
The "invasive fish" that has lived in the south for 40 years has loose spines and meaty flesh, and many people can't tell what to eat

author:Rabbits on the go

There are too many species that invade the mainland, and the crayfish that we often "show off" in the summer are one of them, as well as the scavenger who eats garbage, the destructive Canadian yellow flower, the Fushou snail like the field snail, the tilapia that floods in China, and so on, all of which are exotic species.

The "invasive fish" that has lived in the south for 40 years has loose spines and meaty flesh, and many people can't tell what to eat

Most of them are annoying, so that other local fish and plants can't live. But to say that the most successful species of invasion, it may be said that this fish, because it looks universal, many people go to the market to buy fish, only know that it is fish, it looks similar, do not know that many merchants take it as other fish sold to customers at high prices, you say delicious, the key is that this fish is particularly unpalatable, stingy, but also with the scavengers, everything is eaten, it is simply a big scourge.

It is the Wheat Ray, also known as the Wheat Carp, which was introduced from India to the south of the mainland in 1982 and has now survived in many ponds on the mainland, as long as it is distributed in Guangxi Guangdong, Fujian and other areas. And many people can't tell the reason for it, is that it looks too similar to the grass carp, the appearance is very similar, but the eyes of the wheat carp have red, the grass carp does not, the next time you go to buy fish to learn this trick, you will not be deceived again.

The "invasive fish" that has lived in the south for 40 years has loose spines and meaty flesh, and many people can't tell what to eat

Wheat carp mainly live at the bottom of ponds, but sometimes they also look for food on the shore. Why is it flooding in the South? Because it cannot survive in the low temperature, it cannot live in the north, and the low temperature here refers to the survival when the temperature is 7 degrees Celsius.

The wheat carp that likes to jump is large, has a strong ability to adapt to the environment, and the largest can be 8,000 kilograms, which looks very similar to grass carp. The sides of the body are symmetrical, the head is small and pointed, the body is large, the tail is large, the scales are also very large, the belly is silver, the color on the back is dark gray, the color of the fins on the stomach is red, and the fins on the back are dark gray, which allows you to hide yourself in the water.

The "invasive fish" that has lived in the south for 40 years has loose spines and meaty flesh, and many people can't tell what to eat

Wheat carp with a small head and a large body is not only not tasty, but also has many thorns, and the fish is very loose. If someone goes out fishing and catches them, they are basically not eaten, they will be given away, because it is not delicious at all, and it wastes oil, ingredients, etc. when cooking, it is not delicious at all, and there is no difference from eating grass.

And this situation has to do with what they eat. As mentioned earlier, they like to live at the bottom of the lake, that is, the bottom of the water, so what is the bottom of the water? It's usually rotten stuff, and these are their staple foods, that is, rotten plants, and occasionally eat some plankton.

The "invasive fish" that has lived in the south for 40 years has loose spines and meaty flesh, and many people can't tell what to eat

They are not picky eaters and have become the overlords of the water, which makes it impossible for many native fish to survive, because they are too numerous, living on the mainland for 40 years, and have reached the point of flooding. If so, why was it introduced in the first place? Although cooking them is not delicious, it has another effect, that is, it is made into a commodity, and then sold, such as fish tofu, canned mud carp materials, is derived from them.

The "invasive fish" that has lived in the south for 40 years has loose spines and meaty flesh, and many people can't tell what to eat
The "invasive fish" that has lived in the south for 40 years has loose spines and meaty flesh, and many people can't tell what to eat

Of course, the reason for their proliferation, the first is the lack of natural enemies, the second is the good living conditions, and the third is that many people can't tell the difference, mistaking them for grass carp and so on. Finally, I hope that after reading this article, you can distinguish them, and if you catch them in the process of fishing, do not release them, after all, they are too many.

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