
How much do you really know about your favorite grapes?

author:Popular Science Tianjin Cloud

Gradually into autumn, the season to eat grapes has arrived! Round, oval, verdant, purple... The variety of grapes makes you simply unable to eat.

Grapes are a very widely grown fruit in temperate regions and should also be one of the most popular fruits in the world.

How much do you really know about your favorite grapes?

So, how much do you really know about the grapes you love to eat?

How much do you really know about your favorite grapes?

What is grapes

Grapes are famous fruits, raw food or made of raisins, and winemaking, after winemaking feet can be lifted tartaric acid, roots and vines can be used medicinally to stop vomiting, safe tires.

The grape is one of the oldest fruit tree species in the world, and plant fossils of grapes were found in tertiary strata, indicating that they were found in Europe, Asia and Greenland at that time. Native to western Asia, the grapes are cultivated all over the world, and about 95% of the grapes from all over the world are concentrated in the northern hemisphere.

How much do you really know about your favorite grapes?

The sweet grapes we often eat belong to the "fresh food" variety, and there is a large category of grapes used for special winemaking, which are generally smaller, more sour in taste, and have a lower sweetness.

On the food composition table, 100 grams of grapes (mean) contain 10.3 grams of carbohydrates, providing 44 kcal of calories, which is a moderate level in fruits. But there are also super sweet varieties in grapes, and the sugar content can reach 16% to 20%.

How much do you really know about your favorite grapes?

Why you don't need to spit on grapes

As a fruit, grapes are not only delicious, but also contain a lot of nutrients. According to the "Chinese Food Composition Table (2018)", each 100 grams of grapes contains 37 kcal of energy, 88.5 grams of water, 0.2 grams of fat, 0.4 grams of protein, and 8.5 grams of carbohydrates. In addition, there are a variety of minerals, such as potassium 119 mg, sodium 1.5 mg, calcium 17 micrograms, phosphorus 13 mg, etc., often eat grapes for neurasthenia, excessive fatigue is of great benefit.

How much do you really know about your favorite grapes?

Chinese medicine believes that grapes are flat, sweet and sour, into the lungs, spleen, kidney meridians, has the effect of tonifying qi and blood, benefiting the liver and kidneys, shengjin liquid, strengthening muscles and bones, suppressing cough and eliminating annoyance, tonifying qi and blood, and toning urination.

The grape skins that we spit out also have a lot of nutritional value. Scientific research has found that grape skins contain resveratrol, which is a polyhydroxyphenol compound, which is richer than grape meat, and the literature shows that polyphenols in grape skins account for about 25-50% of the total phenols in grapes, which in addition to playing antioxidant and cardiovascular protection roles, also contribute to anti-cancer.

How much do you really know about your favorite grapes?

At the same time, the grape skin is also rich in cellulose, the fiber in the grape skin is mainly polysaccharides, lignin and nitrogen-containing substances, of which the content of total dietary fiber is more than 75% of dry matter, while the content of water-soluble dietary fiber accounts for more than 15% of the total dietary fiber content, and the pectin content is the most abundant.

As we all know, a suitable dietary fiber intake can help gastrointestinal peristalsis, promote the digestion and absorption of food, facilitate the excretion of feces, and prevent constipation. Regular supplementation of dietary fiber can not only maintain a healthy physique, but also effectively prevent coronary heart disease, diabetes and other diseases.

Article source: Popular Science China Baidu Encyclopedia

How much do you really know about your favorite grapes?


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