
The Bird Atlas can't keep up with the birds moving in

author:Guangming Daily

Guyuan, August 28, reporters Wang Jianhong and Zhang Wenpan were interviewed in Ningxia Liupanshan National Nature Reserve a few days ago, and saw a copy of the "Liupanshan Bird Atlas" published in November 2019. Opening this atlas, 200 species of birds of 17 orders and 46 families jumped on the paper, and each bird stretched out as if it were a forest spirit. But what bothered the staff was that the atlas, which had been published less than two years ago, was "outdated": by August 20 this year, the staff of the reserve and "bird powder" had discovered 34 new species of birds.

Liupan Mountain is located on the Loess Plateau, and once "the mountain was the head of a monk, and the lack of water was like a lack of oil". Ningxia Liupanshan Nature Reserve covers an area of 678 square kilometers, spanning the three counties of Jingyuan, Longde and Pengyang in Guyuan City, and is an important part of the Liupanshan-Meridian Ridge Priority Area, one of the 32 inland biodiversity conservation priority areas in China. After several generations of 53 years of continuous greening, the forest coverage rate of the nature reserve has nearly tripled to 64.5% today, and the accumulation of living standing wood accounts for half of Ningxia.

Whether the ecology is good or not, the birds know best. In order to find out the home of birds in Liupanshan National Nature Reserve, in the 1980s and 2011, the reserve twice organized forces to conduct special surveys of birds in the area, recording 15 orders, 36 families and 158 species of birds.

In 2016, Liupanshan National Nature Reserve once again carried out a special survey of birds, this survey is not only advanced in technology, but also widely mobilized multi-party forces to participate, the use of high-quality photographic equipment and equipment, lasted 3 years, the discovery of each bird image record and different time periods of record certification, a total of 17 orders 46 families of 200 species of birds were recorded. Not only have the species of birds increased by 42 species in 2 orders and 10 families than before, but also the figures of black storks and bearded vultures, which are national first-level key protected birds, have been found for the first time. In 2019, the relevant parties combined these bird photos into a book and named it "Liupanshan Bird Atlas", which is also the first time that a book has been written for birds since the establishment of the reserve.

"Our map can't keep up with the changes in the bird category!" In Xiaonanchuan, Guo Zhihong, deputy director of the office of the Liupanshan National Nature Reserve and Forest Park Administration, carried a bird "long cannon" and "clicked" a close-up of a bird parked on the branches of the stream. He said it was the sandpiper, a "water quality expert", where they can survive, the water can be directly drinkable, and there are currently 9 to 12 such birds in the reserve. One evening last April, he also saw the yellow-legged fishing owl in the Erlong River, the first national second-level protected species to be found in the genus Liupanshan.

As the main editor of the Liupanshan Bird Atlas, Guo Zhihong's "troubles" are sweet: "The ecology is getting better and better, which will attract birds and other animals to 'vote with their feet'." We welcome birds to LiupanShan to punch in and add a new page to the Bird Atlas. ”

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