rewards, so that the good deeds of mortals can be praised as they deserve. Honor and recognition are not overnight "personal labels", but should be the inheritance and promotion of spiritual values. Exemplary deeds should be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the transmission of love must be long-lasting, and noble character deserves to be carried forward.

Seeing Good to Goodness and Inspiring Endeavor丨 Take "China's Good Man" and "Mushroom King" Ding Lunbao as an example

Deeply implement the construction project of civic morality, actively cultivate and practice the core socialist values, deepen the mass spiritual civilization creation activities, and innovate forms to transform the exemplary power of "Good Chinese People" into the vivid practice of cadres and the masses. Create a social atmosphere in which everyone respects good people and treats good people with courtesy, so that people will take the initiative to express themselves to the good, strive to be good citizens of society, good employees of units, and good members of the family, and bring light and strength to the country.

Seeing Good to Goodness and Inspiring Endeavor丨 Take "China's Good Man" and "Mushroom King" Ding Lunbao as an example

No one is a self-contained island, and everyone is like a small piece of dirt, connected to the whole land. Do every task well in a down-to-earth manner, conscientiously do every little thing well, dedicate light and heat in the ordinary, gather upward and upward forces in seeing good deeds, and realize the fertile soil of spiritual civilization for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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