
What's going on with sheep teeth grinding?

author:Sheep Breeding Alliance
What's going on with sheep teeth grinding?

Clinically, the diseases with sheep teeth grinding symptoms include the following: 1 sheep hair eating habit 2 lamb E. coli disease 3 sheep enterotoxemia 4 sheep wild fly maggot disease 5 sheep traumatic mitochonarylitis 6 sheep grass root poisoning 7 sheep pregnancy toxemia, and the various diseases and treatment methods that cause sheep bruxism are introduced as follows.

What's going on with sheep teeth grinding?

1. Sheep hair eater

Hair-eating fetishism is a nutrient-deficient disease that occurs mainly in adult sheep and goats, and its main symptom is a voracious coat, often sporadic or endemic in one area.

Sick sheep nibble on their own or other sheep's coat, and mainly on their buttocks. Sheep whose hair is eaten have little hair and large areas of hairlessness. The sick sheep are coarse and brown, their appetite is reduced, they are gradually emaciated, their whole body is weak, and even their appetite is exhausted and they salivate. Some sheep also have symptoms such as teeth grinding, non-excretion, and bloating, and some sheep have diarrhea and abdominal pain. Some sick sheep also have symptoms of eating woolen fabrics, cinder, bones and other pica.

Integrated control: (1) Lambs should be isolated from ewes when they have hair-eating phenomena, and are only allowed to approach when breastfeeding. (2) Provide full-price feed to the ewe, pay attention to the hygiene of the sheep house and clean up the shed wool in time. (3) When a large number of sheep are sick, the feed status should be analyzed in time and targeted supplementary feeding should be carried out. (4) Add sulfur-containing compounds (such as aluminum sulfate, calcium sulfate, ferrous sulfate or copper sulfate, etc.) to the feed or drinking water of sick sheep, and the content of sulfur elements should be controlled at 0.05% of the dry matter of the feed, or 0.75-1.25-g/day per adult sheep. (5) For sick sheep with complicated hairball disease, surgical treatment should be carried out if possible.

2. E. coli disease in lambs

Lamb E. coli disease is an acute fatal infectious disease of lambs caused by pathogenic E. coli, which clinically mainly manifests diarrhea or sepsis.

Sepsis type: mostly occurs in lambs aged 2-6 weeks, the body temperature of sick sheep rises as high as 41 ° C ~ 42 ° C, mental depression, may have mild diarrhea. Some have neurological symptoms such as teeth grinding, and some have swelling and pain in the joints, more than 12 hours after the disease.

Enteritis type: more often than 2-8 days old newborn lambs, mainly manifested by abdominal pain, diarrhea, viscous stool mixed with bubbles or blood, weak, dehydrated, unable to stand. If treatment is not timely, more than 1-2 days of death, the mortality rate is 10% to 20%.

Treatment: E. coli is highly sensitive to oxytetracycline and sulfonamides, and should be used in conjunction with care and other symptomatic therapies.

1. Oxytetracycline 30-50 mg/kg body weight, taken orally in divided doses 2-3 times a day.

2. The first dose of sulfamidine is 1 g/pc, and then 0.5 g is taken orally every 6 hours thereafter.

3. Polyvalent serum can be treated with polyvalent serum due to the large number of E. coli serotypes.

Prevention: Strengthen the feeding management of ewes and improve the disease resistance of newborn lambs. Pay attention to the warmth of the lamb, and the sick lamb is treated in time. Apply 3%-5% to Lysol solution for polluted environments, utensils, etc. to be thoroughly disinfected. Lambs can be injected subcutaneously with the E. coli vaccine developed in China, lambs under 3 months of age are injected with 0.5-l ml each, and sheep aged 3 months to 1 year old are injected with 2 ml each.

3. Sheep intestinal toxicology

Enterotoxemia in sheep is an acute toxemia caused by the proliferation of type D gas-producing capsulata prism in the intestine to produce toxins, which mainly harms sheep. Because of the acute onset, sudden death, and sheep rapid epidemic, so also known as "fast epidemic", but also because of the intestinal bleeding of sick sheep, the kidney is easy to soften after death, so it is called "blood intestine disease" and "soft kidney disease".

What's going on with sheep teeth grinding?

Sudden onset, rapid death, unstable gait before death, lying on the ground, breathing, rapid heartbeat, but body temperature is generally not high. Strong strokes of the limbs, muscle trembling, teeth grinding, mouth and nose foam, head and neck back, coma, often in 2-4 hours to die. Some sick sheep suffer from abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and watery yellow-brown stools.

Treatment: There is no effective treatment for this disease at present, and the following methods can be tried for sick sheep with a slower course of disease.

1. Penicillin 800,000 - 1.6 million units / only, once intramuscular injection, 2 times a day.

2. Sulfamidine 8-12 g / only, the first day of irrigation, thereafter divided into 2 times a day.

3. Chinese herbal formula Cangshu 10 g, rhubarb 10 g, Guanzhong 2 g, gentian 5 g, betel nut 3 g, licorice root 10 g, male yellow 1-5 g. The first 6 flavors of the potion are decocted to take the juice, mixed with male yellow, and then filled with some edible vegetable oil after the medicine.

Prevention: In areas with frequent onset, the sheep enterotoxemia vaccine is given once a year, or the sheep rapid disease, sudden death of sheep, sheep enterotoxemia triple vaccine, or sheep anaphyxia quintile vaccine, each subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of 5 ml. It is also possible to inject 1 ml of Clostridium goat disease multi-dry powder to inactivate seedlings subcutaneously or intramuscularly, and agricultural and pastoral areas should grab less green and stubble in spring and summer, and avoid eating excessive seeded forage in autumn. After the onset of the disease, the circle is moved in time and transferred to a dry area for grazing. For sheep that do not have disease in the flock, 500-1000 ml of 10% to 20% lime milk can be taken orally for prevention

4. Sheep mad fly maggot disease

Sheep rhinophila is a disease caused by the parasitism of the larvae of the sheep rhinophylla (also known as the sheep rhinophyllum) in or near the sheep nasal cavity, with the main lesions being rhinitis and sinusitis.

Adults infest sheep, produce larvae in or around the nostrils, and when the larva moves in the nasal cavity to stimulate the mucous membrane, it can cause sick sheep to sneeze, shake their heads, shake their noses, grind their teeth, grind their noses, edematous eyelids, lacrimation, loss of appetite, wasting, and reduce symptoms after a few months. However, when the larva develops into a third stage, the symptoms are exacerbated by the larvae becoming larger, stiffer and moving towards the nostrils. A small number of stage larvae can enter the sinuses, causing sinusitis and even damaging the meninges, resulting in neurological symptoms.

Treatment: 1. Ivermectin or avermectin 0.2 mg/kg body weight, formulated as a 1% injection, once subcutaneously.

2. Cyanocyanamide 5 mg/kg body weight, taken orally at once.

3. Refined dichlorvos 0.12 g/kg body weight, formulated into a 2% solution, one filling.

Prevention: Strong feeding management, keep the pasture clean and dry. In the endemic areas of this disease, the focus should be on the elimination of larvae, and the nostrils of sheep should be regularly sprayed with 1% of the insects every summer.

5. Traumatic mitral gastric peritonitis in sheep

Traumatic mitangina peritonitis is a disease in which a sheep eats a sharp foreign body, enters the mesh stomach with food, pierces into the reticulogas wall adjacent to the diaphragm, and further penetrates the diaphragm, and can even penetrate the pericardium, causing reticulitis, peritonitis and pericarditis, thereby causing serious disorders of digestive system and heart function.

At the beginning of the disease, the sick sheep are careful, the appetite is reduced, the rumination is reduced, there are chronic symptoms of anterior gastric flaccidity, and the rumen recurs mild diarrhea. During defecation and lying up, painful manifestations such as teeth grinding and moaning often occur, and some body temperature rises. When the foreign body pierces into the pericardium, the sick sheep's systemic symptoms worsen, the spirit is depressed, the body temperature rises up to 40 ° C or more, the muscles tremble, the heart area has a painful response, and the heartbeat is accelerated. When cellulose is deposited in the epicardial membrane and the inner surface of the pericardium, a pericardial friction sound occurs, and if a large amount of liquid oozes, a water beating sound occurs. In the later stages, the jugular veins of the sick sheep are angry, edema appears on the chest and submandibular area, and the body temperature drops to room temperature.

Comprehensive prevention and control: the prevention of this disease is the key, especially pay attention to the cleaning and management of sheep barns, and strictly prevent sharp foreign bodies mixed in the feed. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, a rumenectomy can be done to remove the foreign body, and high-dose antibiotics (such as penicillin, streptomycin 1 million units of intramuscular injection each, for 3-5 days) can be used, and drugs that strengthen the stomach, promote anterior gastric movements and excitatory rumination are given. If traumatic pericarditis or myocarditis is caused, it is advisable to slaughter the sick sheep quickly.

6. Poisoning of the root of the sheep grass

Grass root poisoning is sheep poisoning caused by poisonous yellow cauliflower root, commonly known as "blind eye disease". It is a systemic poisoning disease characterized by the softening of the white matter of the brain and spinal cord, optic nerve degeneration and necrosis. Clinical symptoms such as mydriasis, binocular blindness, paralysis and bladder paralysis are common.

Sheep onset of disease 2-3 days after the consumption of grass root, the main clinical manifestations are loss of appetite or abandonment, sluggishness, teeth grinding, tremor, and later bilateral mydriasis, binocular blindness, and movement disorders, and even paralysis.

Comprehensive prevention and control: the disease should be mainly prevention, every year in the dry grass season in late winter and early spring, it is strictly forbidden to graze in the dense grass area. In areas where grass grows sporadically, poisonous weeds can be removed by manual digging. Sufficient amounts of wintergrass should be stocked to reduce grazing time during the dry season, or a certain amount of hay should be fed before grazing to reduce the sheep's grazing of grass roots.

At present, there is no specific treatment for this disease, and only general symptomatic treatment can be carried out to strengthen nursing care. For sick sheep that have become blind, early elimination should be considered.

7. Amniotic Pregnancy Venomemia

Gestational toxemia in sheep is a subacute metabolic disorder that occurs in ewes at the end of pregnancy. It is characterized by hypoglycemia, ketosis, ketonuria, weakness and blindness. Dairy goats and sheep occur more frequently.

At the beginning of the disease, he was depressed, often sluggish, mydriasis, vision loss, and confusion. Later your mucous membranes are yellowed, your appetite is lost, your teeth are grinding, and your rumination stops. Breathing is shallow and fast, and the exhaled gas has the smell of acetone. Later manifestations are dyskinesias, in severe cases vision loss, tremor, coma, mostly death in 1-3 days.

Treatment: the efficacy is not ideal. Using inositol as a lipid repellent, it promotes fat metabolism, reduces blood lipids, protects liver and detoxifies, and has a better effect. Generally, 25% to 50% glucose injection can be used 150 to 200 ml, vitamin C 0.5 grams, once intravenously, twice a day. It can also be combined with steroid hormone therapy, such as 20 to 30 units of insulin, intramuscular injection. If the above methods are ineffective, it is recommended to perform a caesarean section or artificial induction of labor as soon as possible.

Prevent sheep teeth grinding: Properly match the feed to ensure the sugar, protein, minerals and vitamins necessary for ewes. During pregnancy, specialized nutrition and management should be provided, and moderate nutrition should be avoided in extreme physical states such as wasting and obesity. In the last 2 months of pregnancy, the energy and protein in the feed should be increased, and the daily supply of refined feed should be increased to 1 kg until 2 weeks before delivery. Avoid sudden changes in feeding regimes and increase exercise.

What's going on with sheep teeth grinding?