
Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

author:Cosmic Encyclopedia

1. Golden Arrow Poison Frog

The poison dart frog is the most beautiful frog in the world and one of the most toxic species. Among them, the golden arrow poison frog is one of the most toxic species

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

Poison dart frogs have a special male juvenile behavior, this frog female adult is larger than the male adult, but does not feed offspring. Mating between male and female often occurs near the orys plants that inhabit the fallen wood, not because the poison dart frog admires the beauty of the flowers, but because the alternating leaves of these plants form a small "pond" that provides a place for the frog eggs to develop. Males and females mate, and the female frogs leave quietly after laying their eggs in the water, and only the male patiently takes care of the offspring. Once the egg develops into a tadpole, the male carries the tadpole to different places with a moderate amount of water, because the tadpole is carnivorous, and the two tadpoles together will kill each other. The toxicity of a single poison dart frog can kill ten adults

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

The English name for this frog comes from the Colombian Angbila blowing arrows, which often add venom before dart hunting.

2. Brown Eo snake

The brown Iso snake is the most widely distributed venomous snake in Australia. This species has also been found in southern New Guinea, but according to recent studies, it is possible that these snakes are another new species. The brown Yi'ao snake is very venomous, ranking among the top three venomous snakes in the world. Once threatened, the brown Eo snake will flatten the narrow neck skin and raise the front of the body before launching the attack. Feeds on frogs, toads, small mammals and other snakes. This snake, the neurotoxin is very violent, and has a huge toxin gland, once bitten, in dozens of minutes can die,

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

3. Black mamba snake

The black mamba (scientific name: Dendroaspis polylepis), also known as the "black tree cobra", is the second largest terrestrial venomous snake, and is also the largest of the mamba snakes, with an average body length of 2 meters and a maximum of 4.3 meters, the black mamba snake is also the fastest attacking snake. Black mamba snake is the largest venomous snake in Africa, known as the African god of death, black mamba snake in addition to other mamba snakes, perched on the tree, but also on the ground hunting, mainly small mammals such as rats for food, but also prey on lizards, small birds and so on.

The black mamba is perhaps one of the deadliest snakes in Africa, as poisonous as the golden cobra, for example

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

The black mamba snake has a record of injury, and the drum-bellied viper and other cases caused by the local area are more numerous and may be more dangerous; but if it is about aggression, it must be the black mamba snake. The black mamba, on the other hand, uses neurotoxins that paralyze the nervous system of its prey. On average, 10-15 mg of black mamba snake venom can kill an adult, while the amount of venom of black mamba snake is 100-120 mg, up to 200 mg, which is enough to kill 13-20 people or a giraffe weighing 600 kg, so the consequences of being bitten by a black mamba snake are quite serious, usually within an hour of being bitten, and the fastest time to die can reach 15-30 minutes after being bitten.

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

4. Palestinian scorpion,

The most poisonous scorpion on Earth, the Palestinian scorpion, lives in Israel and elsewhere in the Far East. It is the most poisonous scorpion on the planet, and at the end of its long claw is a chelating needle with a lot of venom, and if you don't pay attention to stab you, the powerful venom released by the claw needle makes you extremely painful, convulsive, paralyzed, and even heart stopped or respiratory failure.

5. Poisonous catfish

Lycaenidae belongs to the family Lycaenidae of the order yóu; also known as stone

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

The poisonous catfish, the "ninja" under the sea; disguised as an inconspicuous stone, its hard spines have a deadly poison, if stabbed by the thorn of the stone fish, the toxin immediately invades the human body, the light causes swelling and pain, and the heavy one may cause spasms and coma. Often wait for the arrival of food in the same way as waiting for the rabbit.

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

It is a genus of warm-water demersal fish. It often lies between near-shore coral reefs and rock reefs, with thick skin on the dorsal fin spines, poisonous sacs at the base, and unbearable pain after stabbing. It is mainly distributed in the tropical seas of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, and China is only found in the South China Sea. The body length is generally 15-25 cm, and the weight is 300-500 G.

6. Funnel spider

The funnel spider is one of the most venomous spiders in the world. He lives in the suburbs of Sydney, Australia. It carries enough venom to kill 5 to 8 people, and if it bites, it will die within 15 minutes. The largest funnel spider is the size of a palm and has 1 cm long poisonous fangs that are capable of piercing a person's toenails.

Funnel spiders like to hide in dark, damp, cool places, such as: under rocks, under rotten leaf piles, in cracks in logs, in shady corners of jungles, etc. In the garden, however, they only inhabit the crevices of rockeries or in thick piles of leaves, and they are not seen in open places like lawns. Most funnel spiders extend their irregular webs from their territory to all sides, while the center of the web hosts the territory. These webs can convey a variety of messages to their owners, such as the prey being caught in the net, the mate coming to the door, and the danger coming.

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

Rain sometimes washes away their habitat on rainy days, which makes male spiders work hard to rebuild their homes, and they do it more aggressively. Because the biggest weakness of funnel spiders is that they can't adapt to dry environments, the humid environment will make them feel more comfortable and more energetic. Night naturally becomes a time for them to be active. However, throughout the year, people can always see the figure of funnel spiders when they repair the garden.

Funnel spiders are extremely aggressive, lifting their hind legs when disturbed and constantly biting their victims. In addition to feeling severe pain, the victim sweats profusely, and then the venom enters the nerves and kills the person, a process that takes only a few minutes. Although male spiders are smaller than female spiders, their venom is 5 times more toxic than female spiders. Although poisonous spiders are highly venomous, the virulence of funnel spiders can only be fatal to primates, including humans, and dogs.

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

7. Too climb the snake

The Taipan snake is a large member of the genus Taipan and the largest venomous snake in Australia. It is found along the eastern and northern coasts of Australia, as well as on the islands of New Guinea. According to experimental white rat LD50 subcutaneous injection data from several toxicological reports, this species ranks third in terrestrial venomous snakes. This snake bite also caused a clinical fatality rate of 100%. There are two identified subspecies under its jurisdiction.

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

The climbing snake is one of the most venomous snakes on land and one of the fastest continuous attacks, so fast that you can't see it with your eyes, its bite is about 110 mg of strong toxin, and the venom can kill 100 adults and 500,000 rats.

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

This snake is different from other snakes, the general snake will bite the prey when attacking, and inject the venom, but the Taipan snake can inject the venom as long as it bites, so the Taipan snake will bite first, it will immediately retreat to see how the situation is, and when the prey falls, the Taipan snake will come forward to eat it.

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

Researchers say it is the fastest snake to attack continuously because after a human was bitten by this snake, the person said that he was bitten, but when he actually observed it, he saw that he had been bitten 3-4 times.

After being bitten by the Taipan snake, the symptoms that appear are also different from other snakes, and after being bitten by it, yours

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

The blood doesn't clott, but your seven holes will bleed slightly, and after a while you'll see overlapping images of things around you, after which your whole body will slowly stop, causing paralysis and suffocation.

When you are bitten by a Taipan snake, if you do not inject the Taipan snake antivenom within a few minutes and get proper treatment, you will undoubtedly die.

It can also cause heavy bleeding, severe muscle damage and kidney failure in the victim, and its toxins contain toxic proteins that destroy muscle tissue and prevent blood from clotting.

8. Blue ring octopus

The blue-ringed octopus (scientific name: Hapalochlaen maculosa) is a very small species of octopus with an arm span of no more than 15 cm. It can feed small fish, crabs, shrimp and crustaceans, and paralyzes prey with a strong toxin (tetrodotoxin). In the ocean, the blue-ringed octopus is one of the most poisonous creatures, and a bite from this small octopus can kill people. But these octopuses don't actively attack humans unless they are greatly threatened.

The blue-ringed octopus and the box jellyfish are two of the most poisonous marine organisms, and the venom in their bodies can be counted after the attack

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

Blue-ringed octopus

Minutes are built into the dead, and there is still no way to detoxify in medicine. There is almost no pain after being stung by this octopus, and it is an hour before the toxicity begins to attack. Fortunately, blue-ringed octopuses are not aggressive and rarely attack humans.

The blue-ringed octopus is one of the most venomous animals known to be poisonous. Despite its fairly small size, a blue-ringed octopus carries enough toxins to kill 26 adults at a time in minutes. There is currently no effective antitoxin to prevent it. The venom of the octopus can prevent blood clotting, causing the wound to bleed heavily, and it feels stinging, and finally the whole body has a fever, difficulty breathing, the heavy ones are fatal, and the light ones also need to be treated for three or four weeks to restore health.

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

The toxin of the blue-ringed octopus is a highly toxic neurotoxin that is very lethal to organisms with nervous systems, including us humans. When an organism is attacked by an octopus, the toxin interferes with the base's own nervous system in the subject's body, causing neurological disorders, which are often fatal. When toxins are injected into an organism, toxic molecules spread rapidly, toxins destroy the living system of the organism, and each toxic molecule looks for a place for connections between nerve cells in the organism, where they intercept specific chemicals that direct limb movements to relay information.

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

The nervous system was thus destroyed, and the entire nervous system of the target was paralyzed, and although it was still alive, it was powerless to resist and was at the mercy of the blue-ringed octopus. In the human body, the toxin of the blue-ringed octopus invades all the muscles dominated by the human brain, and although the attacked person is conscious, he cannot communicate or breathe. If he does not do artificial respiration, he will gradually suffocate. However, most of them were paralyzed and drowned

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

The toxins secreted by blue-ringed octopuses contain tetrodotoxin, a serotonin, hyaluronidase, amine-p-ethylphenol, histamine, tryptophan acid, hydroxyphenylethanolamine, taurine, acetylcholine, and dopamine. The main neurotoxin was previously thought to be a substance called maculotoxin, but it is now confirmed to be tetrodotoxin; this toxin can also be found in puffer fish and snails. Tetrodotoxin has a slightly paralytic effect on the central nervous system and nerve endings,

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

Blue-ringed octopuses block sodium channels in muscles, paralyze muscles, and cause breathing or cardiac arrest. Tetrodotoxin is 10,000 times more toxic than sodium cyanide, and 0.5 mg can cause poisoning and death. Tetrodotoxin is toxic and cannot be destroyed by heating or salting. The toxin of the blue-ringed octopus is present in its salivary glands, however, its toxin is not secreted by itself, but by virions present in the salivary glands. Virions cannot survive independently in nature, they parasitize the salivary glands of octopuses, and when octopuses attack other organisms, virions enter the organism and exert its toxic effects.

9. Aquitrin Sea Snake

Aquitrin sea snake: It lives in tropical waters, mostly in the shallow water belt of the Australian Gulf. It has a large mouth, a slightly cylindrical trunk, an elongated body, and a flattened posterior and caudal side. It is more poisonous than the king cobra, and if it bites it, it will die within tens of minutes.

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!
Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

There are many ways to eat sea snakes, and sea snake meat can be steamed, braised, and boiled in soup. Among them, the sea snake stew turkey is the famous "dragon and phoenix soup". Sea snake meat porridge is a refreshing and detoxifying delicacy. Sea snake soup is sweet and delicious. Sea snake wine can be used as a good medicine to drive wind and blood, and relieve pain.

10. Australian box jellyfish

The Australian box jellyfish is a common name, sea wasp, and the transparent killer of the ocean. It is a jellyfish that lives in Australia and northern New Guinea, the Philippines and Vietnam. They have caused countless injuries or deaths to humans in the world and are considered the deadliest jellyfish. This jellyfish is only about 16 inches long, and it has 4 places where the eyes are concentrated, for a total of 24 eyes.

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

The tentacles of the box jellyfish grow thousands of stinging cells that store venom, and not only malicious attacks, but even the inadvertent scratching of shells or skin can stimulate these tiny stingers. As long as anyone dares to provoke it, it will frantically inject anyone or thing with the most effective neurotoxin known.

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

The Australian box jellyfish is the most toxic jellyfish in the world, one of the most poisonous marine organisms in the world, the third most deadly animal in the world, and the first poison in the world. Once a person is stabbed by its tentacles, it will die in 2-5 minutes. After being stung, the wound must be rinsed with white vinegar. Off the coast of Queensland, Australia, about 60 people have died of poisoning from box jellyfish in 25 years, but at the same time, only 13 people have died in the belly of sharks. The only way to avoid being attacked by sea wasps is to avoid swimming in this jellyfish-infested water. Currently, there are reminders of this jellyfish on all beaches in northeast Australia

Take stock of the world's top 10 most venomous animals!

Australian box jellyfish

Warning signs. Scientists are working to find more effective antidotes and ways to guard against their attacks.

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